Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Its me again and again and again...sigh...

Spank! Spank! Oh, mama; do me more......

Pardon me, as I unshed my persona from my latest tale....the darker version of Lancelot.

Yup, I am on a new tale, after having wrapped up The Chronicles of the Nation aka the Elves. That tale spanned over 330 pages does not seem to want to end ( probably vexed by the Elves ) and seems to plunge into more chapters, until I had the help of someone who placed the final notes to it. Trust me no spells can bear against the sunken bosom against your face.

You either said 'aye' or die missing an essential part of life event.

Ahem! Back to my ramblings..... or was it rumbling.

Its the first cut ( I meant my tale on the Elves ) and I may go back to edit it ie. add more lines and scenes.....  Aargh...the woes of an author never to be satisfied with their work. Its like Da Vinci painting over his master piece.... perhaps Mona was to have blonde hair and a plunging neckline but due to his revised vision when he ran out of yellow colors, he made her hair dark and the plunger becomes a mesa top of dark shades.

I told this to my work colleague and she called me a pervert. I replied "I can't help it on the creative side." I should had told her, she was the inspiration for the above thought. She does wear a plunging neckline most times, and given the amount of times we have to work together, wouldn't you agreed that it would had stamped into my mind. And now literally translated into words.... or described fantasy.

Back to more firm grounds....

I do like to go back and edit my works. Add a sizzle or a cliff hanging scene here and there, changed the character from a nerd to swashbuckler.... I be darned honest, writing about elves and mythical creatures does not trigger any lustful thoughts although the elves could be clad in tights. So thats' why I probably went for Lancelot immediately to 'balance' things up, I guess.

( "Aye" I did utter at para 4 if anyone are still reading at that lines. No, it did not inspire my new tale, although it did trigger off the desire to write it.....lol. )

PG-13? Yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am. Okay. I shall not delve into those details for now.

( Door slammed... )

She is gone now, so let me tell you more of Lancelot.  This new tale ( at page 14 now with the third chapter midway ), I am diverting from my usual style. I am doing it ala the darker way; the Crusaders may be tame compared to this new style. It would be like watching X-Files with the X more prominent. Diverting here for a while; have anyone wonder if Prof X ever teaches the mutant kids any Sex Education while in that school. Probably not, as despite all those curvy bodies enshrouded in tights, no one salivate at all in the movies. Sad for their learning process...... Prof X may need to undergo hormone therapy.

Oh, yeah, on Lancelot, I am pushing the limit of the reading age to NC-17 or SX-18 ( depends on where your current domicile is ) or triple XXX if you are staying on Mars ( there is an acute shortage of porn there. Even the Martians antenna are upright on the sight of their landscape when the sun drew some sihoulette on it. Sad guys there. Someone ought to communcate to them, high retention may caused leakage and it may seep through the arteries into their brains. And then its 'kaput'. )

Why am I moving into a new tale so fast when I just struggle with one that took a  month to complete? No, my retention are within normal levels; but the chance of reading ( I was surfing due to boredom. Okay..... during breaks to widen my indulgement and my printer ran out of red colors...and the pinkie shades won't get printed well. ) when I stumbled on Lancelot.

I read, I imagined and I started thrusting at my keyboard. The rest is history to be written.

Okay, I would give you a brief on it..... here is preview...... Exclusive like in Playboy spread.

"Yes, my Queen. Because he is yours and I cannot have you. I am destined to live my life at your side but never with you. Every time he retires to the chamber with you, I am left with a raging desire to kill him. In my mind then, he is ravaging you and not loving you. Its should be who should be loving you." I speak out my mind and I felt relieved of the thoughts.

"Give me the lashes, Lancelot."I did not have to as she took it from my hands. She must had stood back for a while before she step forth to lashed my back with it. I felt every stroke that hit my body and it was not pain that coarse through it but pleasure of love and lust.

I fell to my knees and she did not stopped at all. It must have been twenty or more lashes before I find her stopping. I looked down at the flooring and see the pool of blood there. It glisten like some some spreading of the bread and yet I wanted to taste it. I placed my finger to it and then stuck it in my mouth. It taste not of blood as I have sampled many before but of something sweet. It was then, I felt her body holding me from the back. Its hurts as her holding me pulled at the open wounds behind. She rubbed her body against my back and she kissed me on my neck. She licked at the blood that was spilled there.

"Lay with me, Lancelot. Do it here on the flooring where your blood flows wide. Use that as our bedding and give me my desire." I turned my body to face her and she was all there in her nude body.She had removed her cloak before she lashed me.

I reached for her face and laid lips to her's. There was blood but I felt was only desire, She pulled me down onto her body and spread herself for me.

( I did cautioned you, my red ink was low so the pinkie shade appear like that above. And it ain't gloss coated by any lipstick. )

So till then, let me spread my mind more and indulge in some bindings of a dark tales that would explode with unimaginable depth.....

Till I am satisfied, spank me more.

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