Monday, March 13, 2023

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Chapter 57


“Unhand me, woman.” Lord Gorlois told his lover that when she held his right arm. “I am called by the King to battle the barbarians.”

“My Sire, you have just returned, and your wounds have yet to recover. Why must you rush to battle once more.” Lady Igraine who was the lover of the Lord raised the concern. “You could send others. There are many …”

“The King wants me. Upon this victory, I will be seated by the King. We will be rewarded with more land.” Lord Gorlois looked to his lover. “I am doing it for you and Elaine.”

“Go with God at your side. May God protect you.” Lady Igraine released her hold on her lover. She watched the man who had cared for her ever since her family discarded her. She needed protection and found it there with Gorlois.

“Mother, where is the father?” It was little Elaine who was then just learning to speak.

“He rides with the King, my dear.” Lady Igraine cradled her daughter to look outside the wall opening at Lord Gorlois leading his army to another battle. She saw the gathering included the other families whose father or son that was in the column. She saw a few of the others who will not join in for they are still in recovery or maimed in battle.

“Will I see Adrian again?” Elaine asked of the mother. Adrian is the assigned guard to the girl, but due to the call-up for the battle. He was one to leave with the column then.

“Yes, you will,” Lady Igraine replied but in her mind, she prayed for the safety of all. “Adrian is a strong man.”

“Yes, he is. He carried me on his shoulders.” Elaine laughed showing the gaps in her teeth.

“My Lady,” Lady Igraine was called by the servant. “You have a guest. He is a druid.”

Lady Igraine met the druid in the hall and was introduced to one named Merlin.

“I came to see you as I was passing the castle,” Merlin spoke to the lady. Are you, Lady Igraine?”

“Yes, I am.” Lady Igraine was never comfortable with the ones who were considered pagan worshippers. More so, when they are practicing the arts of the occult.

“If you are looking for the Lord of the Castle, he is …out and will return shortly. You can …”

“I am here to see you, Lady Igraine. I can see that you are uncomfortable with me. I am not here to offer you any potions or ornaments. I just wanted to see you in person.”

“Why is that?” Lady Igraine asked.

“It’s the path in my journey.” Merlin smiled.

“Your journey? What has that to do…”

“Time will tell, my Lady.” Merlin then asked to be excused. He left the lady still seated there pondering the reason for his stopover.

“I hate druids and their arts..” Lady Igraine mumbled. A perception that will change in the later years of her life.

On the trail to join the main army, Lord Gorlois pressed on his left ribs. It still aches from the impact of the mallet that was wielded by the Anglo-Saxon warrior. It was a battle with Uther’s army pursuing the smaller group of Anglo-Saxons then. Lord Gorlois was ahead and met the fleeing enemies head-on. They were evenly matched in numbers when they clashed.

Lord Gorlois was charged by one with the long-handle mallet. The latter swung the heavy mallet from the left at the Lord. He blocked it with his shield but was forced back by the blow. He stepped back when the Anglo-Saxon warrior pressed on with the hammering. The Lord kept on backing away and then saw an opening to swing his sword from the right at the attacking Anglo-Saxon. His blade slashed at the left forearm of the Anglo-Saxon warrior but the other did not stop at the wound. The latter proceeded on with the mallet hammering at Lord Gorlois.

“Madness!” Lord Gorlois backed from his attack. He can see the Anglo-Saxon warrior was in a rage but more of his emotions were infused by the potion they took before the battle. It was making them incoherent to their senses, but only the rage to battle.

“Argh…” The Anglo-Saxon called out when one of the warriors with Lord Gorlois speared the former in the chest from the left side. It was then Lord Gorlois who added the thrust of his sword into the wounded warrior. At that moment, the Anglo-Saxon warrior had swung the mallet into the Lord’s ribs.

“Argh…” It was the Lord’s turn to call out on the pain/ He staggered on his feet but was held up by the other warriors.

“Retreat, my Lord. We will battle for you.” Lord Gorlois was told by his warriors.

“No, I will battle on/.” Lord Gorlois ignored the pain and forced himself to battle. It was not long before the main army under Uther arrived, and victory was determined.

“You may return, Lord Gorlois.” Uther had then told the Lord. “When we are done here, you will join me for the victory feast.”

The victory feast was delayed for there were incursions at other parts of the land. Lord Gorlois was called on to attend to it.

“My Lord, the scouts report that the barbarians have fled the border.” It was the guard named Adrian who reported to him. “There are some who linger here.”

“Those who are still here will be removed.”



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