Monday, March 13, 2023

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Chapter 59



“Let it known that our battle with the King will be at Dimilioc. The castle at Tintagel will be our last bastion." Lord Gorlois arranged his defenses. “Lady Igraine will be at Tintagel.”

“My Lord, we are…” A commander of the army voiced to the Lord.

“We are few but we are not cowards. The King stepped on my honor. I will not allow that to anyone including yourself.”

The events of Lady Igraine spread fast on the land with different sides of the truth.

“She is a vixen.” The lady gets the blame.

“I am sure she was improper to the King. How could she be in his chamber?”

“I heard that she was seducing him the whole time.”

“Poor man, Lord Gorlois to have such a young lover. Naturally, she seeks another more virile”

“Poor me. If it was me, I am ever ready for the King.”

Some were more ‘rational’.

“Wage war over the lady? I won’t do that.”

“When was it before? Was it Helen of Troy? I won’t die for her.”

“I thought the King was of a different kind. I was wrong after all.”

Regardless of what was said., King Uther was obsessed with the lady.

“We will march to the castle and demand an apology from Lord Gorlois.” The Lords echoed their support to the King. But some behind the scene questioned the King’s action.

“We need to discuss this. My womenfolks are divided on the issue. How can I return home if they are still upset?”

“I have not a fuck since all this happened.”

King Uther in his sober nature heard some of the remarks. He sat in his tent with the few advisers that were with him.

“Am I right to wage war?”  

“For your honor, my King.” The advisers concurred.

“Honor is seen by many but was this honor to snatch one’s lover? She bore the Lord a daughter.” One of the advisers voiced out. “My King, you may be judged on this.”

“Ulfin, I hear you.” King Uther nodded. Then he asked for the druid.

“Where is the druid? Merlin, where are thou?”

The druid was brought to the King.

“You are wrong, my King. You …” Merlin was blunt in his words before he was cut off.

“Stop!’ The King then looked at the advisers. “Leave us now.”

Once alone with Merlin., Uther confessed his error.

“I was …bewitched by the lady.” Uther sighed. “I don’t know what was it but I …love her.”

“You are overwhelmed by her. Are there no others that you could have instead of her?” Merlin asked. The druid himself looked away. An affair of the heart was at times confusing, and he won't deny that in his lifetime, he had erred too.

“Uther, we hold two heads. One holds the brain and the other …well, the brawns.” Merlin looked to the King.

“What can I do?” Uther asked.

“I would have said, the mare or the goat, but you may find it less appealing.” Merlin smiled. “I am sorry, my King. In your dire conditions, I am still skimming the milk here.”

“Druid!” Uther was annoyed.

“Let me think with my head.” Merlin snapped out. “Meantime, take a ….cold bath.”

At that time, Gorlois was taking his warm bath attended by his lover. He had needed that for during the war, the luxury of a good wash was hardly there. Lady Igraine sponged his back while the Lord saw there with his knees up in the circular tub.

“Sire, would you want to avoid war? I could …”

“Bury that thought, Lady Igraine. I have my honor and despite my wounds and age, I can still fight like many of them. Many of my warriors are raring to fight too.”

“Lives would be lost.” Lady Igraine tried to explain her reasoning.

“Many lives have been lost before this day, but today the battle will be ours to win.” The Lord said. “I need to teach the King a lesson in humility. And respect.”

“I still fear for you.” Lady Igraine’s tears rolled from her eyes.

“I will be fine, Lady Igraine. Would you join me here now?” The Lord shifted his body.

“I am …” Lady Igraine looked at the man she loved before she reached for the hem of her gown. “I will.”

On the high noon of that day, Lord Gorlois stood on the rampart of his castle Dimilioc and viewed the lineup of Lords and their army.

“For our honor!” Lord Gorlois called out.




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