Tuesday, August 28, 2012

CWE Book II Part 9

Twenty thousand to be posted here in the city and around it. I will ride with twenty thousand to counter any attacks while the balance of my men guards the second line of defence in three different points. It has been a stand off now of over three months with neither sides moving forth, as if we drew a new border with them. The Pretorians are on the line but they protect their own side of the border on previous Kimble and Nicholas land. But three months of stand off is good as it allowed me to know the officers and men, plus my enemies strength. I lost some men to defection but I also gained some new ones from mercenaries and new recruits. I am most careful with these so I put them in the front to fight first with sworn loyal officers.
I find the attention I am getting very fulfilling so I spent more time with the men. Everywhere I go, I have Dina at my side as she protects me well, from the few attempts on me recently, she was the one who handled them best. Now I will send them who did to me some of my own. I would like to send Dina but she was complaining of not feeling well, and moreover I cannot afford to lose her. So I send some which gold can buy.
I heard that my sister is very upset at her husband, who is soon tire of her has gone on his own grounds. I knew of this as it was me who introduced the new ladies to his life. I wanted their marriage to be like mine, separated by chambers, joined by vows not recited anymore.
But what makes things worse is that Camy is seen in the company of the alcoholic Granus, and their rendezvous ought to be more discreet.
Of my so called wife, he is now in the company of a very old man who is probably telling her stories of his younger exploits. Her son grow with my father but I care not for him or the old man. Let him play with his grandson while I played with my soldiers.

I took the herbs prescribed by the old lady and I hoped it will work. He is too busy now to be concerned on my health. More to it we have a war in the making, and I am needed where he will be. I know he hired the killers to do the next job, and they are good at it. So be it, as someone has to showed the rest of the Lords  that we are not weak and helpless.
I heard reports the the men leading these Outsiders is without a hand and uses a sword there. I know of one man many years ago but he was thought to have died. Maybe he did not and now returned to exert his vengeance. I killed the last Braven as I am sure of it, but now the new leader is also called Braven. There was one lesson which I learn in the school, that sometimes a name can be carried by several as its the name which matters and not the person. There was once an assassin who was reputed to be the best, coming alive and well after several major jobs done, but soon it was found that he died in the earlier one but his brother carried on in his name. So be it that Braven is one of name and not of the person. If that is so, my task to kill Braven is still not close.
The pain that came was very intense and soon the bleeding starts, and I will be well. I wished this pain was that of my child bearing and not that of the loss of one.

I do not understand the words nor do meaning of the amulet in the box passed onto me by Montero, but I understand one thing though, man of certain size never finished eating their meals, as they are constantly eating something. Like now, he is munching on some raw corn while I am still trying to decipher the words I see on the parchment from the box. The amulet looks nice with its radiant color but it held no meaning to me. If Montero passed me this, then he has a message for me.
‘Tiny, do you know why he gave you this?’ Probably my tenth effort to get some other facts from Tiny, but the head still swing with the corn in the mouth. Tiny does not speak much between meals but he is good men to have up here on Red Hill. I have someone which I can spar with and not worried about hitting him as Tiny has a thick skull on him. Its not the same when he hit me with his ‘bo’, and once almost fractured the wrist.
I do have someone to speak to; actually two person, my mistress and the retired old man. Although both of them talk often and I do get to with them when I am not on patrol. The old man also gave me books to read which I find very interesting. But our talks soon spread to the Lords and their stories. Besides this the life there is very serene until one evening I found a break in the rear door to the chambers. I followed the tracks which showed me three men making their way to the chambers. But which one was my concern. That was soon resolved.
The three assassin was in the room, with the old man at the corner, with his sword drawn to defend himself. The corridor outside has three more dead guards and two more in the garden. The three assassins are armed with short swords in both hands. One of them turned towards me and attacked. I jumped aside to swing my ‘bo’ at the attacker which he blocked with his left sword. I twisted my attack stance to bring the bo down towards his legs but he jumped in time to avoid it. His left sword now was aimed at me for my shoulder but I deflected it with my ‘bo’.
It was then the major distraction came in; Tiny was barging into the room with his drawn ‘ob’ on the assassins. He has little finesse in his entry but when one charges in like a bull, and the horns are like the thrusted bo in his hands, you don’t need common sense to jump aside. As no one was prepared for him to come in that way, he caught the two assassins in his charge and they felled through the thin wall to the next room. There Tiny was first to wake up and he took the advantage of hitting the one of the stunned assassins’ still on the floor with his ‘bo’. His other counterpart who was looking at his comrades on the floor was equally stunned by the charge, but was soon out cold with a broken chin. As for mine, I thrusted my bo with a forward thrust on the chest rupturing his heart. If not for Tiny, I may not had finished the fight so easily.
‘I did good, huh. Master told me many times, given my size all I need is to rush forward. No one can stop a rolling boulder unless the person is the wall itself.’ I laughed at Tiny and looked for the old man to assist him. He is hurt but not fatal, and yet he can still laugh at Tiny’s words.
It was then I remembered Mistress Kimi, but she was running through the door directly into me. She embraced me and mutter about me being safe.

