Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Me talking to Myself again

Gee, I have been so busy in my life; I do have another life, maybe not dressed in a cape and mask, but one where the bread has the butter spread on it.

Firstly, my apologies for posting Chapter 28 ahead of Chapter 27. The number of Alphabets stopped at 24 and I guess beyond that I do get lost in the next additional numbers.

No wonder when someone at the bar asked me for my age, I always said; "Don't I looked 24 to you?" They served me milk most times nowadays. I did asked the bartender one evening. "What's with the milk? Do you think I am a pussy for the taking?"

I be darned honest, I had my stance ready for punches to be thrown at me. But his reply floored me flat.

"No, pop. Its for your lack of calcium in the bones."

I be darned that he insulted me that I could not 'stand up' anymore.  The barmaid added more to my insult.

"Pop, if you wanna pop, I suggest you get more workout on the popsicle before it melt off. Now its looked more like rock and rolled over."

I made my decision that evening; no more lewd jokes at the bar and no more extra tips for the maid too. Anyway, she ain't got much of valley for a stream to flow through.

Back to numbers, we are now nearing the 7000 mark, and my beauty sleep darling has almost touched 250 clicks. I would like to extend the thanks again for the download. My wife is thinking of sending it to Woman's Day for a print, but I doubt they would accept it. Maybe Hustler might if I spread those pages out wide. But we keep it to this small community for now.

I almost forgot why I am talking to myself.

I completed my next new long tale; The Chronicles of Nation; Book 1; Nation Divided. No, its not about a "presidential candidate' hunting vampire. They are doing a movie on that one. Sure ain't about asking for pardon under the table top too. I would probably get claustrophobia being cramped under the table trying to be sexy.

Yes, its about the nation of Elves who have been scattered by Man in their pursuit of dominance. The first Book is over 184 pages and spans over five sections with an average of ten chapters each

I am onto the second Book now; and its named Nation at War. In two days, I have covered over 18 pages. And by golly, it ain't about sex for once. Pardon me, I thought I was 24 again. Its the flow of thoughts that seems to spew out in loads. Its like a remake of Ghostbuster with more uncut scenes.

Nevermind, it was my year 24 thoughts.

For some of you who may recalled, I mentioned about writing a piece on WW1 from the German perspective. I stopped at page 82 to pause in my thoughts. Its not a fantasy piece but one close to the real events, so that takes time to translate into words. So pardon me, Fraulien, if I delayed that piece.

Okay, that's it for now; my personal rambling and so is my timer almost up at 24 minutes.

"No, Fraulien, its nothing to do with age. Its the intensity of your beauty that I am to conclude my effort for now. " It did not work on my wife though.......... she kicked me out of bed.

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