book 11
The outsiders
Part 1v
By Jimmy Loong
The wisest were just the poor and simple people. They knew the war to be a misfortune, whereas those who were better off, and should have been able to see more clearly what the consequences would be, were beside themselves with joy. Katczinsky said that was a result of their upbringing. It made them stupid. And what Kat said, he had thought about.
- Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet On The Western Front, Ch. 1
The famine which took the lands thus created mayhem then. It was not the fault of the farms around the land, but the devourer of the war. The war took so long and has yet to end, that the people suffered for it. The armies come and they take what is not theirs by force.
It was on the corner near the old tavern next to the butcher, he stood to tell his friends the only way to survive this is to leave. ‘But where do we go? The war is everywhere, armies marched and battle while we slaved for them. This harvest, we had to give to the third successive conqueror. Each time they take and never come back, and then another come.’
He told them to go beyond the hills and valleys, to the new land. To the land where they do not come and take your harvest. There they will grow and hunt for food. They won’t stay to die in this hunger, for their hunger to live override all of this. The people who followed him that day was few, but they picked up more as they walked towards the hill and valleys. Soon they were called the Outsiders. It matter not whom they picked on the journey, but by the praise and blessings of the Gods, they were not harmed by any army who pass them. They may had been verbally intimidated, harassed for food and wealth, for gold but never were they stopped in the journey. Soon the armies avoided them as if they are the plague stricken community.They know that they do not belong here; and as Outsiders they seek outside land.
It took them a full harvest and the start of the next for them to reach the land beyond the hills and valleys. Here they see the blue water and nothing else. They do not see any armies or people who harassed them like before. They believed they have come to the land of the Outsiders. So as Outsiders they built the land for ourselves. But the early days was not easy, as there was not food for the people who now number about thousands. So they sat down with the elders and discussed the options. It was then they decided that the people are to be split into groups of hundreds under their own leader. These leaders will take them to the right and left of where they we are now and some forth, but not backwards. There they will find their own settlements and prosper as the Outsiders. It was agreed then that there will be one great leader as he is the bravest to lead them one day in time of needs. He shall be always called Braven or he is braver than brave, and he is the Great Leader.
The men who lead them was was chosen to be the first, and he lived to that name. He brought up the settlement of the few thousand to lived as one. They fought raiders from across the seas, and also from inland. And they survived the attacks, and rebuilt when lose. Soon they had to fight among ourselves and other settlements, but the dispute is never to overthrow the Great Leader but to elect the bravest. The first Braven fought his battles for over 20 years now, with so many that he lost count. And today, is the day he to retired as Braven. He asked the council to seek one who will take his place. None came forth, but one warrior who wields a battle axe. The warrior speaks nothing except to raise his battle axe and bring it down on the old leader’s head.
They now know who is the next Braven, for only the bravest can sit the seat; one without fear nor emotion. One who may be challenged in the name of Braven. But none can take the name Braven from the Outsiders.
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