Sunday, August 26, 2012

CWE Book II Part 7

Eight words spoken quietly, indifferently, without emotion. Eight short, simple words. Yet that was the moment when I parted from my mother."
Elie Wiesel, Night, Ch. 3; A writer on the Holocaust during the last great War.

My Lord returned as a sad man saying he has lost the war. He then said he will win it back soon, if not the tricks done by the Outsiders. He dares to claim he was tricked by Outsiders, but the loss of so many men was unpardonable. Generals and Lieutenants have lost their heads when reported of such, but this is the Lord himself, who can dare tell him to loose his own head. Only he dares to return to repeat the claims without fear of losing his head, but I am his tell me his successor, and I reject such acts. Your loss’ father reflects on me as your successor. The councils laughs not at you as you are the old man who led the army while his young son sit behind in comfort. It should e out there to fight the Outsiders,not this feeble old man. In my reign, I would suffer such a loss in a battle, never will I ever lose a war in my time. As victory to me is always mine and even if I had to cheat death to do it.
I walked back to my chamber and seek my peace of mine there. I stumbled on Canaan who was running from his bath. The young kid knocked into my legs and was soon crying. His servant came forth to comfort him, while I ignore his crying and continue towards my chamber. ‘Dina, tell me about the Outsiders. You seen them and lived with them for a while.’ I know all about her works and how each assignment was handed. Dina sat down next to me and told me of the people she lived with for a short time. Her observations are very good and concise for me to frame the type of enemy I am going to face. It was then, Mistress Kimi came barging into my chamber; ‘how can you not cuddle your son when its you who knocked him down? Are you not his master?’
‘Mistress Kimi, your son is yours to control. I do not have time to discuss this. Be gone now.’ I stared at the lady who is supposed to be the wife of mine but she still harbors feelings for her late husband. I must removed her or she will be my sore in my sight which I cannot removed. It was lucky for Mistress Kimi that she left without a word or I would had ordered her drag out. I then turned to Dina; ‘kill the servant. I don;t like when they talked behind my back.’ Dina nodded and left the room.
I also heard that my sister has rejected yet another suitor; she is getting too good at this or she await for whom I know not of. I must do something about her as she may stand in my way to be the next Lord. I suspect she liked Master Mathise, but he is presumed dead, so maybe I can get the brother to marry her. After all, their marriage may strengthen our relationship between the families, and things can be done easier. I will get father to arrange the marriage and bridged our relationship. I now the old lords disliked each other but not me and Mitchy; we are friends. .
I also know he likes my sister as I been talking to him lately. He likes her but since his brother was there, he focus his attention to others. Mitchy is a fool when it comes to the ladies; he just loved any ladies he can lay his hands on; that is his weakness which I will used.
Maybe I will send him mine one day too.
I also intercepted some disturbing messages that was shown to me. These are the correspondence of someone in my household in codes to another, but we have yet to understand the codes. But I suspect its to do with some works against me or the Lord, so I ordered the matter to be kept quiet. I need to isolate the person so that I can think of what to do next on the messages. This is treason and no one; not even a blood kin can be spared if found guilty.

Mistress Kimi
For so many years, I have longed for the man who is now my ‘husband’ to accept my child, but he still declined that. If not for the fact that he is the ‘father’ of the child, Canaan may be dead by now. I will declined his advances and feelings as long as he does not accept Canaan. Now as I looked at my son who is sleeping on the bedding, I asked for forgiveness from my late husband for being a poor mother to his son. I am also a prisoner in the city here, with no one to talk to except Shiven who was kind to lent me his ears. But he is a guard and cannot be seen too near his care especially the mistress.
Mistress Camy also avoid me since her guard Dina is working with her brother. I seen her sneaking into the Master’s chamber after dark but he is my Master and its not for me to question his indiscretion. My time is full with the messages from my fathers’ loyal staff including some officers who still served the current regime. They are all told to be patience and wait for my blessing before they do anything.
I began my training back with Shiven and I find the man a very interesting specimen as I am still a lady in the soul. But the call of protocol forbids me to venture beyond that. My skills are slowly improving but I have to yet to take down a man with my moves, in a manner of speech. But the time my training took is the less time I have to think of my life here.
It was a surprise that I got a message to move to Red Hill for rest, in these thriving times. But I am to go without my son as he is needed by his father side. I stormed into the master chamber but I was stopped by the guards. I ws escorted back to my chamber to began my journey immediately. I asked for my son to see him before I leave but I was declined that. I was force fed some lotion and next I know I was in the carriage to Red Hill.
It all happened so suddenly.