Prime Leader Raihan
So it seems my retirement is not without danger, as I invited it when I corresponded with Lord Camlash. We knew each other long and we were once very good friends. Before the current Prime’s, I was with the previous one; in fact the youngest among the predecessor four. As I was the youngest, I used to confer with Lord Camlash on many things as he was a regular visitor to the Grand City. IT was also then I send my only daughter entice him and eventually married him. She was to bore him a daughter who now sits with Lord Micha’s son. But the daughter of mine never knew her grandfather as after the death of my daughter, my relationship with Camlash went to bad. More so, I knew of his planned the ascension of Lord Micha. He forbids me to see her as he consider me a traitor to him. He knows my secrets well.
He also knew of my betrayal of the previous Prime Leader who died on the horse.  It was my action which Genus was to be involved. On recovery I posted Genus to Lord Camlash city as Genus is a good man and does many deeds for the Prime. He was also useful to the Lord as our liaison until his involvement with Claudia. My last clandestine meeting with Lord Camlash was to speak on the possibility of removing the Prime Leader Romus, which I disagreed to do so. We parted and did not meet again. Not until my retirement, when I asked for his permission to stay here.I was hoping to meet my granddaughter here, but instead I met another.
Lately since my retirement here, Lord Camlash has been sending me messages on his land and his son in particular. It was in one of his messages he told me of his twins and how one died. I was surprised at that as no one knew of the twins. Not even Domo’s messages to us the Prime tells us of the twins before. I wrote back to ask him of the next stage if his son was to be unsuitable to ascend. But I never got the reply at all. And today, I have the assassins send over, probably by the son as he could have intercepted my message.
Now I know I am in danger.
I enjoyed my stay here thinking of my letting go my past and moving with the balance of my future. But that has changed now. I need to be back in the power game again. I still have my influence within the Praetorian.

Mistress Kimi
I apologies to Shiven in my chamber later. I told him I was over reacting and please dismissed the display. Shiven was more alarmed than me of my behaviour and he said I could had tripped when I came into the room. We laughed and then we spoke of the other guest.
‘How is the Prime Leader Raihan?’ I asked of the man who is named and now also called as my Godfather, as we were close together and then one day he said I am old enough to be his grandfather. In fact he knew my father and once served with him on one war. I laughed and then said he can be my Godfather as I had none. So it was from that day. But it was a personal secret.
‘He is well, and will recover. I have increased the guards on all of you, and him.’
For some reason, we did not speak for a while until Shiven said he needed to do his patrol. Then I was all alone again. I withdrew the little blanket I made for my son and slept with it. I longed for the warmth of another human being and one who can actually love without conditions.

Grand Lord
Mitchy and Granus are at odds because of a woman, that will be the day I dread has come. I stared into the void in disbelief in listening to the messenger who brought me this news. They had send each threatening messages and if not for both of us old man, our armies would had clashed. This lady in question is none other than my son’s mistress; and like her father, ever scheming for power may had caused this to happen. I will need to bring her in and educate her.
‘Lady Camy, since your behaviour is more unbecoming, I am going to hold you in city walls until further notice. Take her away.’ I hoped I did not make a mistake here.
‘My son, you are a disgrace to us. You removed from your duties and also be kept in the city until I have decided.’
Both of them left me alone in the Hall. I trust Giantus will do the same to his son, and keep those wines away. Now I have to talk to Giantus on the coming war with the Outsiders.

