Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Hamlet; the Noir Adaption 2023 Act 3 Scene 2 Sub-Scene 8

 Act Three

Act Three Scene Two

Sub Scene Eight

Trap the Mouse

“It was called Murder of Gozago, but it's more like a…. trap for the mice; we do have some in the castle. Nasty creatures who sneak on you, and poisoned the meals, not before it take a bite for themselves.” Hamlet paused in his words. “I had it named Mousetrap. You will never know who may sneak in and then…..”

Hamlet reached out with his hands to clap together.

“Oh, bear me not with antics. The narrative on the play please.” Claudius pressed on. The more he distracts Hamlet, perhaps Gertrude could be spared being asked by the …mad son. Rational and reasoning do not augur well in one who’s mad.

“It was madness then to stage the play as it was an image of a murder done in Vienna. Gonzago is the duke’s name, and his wife Baptista. Madness for we never had any of it in the castle.” Hamlet said. “But madness drove me as an actor, to stage it.”

“You shall see anon. ’Tis a knavish piece of work, but what of that? Your Majesty and we that have free souls, it touches us not. Let the galled jade wince; our withers are unwrung” Hamlet saw the entry of the villain then and sat himself down. “The play still runneth.”

“You are menacing, Hamlet,” Ophelia whispered to him. “Playing to the relationship of the King and madam.”

“I am not but….. Or it may be of ours if we had not unfolded new scenes to ours.” Hamlet smiled. “Your scent alludes upon me.”

“You are as good as a chorus, my lord.” Ophelia shook her head. “A naught I have to repeat many times yet you yearn to hear ever again.”

“I could interpret between you and your love”, Hamlet smiled. “If I could see the puppets dallying.”

“You are keen, my lord, you are keen but the strings of love do not dangle between us.”

“It would cost you a groaning to take off mine edge.” Hamlet pleaded for the need that he had not done to her before in the attic. He felt ready to complete the task then.

“Still better or worse …. But I desire no more.” Ophelia turned away.

“So you mistake your husbands.—” Hamlet was cut off by the arrival of the next player. “We shall speak another time.”

“Ah, begin, murderer. pox, leave thy damnable faces and begin. Come, the croaking raven doth bellow for
revenge.” The Mouse sneaks in.

“I am Lucianus. I am the King’s aide. A nephew by bloodline thus I owned a line to the kingdom.” Lucianus appeared by the third player with a half-face mask, showing only the lower half of his face, with the streaking mustache. Claudius had one too.

“Thoughts black, hands apt, drugs fit, and time agreeing Confederate season, else no creature seeing, Thou mixture rank, of midnight weeds collected, With Hecate’s ban thrice blasted, thrice infected,” The player squeaked and displayed the vial in his right hand.

‘Thy natural magic and dire property on wholesome life usurp immediately.” The mouse leans toward the King. “Pours the poison in his ears.

“He poisons him.” Hamlet was all excited. “from the garden for his estate.

”I hold many killers of the weed.” The gardener seated there/ “Poisoned I have not of any here.”

“Hush!” The others hushed him. “You are not any mouse but an old goat.”

“His name’s Gonzago. The story is extant and written in very choice mine. You shall see anon how the murderer gets the love of Gonzago’s wife.” Hamlet called out while pointing his right index finger at random until he stopped at Claudius.

Claudius rises then.

“The Emperor rises” Ophelia observed.

“What, frighted with false fire? A murder perhaps.” Hamlet glared at Claudius.

“Stop it,” Claudius called out.

“How fares my lord?” Gertrude asked while Polonius called for play to be stopped.

“It’s scurrilous to be played at all.”

“Give me some light. Away!” Claudius found himself stumbling among the seated guest. “Make haste, I am to be away.”

“Lights, lights, lights!” The great Chamberlain's voice was heard, and the guests took their leave of the Hall.

All but Hamlet and Horatio exit.

“My lord, you have stirred a hornet’s nest tonight.” Horatio approached Hamlet.



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