Saturday, March 27, 2021

Trojan War Chapter 45



Zeus was upset that some of his Gods and Goddesses had ignored his command not to get involved in the Trojan conflict. He had Hephaestus summoned to his Hall.

“Tell me, Hephaestus. What was it that I heard of the mycellion?” Zeus confronted the other.

“That is true. The mycellion may have contributed to their war. I did share my works with the Trojans but it was in limited quantity and somehow they managed to extract more of it from the load and had it assimilated onto their core. And weapons but it’s limited.”

“The mycellion is rare and found only on Trium Two in the depths of its deep trenches below the surface,” Zeus spoke of the organic metal. “It’s guarded by Poseidon and no one has access to it.”

“I know and many of us knew but I got some loads of it. It was …” Hephaestus said before he was cut off.

“How did they know? I had told no one except to … Poseidon and …Hera.” Zeus raised tone mellowed on the mention of the names. “How could they…”

“I knew from Poseidon and was given the amount to test. He wanted me to reinforce his ships.” Hephaestus added in. “I did what was requested. I am the …”

“The metallurgist among us and the gullible one to listen to many of them and yet hear none of mine.” Zeus was upset. “I did tell you to discuss with me on any new developments. Am I not your Supreme God? Or am I another one like yourself?”

“I meant no harm, Zeus. You are the Supreme One but my use of the organic material was to be for all. I did not know the Trojan’s will use it for their core.”

“And they did and the war was to begin and we are also drawn into it.” Zeus summarized it all. “Somewhere in there, I sensed a sinister plot at work but by whom?”

“I do not understand, Zeus. Why are you talking in riddles? Who is plotting what?”

“Think hard, Hephaestus. Think harder than the metal you had worked on. The war was caused by what? Or was it the abduction? And think of why at Sparta? And why was Troy involved? And the many questions here.”

“I do apologize, Zeus. I am not Athena.” Hephaestus sighed.

“And of which I had her summoned here too. “ Zeus looked to the rear of Hephaestus. “Athena arrived.”

“Better days to you, Zeus.” Athena greeted Zeus. She was born and hidden from Zeus for some time but gifted with the skills and knowledge by her mother till her reunion with Zeus.

“Women are without a doubt a hindrance to the way of life for Man but we have to live with them.” Zeus recited the words that he once told himself. “You are the wisest of the lot, yet my task to you had failed.”

“A most unfortunate event and I will rectify that strategy on my next move. It would seem that brawns do not always work as well as the brain.” Athena lamented on the failure of Hector even with the assistance of Heracles could not retrieve the gift she requested.

“Your task was made complicated by the involvement of Artemis who may have learned more than you did.” Zeus smiled. He was always challenged by Athena’s works and to see her outwitted by the other was a consolation to him.

“Artemis did well from afar and her use of the Minotaurs; sadly they perished in the battle was ingenious but how was she had to know I will be calling on Heracles to aid me?”

“I was telling the other here that within the halls of even my mighty hall, the whispers of mine are heard by many, and no secret will be with me.” Zeus laughed.

“The aftermath of having received the woman to your chamber, Zeus.” Athena mocked the other. “I thought Hephaestus' pain of adultery would have taught you. The cage may contain it or you in it.” 

Athena who was unattached had renounced any association to any others laughed out loud. She was focusing on her well-being only.

“Athena, I will…” Hephaestus reacted in anger but was held back by Zeus.

“You are right …. In the manner of speech. I am blessed with the presence of women like your mother and yourself but also betrayed by them. I am to the stage of living with the consequences of my action. However, where I can, I will rectify it.”

“I will resolve the war and recouped my rank among all of you. Let me think for now.” Zeus dismissed them all.

“I will rectify the event,” Zeus muttered. The meeting of the three had soon filtered to the others and the ones with guilt had surfaced.

“Hera, he may now …” Poseidon approached Hera at her Tower, She was not alone but with co-conspirator of her scheme.

“He does not know. He only suspects … me.” Hera smiled at Poseidon. “And you but not them.”

Hera was with Aphrodite and Ares.

“Zeus is no fool,” Poseidon replied in anger. “Hephaestus who is your brood told him I gave him the organic metal to work on.”

“And I gave the catalyst that gave it strength to assimilate. We are equal at faults, Poseidon but do you see me grovel on my knees towards Zeus. I won’t do that and the Trojans won’t do it either. They are going to end the war as victors or be defeated.”

“Hera, you are …” Poseidon glared at Hera.

“Poseidon who is my brother, this is the first time you know me. I am no one’s equal. Conflicts feed my soul as Ares my son can attest. The peace initiated by Zeus over the twelve worlds is demeaning to my existence. We should have left them alone or took sides as we did before, and move onto the new boundaries. We left the remnants of the conflict to thrive at the Frontier and yet with our strength, we did not quash them but allowed them to harass us. All of this was a malady of Zeus’ mind. He was contented to rule and sow his seeds while we linger here.”

“Zeus had seen enough conflict and …” Poseidon defended his brother.

“Was Zeus not the son of Cronus who was the son of Uranus? How did they thrive?” Hera looked at Poseidon. “Not by love but by conflict. We are the creation of conflicts and shall conflict exist, we exist.”

“I regretted my ..” Poseidon sighed.

“Your contribution of the organic metal was not of your detest towards Zeus or your love for the deformed son of mine but your love towards myself.” Hera laughed. “Have you regretted the day your brother took me for himself? I could have been yours if you asked but you feared your brother.”

“Shame on you, Hera. How could you..” Poseidon was upset.

“I am not ashamed for I did not you of your love for me. You did it yourself.” Hera laughed. “Now, leave me. Zeus will confront you on the work you did, but will you tell? I doubt so.”



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