Thursday, June 14, 2012

Crusaders Part 23



The dark feline creature is the size of the young pony remained crouched on the thick branch as its eye my immobile stance. I slowly drew on my rapier and removed it from the scabbard. Now I feel more confident in my position and also noticed the creature has got up on its feet. It turned its head to the skies and then in glimpse, it ran back down the branch and disappear into the thick jungle. It was then I find some men dressed in loin cloths and bearing paints which are marked vividly on their chest and face coming onto me. They are all carrying spears and long length leather shields while their heads are adorned with elaborate headdress.

The group of seven men surround me and their spears point at me as if ready to strike.

"My name is Sir Gerard Black and I come in peace." But I might as well be singing for all they care as they understand not a word I speak. Then I remembered my rapier and I sheath it back into the scabbard. That got their attention as they now motioned to me to move forth. I followed suit withy my armed escorts to the edge of the jungle and into a large clearing at the base of the stone structure. It was the first time I noticed the structure is built on a stacked units in the upper levels are smaller in design. The front wall of the structure has a long stairs up to the near top where a platform awaits the climber. But my destination is to the base where a man stands with a beautiful lady in the side, with a dozen guards at their sides. Both of them are dressed in the elaborate dressing like my escorts but this one has more to his headdress. Its shimmering in the sunlight and I can guess what it was; gold adornments of very fine craftsmanship.

"You come for me." It was the lady beside the man who spoke in the words I can understand. I nodded to her remark and she replied; "Go back to her and tell her I am not keen to return at all to her realm. Here I am free and I love this man, as he loves me. We are happy here and would remain as so without her intervening into my life again."

"Lady, I am not sure how to put this to you but I need to bring you back. When you are back there, your mother would grant me my answer. After that is done, you may return here to him. But please go back with me so that I can get what i want." I pleaded with her and bowed my head as a show of my sincerity.

"Stranger, you do not understand. The Kingdom is under threat from some sorcerer and we are on the brink of a war between the light and dark." The lady replied curtly to me. I shook my head and told her that I am the one fighting of the light.

"For me to win, or any chance of winning; you played a crucial role. But you must return with me." But our attention was diverted by the sounds of horns and drums.

"They come. Prepare for battle." The couple turned their back to walk towards the stone structure with their guards. When they reached the base of the structure, the guards stood back to guard the stairways while the couple mount the steps. At the bottom base of the building structure are some stone statues of their Gods or warriors. They stand over my height and can look quite imposing for any who dares to come near. Some of the statue are in the form of the feline creature in a seated position like a guard dog. My escorts has ran for their own position leaving me unguarded. I ran to the base of the structure but was prevented from going up. I looked up to see the couple reaching the small platform on top and stood there.

I heard the roars and shouts from behind me. I turned to look behind me to find about a hundred over warriors with the elaborate headdress and weapons all coming towards the structure. Among them are some dark feline creatures like the one I saw on the thick branch.

"Nagual!" The guards at the base structure starts to shout and points at the oncoming creature. This is not what I was expecting as now I am in a middle of a war. The number of over a hundred now become more as they all lined in a row in front of us but not near for the spears to reach.

I put my bag down and retrieve what I need. I push the spare three matchlock pistols into my waist belt and two more into my boot legs. I touched my short blade to make sure its still there. I withdrew my rapier and placed it in my right hand. In my left hand, I held the other matchlock pistol.

"For my kingdom and my King.... wherever I am now." I kissed my rapier hilt and relaxed my stance. I looked at my side and see the earlier twelve guards and now another fifty has joined us. It looks like a two to one odds against us. Then I saw the new reinforcements arriving and the numbers besides me piled up. That is comforting but the opposing side is also expanding very fast with over five hundred of them.

"Gabriel, if you are nearby, show me a sign or better give me a miracle." I prayed hard for his divine intervention. Just as I complete my request, I can hear the loud voice from the the top platform who calls on the divine help. That help came in the form of the supernatural method. The stone statues come to life before my eyes and stepped forth.

"Olmec!" They chant as the figures come to life and move to the front to meet the enemy. I find myself standing next to one which looks like a large feline creature but this one has nastier fangs. The sound of the drums and chanting stopped and the final lonely shout from the top signals it all. The two sides rushed forth to flash while I still stand at the line.

"Don't they ever learned? Why attack when the enemies is coming for you? I guess they just like to clash in the middle like a bunch of old fools trying to be heroes." I muttered to myself as the two sides clashed. The dark feline creatures leap on the defenders while a stone figure would grabbed the dark feline and threw it like a rag against the trees. I soon myself shooting with the pistols and relacing the pistols with the ones at my waist. A half dozen based on a eight shots was a good morning excursion and soon I am using my rapier and blade.My rapier with its sharp point was able to pierced the leather shield's. I can see the stone guards are a good lot to have on our side and so are the feline creatures if we could have them on our side.

I find myself facing the same dark creature encountered earlier on the branch, as it chose to circle me for any opportunity. This time I drew on my short blade along with my rapier. The feline rushed towards me with a running pace and then a jump to close the distance. I had raised my rapier and plunged into the left eye of the feline creature and then followed with my short blade into its side near its front limbs. But the weight f the creature pushed me back onto my back. I pushed the creature off me and slowly got up. I find myself facing the surviving warriors and they then began to cheer me for the kill. But the cheers was soon to end when I heard the scream above me. I saw the warrior headdress dropping down and then the body followed suit. He has been stabbed in the chest by some one at the top. I rushed up in a hurry to find the lady I seek holding her hands in front of her which are covered in blood. The so called assailant lies at her feet with a bloodied face. I ran to her and she fell into my arms, weeping at her action and also her loss. I looked down at the base of the structure to see the man who fell down lies in the same position as he was before. But the surviving warriors are looking up at us.

"Lady, if you know how to open the portal, this is a good time."

She did and we are back in Belit' labyrinth. Once we cleared the portal, the doorway closed and the young lady ran up to her mother. The two were whispering and soon they walked away. I looked at them walking away, and I shouted at them to come back. But as I opened my mouth to shout, I find myself in the same spot on the ground level facing the entrance hole in the ground. My three other companions are with me and there is a scroll in front of me.

"He went north to look for the warriors of the dryland. He did not tell me anything else. But he did say one word; dream catcher." It was all that was written on the scroll.

Dream catcher? I wondered what. But we were to see more surprises as we find ourselves surrounded by more than a dozen Spanish conquistador led by a senior officer.; a Capitan rank.

"Sir Black, you are arrested as a spy for the British Empire." I can see that England and Spain ain't exactly good friends here too.


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