Saturday, August 18, 2012

CWE Book II Part 3

I got my reports that the young master is touring the border, with a small protection guards led by the General Damai himself. The General is not a silly person, he has posted in extra troops three thousand troops at the outpost to be visited by the master along on the route in case he needs any help. He leapfrogged his troops between the outpost to ensure they are never fall or too far in front. He also kept the personal guards for the master personal security of two hundred and fifty marchmen armed with short swords and round shields, and another twenty lancers, while has another thousand men marching behind him with a days delay for reinforcement. He kept armies in this exercise for their amour to be light weight as they are expected to be moving on double march speed while their masters ride their horses. Its a bargain as on their safety against mobility, so they chose the later. This way the column would not be split up due to weighted down heavy amour, moreover this young master is very impatience with his time and schedule. Every camping site of the young master is guarded by another five hundred who will arrive one day before.
Its a well planned trip for the young master. I salute you, General Damai. But the exploits of the young master has leaked from the city to the country. And in this country there is a lot of people who has got their motives to kill him. There is one General who will like to do the job as his son was one of the few kept as hostages by the Lord Camlash and killed by the young master as a target practice.
‘General Andrei, I am saddened if you leave me, but I understand your needs. I can provide you a thousand of my men to help you...’ I looked at the aged general whose Lord Nicholas was defeated in an assassination bid by Lord Camlash, and the last heir offered to surrender without a fight. General Andrei and his men of over  a hundred officers and warriors rode off to see me and became one of my valued officers to the Outsiders. Since then, his contribution out gain his worth here, but his desire to avenge his Lord and the people cannot be denied.
‘I want my own men back, all hundred to go with me. I will planned the ambush and if I don’t return, please take care of my survivors.’ He left that day with his men dressed back in their own amour and carrying their own colors.

General Damai
The next schedule stop is across the river to reach the village of Maim, but when we reached there, the ferry crossing was damaged by some bandits. I sensed dangers and advised that we wait till  the ferry is repaired before crossing. The repair is expected to take over three days, as the water current was fast, and high. But the young master was impatient to move on, and on advise by the ferrymen, he was told of a crossing by bridge some distance upriver. But it will take a quarter day of riding to reach there. Across the bridge is a smaller village that they can take a break. Before I can advise caution, the young master has called for the personal guards to march to the bridge. I send out words to the column behind me to catch up as soon as possible and also send other scouts to ride to the bridge. I rode out with a heavy heart on what to expect on this crossing.
We soon reached the bridge, and I noticed that the sky was getting dark. I told the some of the guards to hurry across and set up the camp in the nearby village. We managed to reach the small village at dusk but there was only a few people there; old men and ladies. I then told the guards to make main camp outside the village near the bridge and posted sentries at the bridge and also at the road to the village.
Nothing happened that night.
It only began at dawn.
First was the sentries at the bridge. They were overcome by the enemies, who moved in during the early morning. Once the bridge was under their control, they destroyed it by removing the lashings and pillars. They numbered about fifty of them, and before I can ordered a defence, the young master was seen running to the village with some of his guard. I instructed the fifty guards to hold the flank against the enemies from the bridge. I followed suit with the remaining guards tom meet the young master and his men. When we entered the village, it was empty of any living inhabitants, and then I knew the trap was here. I signaled for all the guards to retreat back into the camp area but the young master has got himself inside one of the hut.
Immediately, I assigned fifty men to guard him in and around the hut. The remaining hundred and fifty of us made our way forward, looking to search each hut by hut as we pass by. We did not see the arrows coming until most fo us was in the center of the village. The first volley took down forty of the guards, including the lancers who are lightly armored for more mobility and ease of traveling. The second volley took on another twenty guards before I saw them charging at us. I counted no less than fifty men, but they are heavily armed with pikes and spears in addition to their swords.
One thing about a fight when faced with a person who is already consider themselves as deadman, your odds are they fight as if they are double of them and with no regard for life anymore. These men who came at us was just like those; crazed men. They thrust their pikes or swing it like axes at the guards. Some who shaken by the death of their earlier friends were soon to join them. I find myself withdrawing further towards the hut where the young master is hiding. I swung my sword at one attacker to see him deflect my blow and returning with a thrust of his pike. I barely moved to the side, to see another about to cut me down with the broadsword. I threw my round shield to block  the broadsword. But that block took me off balance to fall backwards, and I thought it will the end of my career then, if not for the arrow which took the attacker in the right eye. I looked back to see Dina with her bow, as she strung another arrow. I got up and shouted for my men to regroup back at the hut to protect the master.
The enemy also regrouped their own numbers which is down now to twenty but I still only had is a hundred guard. We hold the numbers but they hold the edge with their determination to die and they have bows and arrows. Soon I find the men at the bridge has joined us but they are of the enemies, numbering five more. Its a stand off with twenty five heavily men against a hundred guards and one young master. I could see the odds are for us, but I did not foresee the man who came to the fore speak to me.
‘General Damai, its me, General Andrei; we met at Red Hill a few years back.’ I remembered him well. He is the man who gave me the respite to allow the reinforcement to arrive.
‘I remember you well, General Andrei, late of the Lord Nictin’s army.’ He looks old and worn like me, poor soldiers fighting a war for another man’s.
‘Late of Lord Nicholas, removed by your Lord. I come to ask your favor. Release me your master, to one to one man combat. If I lose, he goes free.’
‘I agreed.’ The young fool spoke before I could reply.

