Thursday, June 21, 2012

Crusaders Part 29



We are standing on a mesa flat at about a hundred over feet high in the south west desert here after Baal had brought us through a portal opening he created in the tunnel. We have escaped the hordes of demons unleashed by the captors of Lucifer but we are now trapped on this high flat table in the middle of nowhere. We can see on the horizon the dark skies are looming wide and heavy with possible rainfall which would be a blessing in this land.

"If you are thinking of rain, I doubt its carrying any, but more demons perhaps. That is a sign of evil congregating in the area and its not of my doing. They are looking for you; both the good and bad demons." The demon who now resembled a young man wearing the native dressing stands before us looking at the oncoming clouds. His back is to us and with a thrust of my rapier I could cause him great pain if not death, but something tells me he could be our allies in the coming war.

"Which side do you step on? The winning or the losing one?" I walked up to the 'so called mini God' as some termed him, but to me he is nothing demon to be expunged from this world. I stood beside him and watched the coming storm.

"Its tempting for you but you did not do it. I salute you, Sir Black. You are truly a true warrior of the Sons of Light. I am tempted however to do the same to you but I have also held my intentions back. I find my wants cannot overreach my needs to find my father. Whoever has taken him hid well from me and the other hunters. I have confronted Gabriel who told me of your quest. I followed suit and managed to get you before you get buried in the tunnels. It was me who called forth the Giants to assist you all. And not Gabriel as his reaches are something .... limited in some places."

"Thank you then but it not like you to extend help. As we not usual to offered one to any demon. But you do want to join us if I am presumed." I looked at the young man and he returned it to me with a smile. "I believed it come with the means to escape this oncoming storm filled with demons."

"We have an understanding then, Sir Black." The demon spawn held out his hand for me to seal our temporary pact of alliance. Its not my first and won't be my last pact with such demons.


Six years ago

I was still in Dover, and I am laying in my cot to soothe down my weary bones after that dreadful channel crossing on the trawler. The knock came on my door and I asked the person to come in. He is a man of God wearing his faith on his chest. He did not come in alone but in tow a young man who is dressed in the fashion of the streets; more like a vagabond than a young socialite. 

"I am Father Micheal of Dover, and this young lad is my care. His name is Darius, and we are in need of your help. We been referred to by the Archbishop to contact you on your arrival here." The man of faith is well informed as I just landed last evening and they have located me at this obscure tavern off the travelers' path. "Our counterpart across the channel has been advising us of your progress and locations. The Church has a wide network that even the King would be amazed if he was to know."

They allowed me the time to dress up in private before we all convene for a meal downstairs. I needed food before I could do anything but the priest was not in that patience mode. He explained to me that Darius is special.

"How special?" I need to know who I am to protect.

"He is a Lycan, or you would prefer he name werewolf. But he is more than any werewolf. He is a bastard offspring of one of their clans. The others are hunting him for he can be a very important hostage. Or a dead one to reduce the competition among the chosen." My spoon filled with stew stopped short of my mouth when the priest introduced his honored guest. "Before you reply, please allow me explain more. Darius was brought here by another faction who kidnap him from his father stronghold and brought him to England but the other faction intercepted and in the ensuing battle the boy was rescued by the other faction. We were brought the news that the boy was here and the Church was alerted to intervene. We did and Dover did the unthinkable; they rescued the boy and we been hiding him since. Now we are going to hand him over to you. Please take him. Our losses has been high since we intervene." The priest took his sleeve to wipe the eyes of the sorrow he has been through.

"Show me your orders, Father Micheal." The father produced a scroll from his pocket. I looked at it and verified the seal I also read the order and understood what was needed. I am to be a fucking courier.

"Okay, Father. He comes with me." Its my first time I am playing the same field with the enemies I sworn to kill. The Lycan kills at night and now is near to dawn so we have some time to planned. I watched the priest walked of the tavern and stood by the door basking in the dawn sunlight. The priest next step was his last as the pellet from the pistol hit him in the heart. In came charging was not demons but man of flesh and blood. There are four of them and they are all armed with swords and pistols.

"Darius, to my room and stay there." I took out my twin pistols in my waist belt and took aim. First shot took down one with a head shot and my next shot hit the second one in the knee but he would live. So it's down to two more and my rapier was brought in to the fight. They drew their swords and came lunging at me. I parried one and threw stew at the second, but I swung back to use the hilt of my rapier on the first attacker side of the head. Then I jumped over to hit the second attacker with my rapier and we exchanged swings before I got first blood. I kicked at his sword hand and hit the attacker in the heart. I turned back and saw my second attacker recovering from his head blow. I was not taking chances as I pulled my rapier out to throw at the man. It jabbed into his throat below the jaw and pushed him back to the floor.

I ran over to the third man who was trying to crawl out. He would had made it to the door if not for Darius pulling him back. Darius then picked up the stool to club the man's head bloodied. Darius was still clubbing the man when I stopped him but he has the frenzied look on his face. I pulled him off the dead man and dragged him to back of the tavern.

"Get on the horse, and we would ride now." I took the rein of a horse that was there; its not a matter of whose it belonged to but its our escape from this place. Within seconds, we were riding on the horses to London but we would not make it before dark. That is what I was afraid of the sun setting and the darkness creeping in. It was before dusk that I pulled our journey to stop at a local church outside of London. It belong to a friend of mine who is also a priest; Peter Winks, ex-Guardsman and now Church caretaker. When you first meet Peter Winks, you would winked your eyes as he is tall and large man with a big smile; he is that handsome looking. But beneath him lies a deadly man with penchant for more deadly weapons.

"Gerard Black, you son of a bigger gun. So trouble did you intend to bring to me and my small church?" He laughed at his own remarks and he knows most times I come with bigger trouble. I just gave him a brief and he laughed even louder. He asked us to make ourselves at home while he prepare supper; if you considered cold cuts and bread with rum the fare of the table. Peter also send out for some good friends to joined us in the church; they numbered four of them and they looked more like mercenaries than village folks. They are all armed with swords and pistols, plus a long spear or pike. They even have armor chest like the soldier.

We been given a place to rest in the mass area, and Peter brought in some bags of assorted stuff which we can use.

"Thank you for the hospitality but are you not overdoing it?" But Peter smiled at me and walked away to his position. I can feel what he is feeling as if we are facing a major battle. Nothing happened that night but we heard some howling out there.


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