Monday, March 13, 2023

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Chapter 49



“I will offer you all chests of gold and silver.” The figure seated there in the hall soon after welcoming the gathered made the offer.

“I am Pascentius, the son of Vortigern. “ The figure there clothed in the kingly garments with the golden belt that held the sword of his. “I am his third son, sent to stay with my mother for years. I am the brother of Vortimer, and not a pretender to the throne.”

The hall was in a castle not in Briton but across the channel at the main continent.

“All of you honor me by attending this gathering.” Pascentius raised the goblet containing red wine, the drink of the land. “To our alliance.”

“How are we to cross the channel?” An arrogant voice by one of the attended then.

“The same as how the Anglo-Saxons had done,” Pascentius replied. “By ships.”

“I thought the Britons will part the sea for us there.” One of the pagan leaders added a sarcastic remark.

“Maybe if we add red wine to it. It will part for us.” Another added. The sneering and sarcastic remarks were exchanged there, and soon the agreement was to invade.

The news reached King Aurelius.

“Who is the braggart that dares to invade us?” Aurelius snapped out in anger, He was leading the gathering with the Lords at his hall.

“I will battle them.” Uther cut in. He was filled with confidence after the victory at the retrieval of the stones.

“We will battle them. Briton will never be enslaved by others.” King Aurelius made his stand. “I shall…”

The King had to pause on the words. He was seen coughing then. Uther and Merlin who was in attendance rushed to the King.

“I am fine.” King Aurelius spoke out when attended. “I am just out of the wind just now.”

“Aurelius, you need to rest. Your health has been on the decline for days.” Uther looked to his brother. “I will handle the battle preparations.”

“My King, you …”

“I hear you, Merlin, but I won’t heed your words too.” Aurelius recovered from the cough and then pushed the two aside to address the gathered Lords.

“We will push them back.” King Aurelius called out. “Sound the horns.”

While the Britons prepare for war, the army of Pascentius landed on the northern part of Briton and went on a trail of rampage and pillaging. The army was huge combining different clans of the Gauls who were there on the promises of the wealth to be gathered. They were joined by other clans who offered their services as mercenaries.

“We made progress here.” Pascentius stood looking at the burning village that they had taken over. “Nothing shall stand in our way.”

“Have there been news from the Irish? Would King Gillomanius be with us?” Pascentius asked his advisers.

“We heard no words from him. I was told that …”

“Lost their battle and now they cower in fear there.” Pascentius mocked the Irish King. “Perhaps after Briton, we will take on the Irish.”

It was then the scouts rushed in.

“My…King,” The scout unsure of how to address the leader there. “The Britons are marching towards us. They are near to us.”

“Then it will be a major victory for us when we meet.” Pascentius roared out. However, his confidence was not shared entirely by the others.

“We have our wealth now. Do we need to battle on?” Some of the chiefs there for the quick snatch reckoned it was time to leave. Others did not contemplate the issue and left for the ships.

“Come back, you fools!” Pascentius roared at the ones leaving him. “We can battle the Britons. Their King is ill. They are without a leader.”

Words of the illness of King Aurelius did reach there and that stirred up the mood of confidence. Pascentius seized the moment to ride to battle. Both the army met at the open fields, with their strength equally matched.

“King Aurelius, do we wait for reinforcement? The other Lords are on the way.” The Lord there consulted the King.

“Nay, we will battle today.”Aurelius seated on the mount looked at the other army. He saw the banners of the different chiefs, and a few were minor clans of the Anglo-Saxons.

“I can see the Anglo-Saxons are with their oath to me.” Aurelius smiled.”It may be a worthy …”

Aurelius was soon coughing and the gathered there rushed over.

“Rest, my King. We will battle for you.” The Lords urged the King.

“Nay, I will …” Aurelius was interrupted by the sound of the horns. It was the call for battle.

“Who called that?” Aurelius asked.

“Uther, your brother.” The King was told. “He rides ahead. The army is following.”

Aurelius heard the thundering hoofs of the horses and stomping of feet around hum. He then sat up alright and pulled his sword. He galloped his horse to join Uther without a word to the Lords there. They rushed to be by their King in battle.

“Slay them all!” Uther roared when his horse clashed with the other rider. Both the army clashed with spears and swords, bodies bloodied and limbs slashed at.  He had deflected the slash of the other rider while his sword found the exposed left ribs a worthy spot to thrust at. The blade of his sword cut in deep and then with a pull of his arm, Uther had his sword free
to find another victim.

“Arghh…” Utehr cried out when one of the enemies holding the spear cut him on his right forearm. He held the rein on his horse to rear the forelimbs of the horse to trample on the spear holder. It was gruesome when the hoofs crushed the bones beneath the flesh.

Uther rode on before his horse was impaled by another spear. He jumped off the horse onto the one who wounded his horse. His sword slashed hard at the face and killed the other. He turned to look at his dying horse. It was no time to mourn for his faithful mount. He grabbed the spear and pressed it in deep to end the horse’s suffering. \

“Young Prince, let us find you another horse.” The warrior next to him called out but Uther was in anger at the loss of his horse and had charged at the enemies. He was slashing his way at them like a berserker and left a trail of blood.

Across the field to the rear of the army, Pescentius was dismayed that his army was being routed by the Britons. He saw groups of warriors deserting their position to retreat. He called to rally the others but there were met with death by the Britons.

“Ride, Pascentius. We are done in this battle.” The chiefs called on him. The decision was taken and the invaders retreated to the north toward Ireland.




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