I am on my way to Red Hill with the column to accompany the Mistress Kimi. Since our trip started, the Mistress has been sleeping in her carriage and we were advised that she is ill and cannot be disturbed. I was told by my master to take care of her and protect her. That was all I was told and next I know, I was on the road with them. The last time we were there, we were attacked and almost lost our lives in that attempt.
Would this time be the same?
I also concerned the young master who is not with his mother? He is still young and need his comfort. Its not fair form him to lose that like when I did when I was his age. I remembered those days, all alone and seeing adults running all around me. If I am in their way, I may be kicked at or shoved aside. Its not the nursery that you think I may be, but the women quarters which is attached to the kitchen. Normally, I crawled under the beddings structure or at some corner to avoid being seen or kicked. I was not the only young kid then who was not ready for training. When I turned five, I was moved out to joined the boys dormitory, and there I was harassed by the older ones. I was beaten or send to do manual works, when the masters are not looking or pretending not to look.  The lashes on my back are some of the reminders of my life then, but I prevail and grew up tough. Some of my tormentors soon felt my beatings when I best them in combat, but the years of being there also taught me to forgive or forget. It was not until I see Canaan that I relived my young days.
Our column is halted by some commotion in front. I rode to the front to check it out. I saw some of the men who was escorting us lying by the side of the road, in pain. I got off my horse to confront the attacker. It was one man; a giant in the guise of a monk, one head taller than me and with limbs that spreads out. He fights with a long staff like mine but this one looks thicker than mine. He also had on the clothes similar to mine but they are in tatters and patches. He shouts my name as he threw the servant with his right  hand to the side of the road.
‘I want to see Shiven, of the Monastery.’ The man obviously has not bathed for months, and his smell carries far.
‘I am Shiven, and who are you?’ I looked at this man who may be looking for a fight with me, and I will give him one. But the giant was soon to fall to his knees and asked for my forgiveness. I was puzzled to the event and stepped forth to ask the giant stand up. When he stood up, I had to raised my head to see him, but I can’t avoid the putting my hand to my nose to shut off the smell.
‘My name is Tiny, and I come from the same monastery as you. I been waiting here for you for over six months. I have a message for you from the Monastery. Its from Master Montero, the archive keeper. And he also told me to follow you and keep you safe.’
A small box was given to me by the messenger. Its possible for him not to see me, as no one is allowed in without the permission of the Lord. And the Lord forbids us the guards to see anyone outside during our time here, not even families. I thanked the man who waited for me, and I offered him some gold to freshen up. Once he has done that, he is to catch up with me at Red Hill. As there is no lord or master with me, except my my mistress, no one can forbid me to meet anyone or have anyone meet me.

Mistress Camy
Mathise, you been away for so long. I think its time for me to move on. I have decided to take up Mitchy’ offer. I may not be sure I love him, but he wield the power I need to hold, if I am to challenge my brother one day. I have told father I will be Mitchy’s mistress and the wedding is to take place soon. I know the old man is upset but he needs the alliance of Micha now that he has been proven to be a poor strategist in the war. I also know Mitchy is a womanizer and has a string of affairs but his father is also dying. And the next Lord is him after Micha retirement. I can tolerate his womanizer and I will get myself to govern his politics, and make myself useful. This is the role of the woman if she is to do the works of a man. She can;t be the man but she can control the man over the men.
I have discarded Dina as my guard and ignore her presence with me. She thinks she has the preference of my brother but she may be mistaken. One day, she will come and kneel for my attention, then I will teach her what is the true role of a servant. As for her skill, there are many like her I can get when I am in power, for even assassins fear their own assassination.

Lord Camlash
Be gone my child, and I wished you well there. I know why you choose the idiot over many others, as I would had if I was a woman too. You have my blood in you, but must be careful. Micha is not a fool although he is old. He can see your plans well and he can block it. As for your husband, its not hard to control him, as I know he is an idiot. Even my son thinks so, but we need not him but his power.
The last war took my health down although its now six months already. My son is sitting in the discussion and making decisions for me. Domo complained that some of these decisions are bad for the people, but I disagreed. The man to be the next Lord has to learned how to make decisions and sticked with it. But what worries me is that he let his mistress be exiled while he rendezvous with his guard; spoken words are spreading in the city. I hope he knows his position well.
As for my grandson, without the mother is now growing attached to me. I spend more time with my grandson and teaching the basics of life. But he is more like father, ever gentle and favors the music and books. I will need to toughen him up or he will lose his edge over his other father.

