Monday, March 13, 2023

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Chapter 52



“Healer? Are you one?” That question was raised by Pascentiius some moons back. The young warrior eyed the figure before him. “You looked more like a …”

“Hermit, my …King.” The one spoken to by Pascentius cut in. “My name is Eopa. I am a healer once of Briton and the Picts, a wizard, a sorcerer, or even can be a warrior but I know how to serve death without a trace.”

“Assassin then. I loathe them for they are cowards to kill in that manner. Fight like a true warrior, and let the blade of the sword decides.” Pascentius then raised his left hand to dismiss the other. “I seek warriors and not your kind.”

Pascentius was seeking warriors to fight for his cause against the Britons. He was promising them once again gold and silver, but the recruitment was slow. King Gillomanius had remained undecided till then.

“I hear you, my King. Do you know that a cat can be killed in many ways? I have done it. I had them beheaded, the removal of their …”

“Silence, oaf! Spare me your gruesome acts. Leave me now.” Pascentius shouted and his servants came to attend then.

“What if I tell you that cat can be the King of Britons? It will die several times and on its final attempt, it will remain dead.” Eopa was then taken by his arms to be removed when he called out. “Aurelius has the life of the cat but he reaches his final life now. And it will be who can kill Aurelius.”

“Stop!” Pascentius motioned to his servants. I am all ears, for now, healer.”

The healer was soon to explain his intentions to Pascentius, and in the end, he was given the task.

“Briton, you will be given silvers to live ten lifetimes.” Pascentius smiled. “If you return with the good news.”

Pascentius shared the details with King Gillomanius who laughed then.

“You are a bigger fool than I thought. King Aurelius is dying as said by you, and yet you send a healer to …what cure him or said by you to speed up his demise.”

“Speeding up the demise will be the action. If King Aurelius dies suddenly, there will be no successor, Britons lies dis-united and we will conquer it.” Pascentius laughed in turn. “It will be done without  a trace to us but we will ride in as the ones to bring order to the land.”

“How much would this …adventure of yours cost us?”

“A thousand silvers. A mere pittance to the wealth we can get when Britons belong to ours.”

“And it will be done by another Briton.” Pascentius roared out.

Two events were to take place then,

Uther turned his body while seated on the saddle to look at the columns. He managed to gather five thousand warriors in the short time he was given. He had no words from King Estregales.

“How will we fare, druid?’ Uther asked Merlin.

“Are you concerned that you will lose? You won before.”

“I did but then we were equal in numbers, and more to it, the other side had not the heart to battle. The defeated told me that.” Uther continued looking at the columns. “Today, I am not sure anymore. We are a quarter of the army that I led earlier.”

“When has a lion backed from the big bull?’ Merlin mocked the Prince.

“Lion, I am not. I was told that you claimed us to be red dragons.” Uther laughed.

“Those were my words, yes. I have to admit the dragons are indeed you and your brother.” Merlin then looked to the skies. “It’s stormy ahead.”

“Stormy?” Uther looked up. It was then he saw a streak of lightning and then a flash that streaked after it. It looked like a creature with wide wings.

“What is that, druid?”

“I don’t know. It landed ahead.” Merlin galloped his horse followed by Uther. They came upon a clearing and saw the wonder there.

“It’s ….” Uther was without a word then.

“A dragon.” Merlin added. “A red dragon.

The creature stood there on its read haunches and the wings flapped wide. It was covered with red scales on the body, and then raised its head on the elongated neck, and then red flames spurted from its nostrils. The creature turned to look at the duo. The horses reared on the front limbs but were held firm by the riders.

“Is it hurt?” Uther asked.

“I doubt so,” Merlin replied. “I think it had taken a rest here. It was probably pursuing the flashes of lightning and flew down here to rest.”

Merlin prodded the horse to get closer.

“It’s a young one. Probably a few years old. And learning to fly or fill with pranks.” Merlin said. “Like young Princes.”

“Can I touch it?” Uther dismounted then. He approached the creature without waiting for the druid’s reply. He reached out to the creature with his right hand. The dragon snorted but no flames appeared. Uther reached out further and touched the side of the creature’s jaw. It shook its head and then leaned to feel Uther’s hand.

“It’s …cold like.” Uther voiced out. Yet, I can feel the warmth inside.”

“The dragons are a part of the serpent family, and yet they also held wings like the birds the size of the bear. It has no real link to all of it, but a creature of its own.” Merlin explained. “Like you, young Uther, you are like the people that call you their Prince, and yet you are not of them as you are of the royal blood. You are held differently there.”

“I…I am of the people.” Uther said.

“No, you are the one the people will look to.” Merlin voiced. “As we look to the dragon here. It’s mighty and above the creatures, feared and revealed as the strong.”

“I want to be the dragon.” Uther looked to Merlin.

“You are one, Uther.”

“No, I want to be known as one. I shall change my name to …. Uther ….Pendragon. That means the Head Dragon.” Uther declared himself. “The Dragon is the most powerful of all creatures.”

“We march to battle now.” Uther was ever confident.




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