My sister and her husband held at the city on the orders of the Lord; this is absurd and an insult to the family. I will take my call with the Grand Lord. But now I need to win a battle today. I was told Braven is seen in this area called the Shallow Valley, a rather flat valley but good pasture land. Its on the edge of his new border and he rides there this few days. Braven is with five hundred men as his other men are all posted on to the camps or outposts. I can have a personal column of three thousand men there in one day, by grouping in two camps. I want to take on this leader on a battlefield, and I know how to swing the advantage to my side. I set my trap there.
And he will take my trap soon enough.

My spies tells me that Prime Leader is traveling from Red Hill back to his home at the Border, where he will be safe with his Praetorian. He will be passing on the Shallow Valley route, and I intend to see him to convince him to join me. He was like a father to me, when I was in the Praetorian. He send me on those assignment which I learned well and because of it I am now better equip to lead and fight the same soldiers I trained with before. He knows not that I am Braven, nor does he know that Genus is not really dead. I must see if not for the last time to say goodbye.
I saw his carriage coming out the tree lines with the assigned guards numbering a hundred of them. A second carriage followed him; probably his things and some supplies. I rode out with my a personal squad of fifty men to meet his carriage. When his men saw me, a small detachment of ten men rode out to meet us. I recognise the officer as one of the faithful of Raihan. We both meet at the midway point while the carriage still carry on with its remaining guards.
‘Officer Julian, I come to see the Prime Leader in peace. Please let him know. Tell him its the one he knew as Genus.’ The officer rode back to his master leaving his men to watch mine. I saw him caught up with the carriage and then the carriage stopped. I then rode forward alone to the carriage without my men. Prime Leader Raihan alight from the carriage and stood on the wet ground to wait for me.
‘Good day, Prime Leader Raihan. I see you are well, sir.’
‘So you are now Braven the Leader. Which one are you now?’
‘I am the 36th and currently reclaiming their land. I hear you retired, sir.’
‘An inconvenience of life. I am riding back to my home. How did you find me?’
‘My spies told me so, many days ago. I come to say my regards and farewell.’
‘So be it, Genus, But you are wrong on my travel, as I was only released yesterday morning to do so. Genus, you been trapped.’ With that the Prime Leader immediately boarded his carriage and they rode off in a hurry. I too on my horse to signal my men to withdraw. It was then the forest line was filled with lancers galloping fast towards me. There are about five hundred of them in each group, and there are three groups coming at me, from in front, behind and from the point where the carriage was headed.
I rode off in the only direction I know; the opposite way with my men following suit. I raced for the tree lines there. Some one in my squad took to the horn and blew away. I turned to look behind to see more men coming out of the forest. I estimated about two thousand or more, to trap fifty one men. I rode hard for the trees and made it. I rode through the forest and keep on galloping. I can hear the men behind me probably stopped to fight the lancers, as I can hear some sound of clashes and no more sound of the horn, but then more sound of galloping horses. There was no time to look back anymore as I rode on, jumping over roots and dipping below low branches. I must make it across this forest to reach the river and then I will be within my own men. I rode as my life depends on me making it.
I hit the river at galloping speed and jumped off my horse. I was not dressed in my full amour so I could discard the chest plate I had on. I kicked out with my legs to wade across the river which was not that full now. I can hear the horses coming through the forest and I was waiting for arrows to hit me. The arrows did come but it was towards the lancers across the river. I did not stop to see who was shooting but continued to wade over. Once I reached the other bank, I find myself haul up by some hands and they were friendly one. It was one of my officer and he helped me up to mount another horse. As I rode into the nearby forest again, I can see my archers releasing arrows across the river or anyone who wants to risk crossing it.
It was one of my close encounters with death, but I am alive to carry on.
It as later that I got to know of the death of Prime Leader Raihan in an ambush by so-called army men on the route back to his home. It was a well planned ploy and it worked but not to the complete end.
I am still alive. Its time to fight again.But I have new surprises for them.

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