Grand Lord
I have gained a daughter but one which I wished I had not. She is now with my son and she is assuming command on his life and place. Today she had the servants changed and the even the guards are rotated on her command. I fear my son is bewitched by her, as I am to her. She is a beautiful woman and she has the delicate touch that makes a man wane in his mind. But I know in her, is a vixen like her father, incarnate from the underworld to pollute the world. I cursed her and yet praised her. I am an old man who lies in the bedding most of the times with aches and yet I long for the company of one who is my son’s wife. I am truly confused inside.
‘Good morning, my Lord.’ She bids me this morning again like many and she brought the food I liked. I wished I can tell her to go away but she is soon telling me of the happenings in the city. And also on the councils, where her husband now sits to govern over. Soon I find myself listening and offering my advise to her for the ears of her husband. She nod her understanding and take her leave of me, to cater to that of another.
So tell me how can I discard one who is so loyal and yet may served more than two masters. Or are we slaves to this one master. I am confused, and I wished I had better counselors like my old mistress; the mother of the two child. Leane will had told me what was to be done, and how the daughter can be taught her place in the household. But she lies in the ground where the flowers are growing now. It trying time for me now, and more was to come. 
I also have the attention of the Prime Leader Romus today.
‘I bear you sad news. Prime Leader Raihan has been retired and now as we speak, one of my aide is taking over as acting Prime Leader. His name is Marius; a fine Praetorian and a brave one too. As we speak too, Marius is massing up his men for another excursion to the borders to repel the Outsiders.’
Marius, I heard of him; fine man but a vicious Praetorian leader whose lashes are deep and hard. But he commands respect as he is a fine fighter and been known to wrestle once with a wild hog and won. The Outsiders since their victory has captured back the border land including Lord Camlash’s mines. They now invade across the border to the settlements and camps; but leaving when they have what they need. The last excursion in shame by Prime Leader Raihan makes the Praetorian a laughing subject among the armies. So this Marius is trying to win back his support but doing what his predecessor failed to deliver.
I asked if Marius needs help from my men in Mitus’s land, but was declined. So I asked the next question to the Prime Leader.
‘So when will you retire, Romus?’

Prime Leader Romus
Soon my dear friend; when I do, the next seat I will take is yours as Grand Lord. Just as I removed Prime Leader Raihan, he will be exiled to the borders, but he requested Red Hill, and I know why due to his relationship with Camlash. Protocols must be adhered to, and I asked the Lord Camlash for his permission. It was granted with the Lord Camlash blessing. I was also advise that he can accompany the mistress of Master Conal who is staying there.
Marius will do me justice because his massing of the troops is not to repel the Outsiders but to take on the Lords’ question on my Praetorian since our last defeat. The plans is to show our strength and we will take over the Empire soon.
I bumped into the young successor; Granus for his father Giantus in the corridors. It seems he is still here after the wedding of Master Mitchy and Camy. Granus is an alcoholic wreck now since Mistress Camy married his cousin. His drowning in the lure of failed love will be his undoing. He does not even partake in his father’s council except drink. I wondered what can an old man do for a son who is drunk and helpless to the whims of lover’s sickness. If he was my officer, he would be in the dungeons or beheaded for insolence.
As for the newlywed Master Mitchy; he spends more time listening to his wife than with his work as adviser in the council. Every moment he has when not with work, he is with her at the chambers. I can understand newlyweds moment of bliss but the need of the City cannot be foregone. I am not a married man nor has any family in my tow. I lived my life as a Praetorian and will die as one.
As for Camy’s brother Conal, I fear him the most, which is why Marius is massing his troops next to the border of Camlash. I fear not so much the Outsiders as they have not changed their moves in the last years; which is raiding and then leaving without staying too long, but I can see Master Conal may be the . next biggest threat. As I speak, his fathers’ council under the control of the son now, has increased their army recruitment and acquires more weapons of war. If he is planning a revolt, I am ready, or he is planning to fight the Outsiders, I am also ready. His father’s last defeat was also an insult to his family.
So I was not surprised to hear from this young master to consolidate forces for the next attack on the Outsiders. He is suggesting we merged before we crossed over the border. He claimed that the last mistake in the battle was they took a long place to meet and consolidate. He mentioned of a force of forty thousand ready and will even hand command to my Senior Praetorian Marius. He is smart to do so, so in the event we lose, he blames Marius for it. If we win, he will claimed equal credit for his supply of men.

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