Sunday, June 3, 2012

Crusaders Part 15

Five years ago

The children of Glenwich are kept behind closed doors at all time, for there been cases of them going missing in the day or night. The parents tied their children to the beddings post and sleeps by their side as they feared that they would be taken in the night. It was by chance I came on the village on the return of dispensing off a gremlin who plague the road traveled by many. The village of Glenwich is not big nor small with a population of not more than a hundred but its a thriving one as its lays in the crossroads to two other larger towns. But the coming months, the village is shunned by many as the villagers are unfriendly to strangers and any hardly stops there.

I dismounted from my horse and handed it to the man but he refused to accept my horse. I threw the reins to him and walked into the tavern. Its likes any tavern but this one is quiet and dusty. Nevertheless, a weary traveler does not fret about cleanliness as long as the food and drinks are. I slammed my fist on the table and demanded to be served. I threw some coins on the table to show that I can pay. The owner at the bar then moved to the rear and can be heard to instruct his staff to prepare me a meal. He was later to served me a jug of wine which I was surprised is good.

"Glenwich serves one of the best in the county. If not for our troubles, this place would be crawling with patrons." The owner lamented on his lack of business as he wipes the seats around me. I offered him a seat and he took it as his wife came with the plate of stewed mutton.

"Hamish Donald, you mind your tongue in with this stranger. We don't want no trouble to the family." She was off to the kitchen without a word.

I dabbed the bread into the stew and took my first bite of good food for days. Its a good stew and more so when the mutton is well done with the herbs marinated well into it. I did not speak a word for the next few swabs of the bread and the biting into the chunky meat.

"Aye, you are no magistrate nor a clergyman. You looked more like dandy with rapier if you were younger but I said you are more of an adventurer. We could do with no more of your kind. The last one created a mess which made us all poorer and he ran with the tail between his legs. I am sorry, my good man. Eat your meal and rest if you want. Then be on your way. Your coins would cover the cost that is needed." The owner got up to move but I stopped him.

"I am no adventurer or mercenary. I am a soldier sent by the King to investigate the going on in this area. So tell me more as my services are paid for and you only lose is a guest if I don't come back." Its a lie and a damned good one but he bought the story. He told he was in the Highlands Army before he came here to settle down. He said its his small head who led him to the altar and stopped him from seeing the highlands. But he is contented with the life here until the recent events. Now he guards the children with his dirk and cutlass, and his wife sleeps at the bedding with his long spear.

"Well, she did need something to hold, so I offered her mine." It was our fifth drink and he is loosening on his tongue.

"But tell me of the children." The man who is the owner hesitated and then he recount the story for me.

It all started about a year ago when one of the family lost his son who went missing during the night. Then another kid went missing and more happened for the next three months. After the eighth one, the family kept vigil on the village roads and any strangers were shooed away. Its stopped the events but not for long as one more went missing after two months. Since then despite the patrols and locked doors, they still lose one child per month.

"When would the next one happen?" I had to asked him. But he said he is not sure, but its almost time. I told him I would sleep in the tavern area tonight and if need be I would hunt down this demon. It was easier said than done as I was soon asleep from my wine and mutton.

"Wake up, dear Sir. They have trapped the demon. Come with me."

I was led to a cottage at the edge of the village. Its a small one and the village folks are all around it with their swords and pikes. The cottage door was blocked by an old man who stood guard there with his pitchfork. He is preventing them going into the house. I stepped forth and announced myself to the mob.

"Old man, please allow me to come forth. I just need to talk to you." I did not wait for his reply as I move towards him.

"Come no more or I would strike you down." The old man threaten with me with his pitchfork. But I still move towards him. I reached the edge of the pitchfork and stood there.

"I just need to talk. Tell me what did happened."

The old man lowered his pitchfork and asked me to step inside. I signaled the mob to wait outside while I go into the cottage. Its only furnished with the essentials and there is a locked room. The old man offered me a seat and I took it.

"He is my son. He is possessed by what I know not of but he would go out and bring those kids here. He would invite them to play and then when he gets upset ......... he killed them." The old man broke down to cry and I took the opportunity to walked to the latched door. "He is in there and so is the young kid."

I unlatched the door and open the door. I see a young lad sitting with a you girl at the corner. I can smell the odor of blood and death in the room. I looked at the young lad and see he looks normal except he has a set of red eyes. He is also pale looking and has long tapered fingers. The little girl is crying in fear and she wants to leave but the lad is holding her back. I withdraw my pistol and point it at the lad.

"Demon, leave the child and be on your way. You had your fun and now you are trapped. Leave now or I would be forced to shoot you. My bullet is with silver and it would tear your spirit apart." The demon lad cringed further into the corner.

"Give me passage and I would released them both." I nodded and the demon lad stood up. He led the child out of the cottage past the old man with the pitchfork. The old man wants to stop his 'son' but I held him back. The two children walked out of the cottage and the child mother came running forth. But I rushed out to stop her.

"No one nears them. Or he would kill the child." The mob held back as they stood in arc facing the demon lad.

"Warrior, you promised me safe passage." The demon lad looked at me. I nodded and the lad turned back to the mob. I walked up to the children from behind and raised my pistol to shoot the lad in the back of his head. The lad fell down on his knees and released the child who ran to her mother.

"Be gone, demon. You have no host now." The dark shadow emerged from the lad's body and spirited away. The old man rushed from the cottage to his son, and embraced the dead lad.

"Why? Why?" The old man cries at his loss and I walked away. I had to do it as the lad is a killer with or without the demon in him. He is a killer in the eyes of the villagers and they would not let him forget it. So its best he die than to suffer for the rest of his life for the sins not of own doing. I walked back to the tavern and retrieved my horse and rode off. Its not far when I come across the place I was seeking. Its a small clearing in the forest.

"Come out, demon. I demand your presence here. And now." I stood my ground as the winds picked up and soon the an image appeared before me. Its a form of a short man form with a hideous face. It also has two large, dark, bat-like wings, a canine face, a unicorn-like horn, that acts as a simple weapon, dull-green fur, and an omnivorous, canine jaw.

"Why did you intervene? I meant no harm to the lad." The forest imp was speaking as if its actions were just mischief and not harmful.

"You killed those kids when they won't play with you. You broke the covenant. That is not allowed." But the imp was ever rebellious.

"They have many more children. I lost mine to the ogre's and they did not repent." But I was not listening. I withdrew my pistol and shot it in the face.

"Its not about an eye for an eye. Its about the balance of existence. You violate it and if allowed to go on, one day they would hunt your kind for revenge regardless of any provocations." I walked back to the horse as the wind collect the dead body of the imp and carry it back to its realm. The forest has it rules and conditions; any creature who defies it is a rebel and would be terminated.

I rode to the Druid's home and walked in unannounced.

"You never told me that I was to kill an imp that took children. You only said an imp who harassed the village. The next time you sent me out to kill children, I would shoot you first." I stared at the gray beard man shrouded in the dark cloak.

"You shot the lad on your own accord. You could had saved the lad as asked by the Imp. But you knew the consequences. You took the initiative to remove the lad of his misery. It was not our decision. It was yours alone. That's why we called on you. Sir Black; like your name, your soul is black and its well suited to the task here."

I never work for the Forest Council after that day.


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