Monday, June 25, 2012

Further Adventures of William of Baskervilles

This is a character borrowed from the movie "The name of the Rose" starring Sean Connery as William of Baskervilles.

"William of Baskervilles, thank God for he has granted safe passage for your travel."

I was received on reaching the doors of the Church by the Father himself. It was dark on my travel outside as when I arrived it was pass midnight.

"Thank you, Father Dominic, but you need not wait for me. I am not a man of importance but a courier to deliver these beloved shipment of book." I looked at the packs on the mule which are now being unhitched by servants. It has been a long travel on the back of the mule and I had not stop for any rest as words given to me, that Father Dominic Selville needs them urgently. The priest invited me into his church hall to rest my limbs.

When I entered the church hall, I find the brightness of the place is hurting my eyes. During my last stretch of the travel, I was mostly riding in dark without a lantern as I was not prepared for the rush. I see before me are the servants as they are putting up banners and cleaning the hall for the coming event. I am at a lost as why there was such a need but soon on my travel, my ears had come to hear of his agony as the Count Muller is making his round to this humble church. He is said to displayed irritant when his request were not met and it may be even be murderous to tell him that as whispers shown that he showed no mercy for some before.

"Thank you, Father Dominic." I was offered a drink on seating myself at the long bench at the hall.

"Father Dominic, I would not masquerade my feeling of disappointment to you. Why does the arrogant bastard on hearing of the books could not wait for it. I pray for forgiveness for my remarks, but is it not arrogant of him to demand you have the books by tomorrow. Surely he may be a leader who is beloved by his people would had more of compassion in rage.

Has he forgotten...."I was hushed by the older man in the frock as he led me away to his personal chamber in the church.

"William, forget your pains. We are of the Church may be of power before but now we are powerless. Time has left us with no extravagant influences on the court." The Priest offered me seating in his chamber while he hang his frock before taking seat behind the table of his.

"We survived now on their mercy." The priest continued.

"Currently, the one who sits on the throne is that of the son. He is more haunting as I may put it for his manners are always vary of betrayal and cheat.His ignorant of his rule made him a pessimistic fool. But he is still our Lord. He asked for your books as he was advised that it may contain the needed passages for him to find closure to the voices he hears in his head."

"Voices in his head. Surely he is mad or he is in some romance with a woman. Man has said to hear voices during such relationships." The priest knows my words are to mocked the Count but if he is hearing voices, he is indeed mad or would be of one. "The books I brought are no healer's book but of academic interest. What does he expect to see?"

I stood up and see the books I brought are now stacked next to the wall in the chamber.

"These books are a glimmer of knowledge that we have compiled with our mind and words. They are written in pure form by their writers to the subject matter but again I would reply; none would tell him of clearing voice in the head." I bend down to pick up one. The title says 'Brilliance in Astronomy.'

I picked up another and it said; 'Pure Science; Defining Half Pattern.'

"Voices? He hears voices and yet he wants to read more books. He is a fool. All of us are fools. I should had let these books burned that night." I threw the two books across the chamber. I am fed up with saving what was knowledge to have some idiot take for another. "Your Count needs a healer not read to be one. He is mad."

Father Dominic got up from his seat and walked to me. He held me at the arms and asked that I be calmed.

"William, we do not challenge them as they have done many times with us. Let me show him the books and let him be fascinated by it. I hear his position is uncertain as he had felt discombobulated by his own peers. Soon he would fall but the Church would always be here. We are with God and should not be flamboyant with our works. Do not be sway that we are ignorant fools. We are deemed to be one for now and when the time is right, we would show our true self."

I nod my head at Father Dominic. His words are wiser to mine and I was just tired from the long trip. I was shown to my sleeping quarters and I find it nice smelling of <strong>floral</strong> and some cloves.

"I had it from a trader who went east. The clove ease the mind while you sleep. Please rest as you have done a fantastic task. Now its for me to do the next part of it.You would not be disturbed while you rest and food would be placed for you at the door." I nodded to Father Dominic on his request. He needs not my presence tomorrow and I can rest to my heart content. I sat down on the bedding and find that sleep is still far away from my mind. I removed the book from my personal wrapping to read. The title was; 'Understanding the Mind and Heart'.

Finally I am able to read this without disturbance from outsider. It may tell me how to handle the voices I hear in my mind.

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