It was agreed to fight one to one basis, with only one weapon and not amour. I love this fight, although it will be my first in combat. I looked at the old man who faced me now holding his broadsword, while I hold my own broadsword. We circled each other and tested each other skill with some feint attacks. I am confident I can take him, as he looked tired. So be it.
I took a right swing at him, which he cleverly deflected, and I swung my sword to do a downwards cut. He stepped back and swung his sword toward me from  the left, which I managed to evade but the sword took a cut on my right forearm. Its my first wound in a battle and I am enraged as it was done by an old man.
I did a frontal thrust at him which he side stepped and swung his sword handle on my wrist hand. It may have broken it as I dropped my sword. His elbow was on my jaw and I felled backwards. I looked up to see him standing before me with his upraised sword but the cut never came.

The master is in danger and I cannot allowed it. I let the arrow finds it mark in the older man, and saved my master. General Damai on seeing the intervention immediately ordered a charge on the remaining enemies. I moved forward to grab my master and drag him to safety. He was still shaken but he held onto the wall of the hut for support. The fight was going on between the two armies and I stood my ground to shoot at anyone who dares to come near.
The fight was short and bloody as more men died for the master. In the end, there was only thirty of ours left standing. General Damai was one of them but he has a wound on his left shoulder, but he is still able to stand up.
‘Kill them all. None of them shall lived to tell this tale.’ That was my master’s instruction, and then he sat down on the steps to the hut. I held him in my arms and let him rest.

Lord Camlash
I swore none shall live to attempt this on my son. Lord Nicholas’s hostages were all put to death today. My son lies in his chamber with his personal physician to look over him. I am upset at the failure of General Damai to put my son’s safety at risk. He is now in the dungeons alongside with the other officers. The surviving men of the attack was all taken care of last night by my men, with poisoned drinks and food. They will never talk of this tale.
‘Domo, execute General Damai. I do not want to see him again. And also tell my guest from Giantus, that the mistress reject their proposal.’

Grand Lord
I am a very happy man that day, the proposal of Granus was rejected and Conal almost killed. This is cause for celebration. I was concerned that if the proposal was approved, then Giantus may turned on me with Camlash. Its the intervention of the Gods which made this two events clashed. Now I await the arrival of the Prime Leader.
‘Romus, I hoped you bear me good news. My son is out there. I need to know his status.’ I looked at the man who is now pulling the chair to seat himself.
‘I have none. I do not know what happened to the column. I also lost a Senior whom I looked at like my son. I would like to request for permission to send another Column in and take on the whole forest if need be.’
‘No, Romus. I am in grief too. But we cannot played to the same tune. We must called in our own tune. Send a message to Lord Camlash; tell him to expand his border. He would now as his son’s attempt was by the Outsiders. Let out word that the attempt was done by the Outsiders whom the Nicholas general was attached to. Tell them he was their spy since the days of Nictin. Blow up the story and let Camlash has a free hand to expand his border, instead of mining on no-man’s land, make it his. That will bring out the Outsiders. After they meet, we will come in as their foes.’
‘Yes, my Lord.’
‘ And send in the Praetorian under Raihan.’
‘My Praetorians?’ The Prime Leader was not amused at that. I know he will protest.
‘If Camlash see your Praetorian involved, he will be more convinced. And when he wins, you can grab part of his conquered land too. After all you are concerned on Raihan’s influence, then maybe one of your three Seniors can assist him in the war, as you know in war; lives can be lost by a well placed  arrow.’

Prime Leader Romus
You planned your moves well, Micha, but you forget something. I can plan better than you. I have planned Raihan’s early retirement even before you did.  Raihan will ride against the Outsiders as its already been approved by the Prime Leaders, as vengeance for our lost Column.
Now that you added in Camlash then we are stronger and will accomplished more than you know. As said before, alliance is on the flip of the coin. But sometimes the coin has the same face on both side. And your face; Micha, is missing.

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