Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Crusaders Part 17



The city of Mapu lies not far from where we were but its still a day's ride through the thick undergrowths. The city is almost destroyed and what's left are some slabs and the stoned doorway. Its heavily covered by the jungle foliage as if its slowly reclaiming its land. The Alcade took us the underground holdings where the treasure was kept. We had to alight from our horses while he led us by hand to the spot where the entrance to the underground holdings area. We helped him raised a heavy slab and then down the stairs to the holdings. If you are expecting cache of golds, they are all removed by now, but we come to faced with the creatures that inhibit here. We stepped down and Helmut lighted up a torch that was left on the ground. The new light scattered the nocturnal creatures including some slithering reptiles. Helmut lighted a few more torches and we each held one in our hands. 

"Alcade, you may leave us now. Or stand guard over the entrance while we explore the holdings here." I advised the Alcade as the rest went back up there to move some of the things we need for our next journey from here. "There are something that a mortal man may not want to see."

"I am a devout Christian and God would protect me." The Alcade does not know the level of danger which we are exposed to. I tap his hand and told him that there are some places that even God may not be able to assist but ourselves and our wits would suffice. Again I advise him to go back up to the jungle and await us for two days. If we are not out by then, he was to sealed the holdings forever. The Alcade took my advise and left the holdings to ourselves. We split the items which we brought among ourselves and Helmut showed his latest acquisition; a long pike from the Spanish army.

"Micheal, please do the honor."

Micheal took out the scroll and looked for the proper signs before he stood before the wall. Its like any part of the wall in the holding but this one has a eye etched on it. Micheal took up the scroll and recite the words that has been written on it. Its a very old spell of over a thousand years and used to belong to the old masters. Once Micheal has completed the reciting the spell, he took out the ruby he had used to displayed the city. He placed the ruby near the eye and recite another essential line on the scroll.

A streak of light came from the eye in the wall and hit the ruby piece. It slowly darken the ruby from its bright red to that of a darker crimson before the light shone back on the wall to reveal a large portal that leads to our next destination; the next world of Hell. Micheal holding onto the ruby motioned for Helmut to take the point, while I followed suit with the squire. Micheal was last and all of four are in the other world. The portal behind us closed upon our entry and we come to faced is a large dark cavern and although our torch still burns but we cannot see much further than a few feet in front us.

"Give us light and be lighted the lights around us in this dark cavern." Micheal spoke while holding the ruby in his hand. The ruby emits a low hum sound and then we can see duplicates of the ruby appearing around us. The duplicate rubies are like mini torches and they illuminate the surrounding up to over a hundred feet. As the light reveals some tunnels, its also showed us who else dwell here; lifeless human carcass who shies away from the light.

"By the power of the ruby, show us the path to the Lord of this place." The rubies starts to vibrate and they all moved in unison to one of the tunnel. But before we move out, Micheal left his torch on the ground alongside with the pile of woods he brought with him.

"In case we need to find this place", Micheal walked with us holding onto the ruby in his hand. Our walk was not long as soon we find ourselves in another cavern where this one has lots of lifeless carcass all standing at the side of the wall. But the major difference is that this cavern is lighted with a number of torches and a huge fireplace.There is also a large throne seat at one side of the wall and on it sat an image of a man. He is all dressed up in the some skins coats and wears a feather hat to complement his dressing style. His face is coated with a white powder leaving only his eyes with a paint of black. He also holds a long sword in his left hand and on his right is the skull of a human being.

"Who dares to come into my realm? Answer me or be prepared to join my undead." The man who sits there asked of us. "I sensed a tinge of goodness and yet violent emotions, plus some killer instinct in all of you. Aha! I see now who you truly are; the warriors of the Son 's of Light. Tell me your business and be on your way."

"Baron Osu, as you know who we are but we are not here to fight you. We only come to seek information on the Labyrinth of Belit." I reached for my bag and produced the a small chest. "I bring you gifts for your hospitality."

The chest was opened and I showed him the bundles of eye balls to appease his desire. The guardian of this portal lacks the sight of the eyes and he takes on his victims and removed their eyes. But the eyes he attached to himself would only last sometime before it goes sightless. So he is always looking for new eyes to replace the ones which has gone bad. Baron Osu reached for it but I placed my rapier in between his extended hand to the eye balls.

"Bah! He was here but he left early. He said something came up and he left." The guardian replied in haste to my question.

"What came up, Baron? Your ears are of the lightest that even the sounds of the beetle steps can be picked up by you. Tell me what he seeks?" The Baron retract his hand and smiled at me.

"For that, you need to give me more gifts. But I have one in mind. Duel my champion with that of your beast. If yours win, I would tell you. If not, you would leave here without both the beast and chest."

I stepped up to the Baron and hissed my reply to his face; "We would not deal anymore. I am taking my gifts with me." But my squire steps up and pulled at my sleeve. "No, squire. I do not want you to fight his champion. We would try another way. "

The squire pulled harder at my sleeve. He is asking me to look at him. I did and I see the young man who is doing his part for the cause. Its his duty as one of the four warriors but I have always looked at him as the youngest. He is to me like my son, and I love him very much. Unlike the other three of us, we are all older and volunteers, but he was recruited from the exiles.


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