Thursday, June 7, 2012

Easy Squad part 3 of 3


They threw us into the pit and took our weapons. They even threw the skin of Pond's. He vanished on the crash and left us cold. Lizzie picked up the discarded skin, and then looked at me.

"You want me to blow it up?" She had to asked but I just shook my head. I am not keen on any dirty jokes but how to escape. But we are in a pit with a depth of twenty feet and width of twenty across but with a large Rhono and elongated twelve Pythonian plus sneaky Rat I am not envious of our private space right now. I assessed the options and I decided to chance it.

I brief the squad and they nodded.

But nothing planned is always to plan.

I was called to the Commander's place. I dislike human's design; they are not suited to a species like us. I had to crouched lower to walked in. The Commander is a normal human being dressed like one. We are battling in this war between their own species except we are the mercenaries. We were brought in by the losing side and then we even the chances to its current level now. I was borught in by two guards and then offered the seat but I decided to stand. I like to look down on the enemies.

The Commander starts his line of questiosn with harsh threats at my face. He keep on insisting to intidimate with the weapon he hold at his hand in front of my face. Its ridiculous as he is below my height and he need to raise his arm to do that with the weapon. Everytime he gets upset at my lack of answer, he would stomp his feet or jabbed the weapon into my chest. Soon the interrogation was over and the commander retired to his seat. It was then I heard the explosion on the east side of the camp. My two guards were distracted by the commotion and rant to the doorway. That was a mistake when you have someone like me in the room. I reached out for the chair and threw it at them. Then I ran over to the commander and pulled him up from his chair. I threw him across the room towards the stunned guards. The trio are all knocked over and I searched the place. I found our weapons and more which Intel would love to preview. The door opened and I saw Seth slithering in.

"Hello, Commander. We got out and I see what we need are here."

"Can you help me to assist in passing out the weapons. Rhono and Rat outside waiting." We did as needed and I am out with part of the door frame removed by force. I told Rhono to take the main troop bunkers while Rat covers us from a higher position. Seth and me would run to looked for ways to get out. Then I realized that Lizzie is missing.

"Where is Lizzie?" I asked Seth but he just shake his tail ends to denote 'I have no fragging idea'.

There was a huge explosion on my right as I see Rhono doing great with his cannons. Rat is doing his part with his sniping on the troops. I saw the armored vehicle approaching but I see the smiling face of Lizzie behind the driver compartment. It is nice to see her in this bad situation.

"Hop in to the Easy Express. Its only seats six." I signaled the rest and they came on board but Rhono had to ride on the top with the cannons blasting away. We made it out and now we are in the clear some distance from the camp.

"Easy Squad, its time to recover our guest. Anyone knows where Pond could be?" They all looked at me but I drew blank looks. But I heard the voice behind me.

"Can anyone helped me with the head piece?" I turned to see Pond struggling into his skin to look decent. I told Rat to help. It sure its nice to be together after a mission. "Thanks, Rat. But we can't leave yet. I have not completed my project yet."

Easy Squad would be back in action.

----- to continue........

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