Monday, June 25, 2012

Crusaders Part 31

Three Months ago

"Gabriel, tell me of the Fallen Angels." Micheal has always wanted to asked the question but the time was never right until now.

"There are angels; but they are also good and evil ones. You know of the fallen ones from the Bible but beware there are still the ones which still sits above ( Revelation 6:13, 8:10-11, 9.1 ). They are part of the fallen but they just want to hang back for other reasons. We do not know who they are and why they are staying back. You heard of the concept of fifth column; I fear we have one with us up there Maybe God knows but he is not telling; he is always giving them a chance to redeemed or faced banishment." Gabriel looked up at the skies and smiled. He is probably counting how many are true and which are the false ones.

"Do you know I once was with Lucifer? We used to sit and talk; argue on views and sometimes even refused to meet for days. Childish" Perhaps but it was fun then. Until he decided to get real with his views." Gabriel looked at Micheal and smiled. "Do you argue with the rest like we do?"

"Sometimes. But back to the subject here; what did happens to these Fallen Angels who arrived her and roam here. In Genesis 6.2 they could take the form of Man. If they could roam among us, they could be mixing with our women. You knew of the Sirens; are they of our doing or from past association with the Fallen Angels. If that was so,how many of us are there out there?" Micheal brought a sore point in the creation of Man.

"Micheal, God took his redemption on their offspring by initiating the great Flood. He saved the ones that deserved to be saved. Mathew 24:7 God acted with no one knowing and not even Noah knows. 'Two man will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left.' Only he knew who was to be saved. The flood cleared the scrouge of the world." Gabriel looked back to the skies for the next answer.

"But you are not sure of the purging. If the flood did the task, then why do we hunt them now in the appearance of vampires or demons." Micheal stood up to state his point.

"Because the Son of Man would populate the world but of the Sons, we do not know who are the good and evil now. The Son of Man was not easy to monitored as they have their own mind, and God allowed them the freedom of choice. But some of them took to idolatry and forget themselves. But they sow the seeds of new wave; the same ones you battle the last few years. So be prepare as this war would not end as long as they keep on coming down from the skies as fallen angels. But we can stop them from growing more strength here if we removed them before they can grow. You and your friends are making that difference."

"Gabriel, I hope you are right." Micheal left Gabriel to his thoughts.

Gabriel was not without his own thoughts. His was to God and why was he chosen for this role.



"You finally arrived. Announce yourselves well, my new guests. I hope the hanging on my ceiling does not defaced the decorations above. They are priceless design which survives many centuries." Baal stood up to faced the newly descended guests who numbered ten of them all coated with dust from their long hibernation on the ceiling.

"Baal or shall I called you by your previous name Haddad. We come here to server the High Lords. His command to us was to await your coming here. We knew then as this is our favorite place to retreat when you grew tired of your father's ranting and beatings. So we wait and bid our time to show you who we are." The fallen angel who spoke was a tall one with wings of cold leather instead of feathers. This angel turned demon raised his hands to show his talons which he hopes to rake our flesh on it.

"But I came not alone as you can see." The angel turned demon point to his accompanied mates. They are an ugly lot of sorts; faces of hyena with the body of dark furs and fangs that gleamed in their fingers.

"You who speaks to me for so long, tell me your name or am I continue talking to you as the unknown one." Baal grows impatience of this conversation. He is feeling more that he is wasting his time as most time he does not confer with this underlings of any kinds below him for long.

"Judas, my Lord."

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