Monday, March 13, 2023

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Chapter 61



Lady Igraine received the news of her Lord’s death with grief. She had retired to the chamber to be alone. She looked at the unkempt bedding where she had lain with her Lord, and it was a wonderful sacrifice of her’s to let the lover take the lead throughout the night/ He was relentless; never felt by her for a long time. He was also different; his methods were not the same. He was exploring and tasting that once he said was unbecoming of him but that night he was all there.

“Sire, you need not…” Lady Igraine remembered his pleading but the lover was still at it. She felt more than satiated; tired would be the true feeling hence the unkempt bedding covers. She wanted to remove it by herself, with the stains over it.

For once, Lady Igraine felt embarrassed then.

“The servants will speak over it.” Lady Igraine swallowed her emotional feelings and climbed back to bed. She laid her right hand over her belly.

“It’s a boy, my love, he will be Lord and maybe even King,” Lady Igraine said to her imaginary lover. “If it’s a girl, she will be Queen.”

“The child will be a boy and he will grow up to be King.” Lady Igraine was taken aback by the sound of another voice in the chamber. She sat up and called out for her lover.

“My Sire? Are you here?”

“No, Lady Igraine. It’s only me. Merlin the Druid. I have come to see you.” Lady Igraine saw then the crow that was perched on the wall opening with its beaks moving. “I am here.”

“Go away, druid. I do not favor any visitors now. I have just lost my Sire.”

“I heard the news of the death of Lord Gorlois. I am ever sorry for your loss.” Merlin the Crow voiced out. “I may be …Let me tell you the truth.”

“The truth? What did you do, druid?” Lady Igraine rushed to the crow. It flew inside the chamber and perched on the table.

“Please allow me to explain.” Merlin the crow voiced out. “I did ..”

“Do what? Make my Lord feel that he was invincible? Make him face the King in battle?” Lady Igraine grabbed the jug that was near her. “You are a …demon.”

“Hear me out, woman!” Merlin the spell on Lady Igraine which made her freeze her then.

“It was …your fault. You have enticed the King that he does not understand morally his actions. He battles your Lord over you.” Merlin the Crow, spread out its wings as if to discard the guilt from himself.

“King Uther likes your Sire very much, but his ….head went over toward you. He was …”

“He was an impudent King. That is what he was and still is.” Lady Igraine could still speak roared out. “I should have not met him."

"But you did and when you did it, he became …. Deranged. Most of us do when our heads clashed.” Merlin the Crow turned its beak to nip on the wings. “The King …”

“My God, are all of you men the same? Was it … lust that ruled your mind?” Lady Igraine knew the reason. “I did ask my Sire if I would …. Sacrifice my body to the King, would it avert the war? He said no. Honor must be maintained.”

“What is an honor, druid? When it's governed by their groin? I can lie there and look at the ceiling and yet feel nothing honorable below.” Lady Igraine added. “Druid, you may not know of that I guess. You probably wet yourself regardless as long as the spell works. Or do you have a spell to elongate yourself to nest at the rear?”

“Enough, woman. I am to tell you that I cured the King’s head. He was with you last night here in this chamber.” Merlin spat it out. “He was seen as your Lord.”

“Oh, God! You ….How was it? No…. you did it. You and your occult arts… You demeaned my womb to a monster… a demon like yourself.” Lady Igraine tried to move her limbs but she could not.

“Here me out, woman. You may be with his child. A lineage to the Kings.” Merlin the Crow said. “I …”

“Oh, God!” Lady Igraine's mind splashed out the memories of the night. She felt soiled in her soul/

“You bastard, druid. I will kill you and then this unborn demon.”

“You can’t. He is to be the King of all Kings. He will be protected.” Merlin the Crow voiced out. “I have laid a spell on you that you will not harm the womb.”

“I won’t have this demon in my womb.”

“You will. That is my call.” Merlin the Crow then flew out the wall opening. It was then the servants rushed and saw their lady in distress. 

“Get me a dagger now!” Lady Igraine ordered the servants. “I want to kill myself.”

“No, Mother. You can’t. I need you.” It was Little Pumpkin who hugged the mother. I can’t be without you now.”




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