Thursday, March 4, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 34

 Yellow Heat


Author's Note:

The contest calls for a tale on fire. And I gave them the blazing version set in the stone age period.





The climb on the slope is bad, with our feet blistering from the hot surface but we had them wrapped with the skin of the animals. But we can still feel the heat as we move closer to the yellow movement coming from the hole in the ground. We near it and we can feel the burn on our skin now. I held out my hand to hold the men as the ritual calls for us to perform before we can approach the hole. I raised my hands upwards and called out for the safety of my people and myself. We hunt at the flat land but our yellow heat runs out due to the careless action of the young one. We beg for the new yellow heat which we will carry back to the cave. We take it as it protects us and yet it gives the meat a better taste. It helps us in the cold nights and the children lived longer with the yellow heat.


Just as I am here now to lead these hunters to get the new yellow heat. Jakin came forth with the thick branch and he hands it to me. I checked it for any moisture as the wet surface makes it difficult to take the yellow heat. I moved on alone and holding the long branch to the hole. I leave it there to embrace the yellow heat. I can see it fighting on the relationship like when I first asked Mani to be my mate. We fight like the yellow heat now; from yellow to red and then back, but we will be one. The embrace is complete and now come the hard part. We need to remove the branch and I am the only one to do it? I touched the branch and it's not heated up. I pulled at it and it separated from the main yellow heat but the branch has its yellow heat on it. I pulled it every slowly towards us and soon it was ready for the next embrace. The designated hunters moved forth and placed their branch on the one I drawback. Soon their branches are with the yellow heat and we marched back down the slope.


But the real danger is not here but on the way back. It's a two days one night walk and there will be others who will steal our yellow heat. They are the ones who know not the ritual and yet they want the yellow heat too. In my group, there are hunters to deal with them but this time we are less in numbers. We lost two good hunters to the great one with the front long teeth, but the yellow heat is our symbol of life. It does not take long for the others to come, and they come in big numbers. We are less by half but we hold the yellow heat. They are like the animals; they also fear the yellow heat, so we hold together with the hunters bearing the yellow heat inside while the ones with the handles of bone keep the others at bay.


One came charging like the wild small animal, but the hunter clubbed him down. Another tried but he stopped before he could reach the yellow heat. I thought of an idea that I grabbed the small branch with the yellow heat and threw it at the others. It lands at the feet of one of the others and they all ran for it. I shouted to my group to run and ignore the fallen yellow heat. We have others to hold on to. Soon we were cleared for the others and we rest our bodies. The branches with the yellow heat are kept together and more branches are sought for the next part of the journey. It was then Gant confront me on giving away the yellow heat to the others.


"They are many and we are few. If I do not do it, we may lose more than we are now. It's a small yellow heat, but they are not chasing us now" I had to explain to Gant as he has now a few of us with him, and they questioned my move.


"Auric, you scared of them. The yellow heat scares them and we have it. We risked our lives for it and you give it so freely. I asked are you with them or with us."


I looked at him; big like me with the club he holds well in his hand. But a fight I would not like as these are my tribe. But I will have to handle Gant.


"We fight the yellow way." It's the ritual of where the challenge to be the leader is called now. Whoever wins holds the leader position. Not many dare to take on the challenge as some have lost their hands in it.


"So be it. I take your challenge." I know Gant has eyed the position for long and he now challenges me when my men are few. We moved to the yellow heat and I told him to take the branch he wants. He selected a small branch and showed it to his men. I knew he would do that as I took a bigger one. There was a hush among the men as we faced each other. The challenge calls for us to hold the yellow heat over our hands. It will be painful but it will prove the one who will be the leader. Gant was reluctant as he did not expect us to go this length in the challenge. I know him well to shout and then challenge but he has shrunk from many when it comes to the test.


"Aargh! I will do it today as our tribe needs us." Gant walks away as he does most times. But I picked up his thrown branch and placed it in on my palm. I can feel the pain in the flesh but I had to endure as many will see this and none may challenge me again. Then I threw the branch to the rest of the yellow heat branches. The men around me cheered me as their leader as Gant walks away in shame.


We did reach back the cave in time to see the rest of the tribe. They rejoiced in our return and embraced the return of the new yellow heat. It was added to the old one and a new yellow heat soon shone in the cave. I went to my shelter and sat there while my mate, Mina attend to my needs. She looked at my blistered palm and she shed her tears on it.


"Auric, you cannot be doing this for long. Your hand is too bad to be good." Mina is a good mate and bore me some young ones.


"I hoped one day our young ones will be able to make these yellow heat than for them to risk hunting it. But till then it's my responsibility to continue for we need the yellow heat to survive and to keep our body warm. I am their leader and no sacrifice is too great." I sat there to see my youngest rubbing two stones together and there is some yellow heat to be seen, but not as big as the one I brought back. Maybe one day, he will do it right and make it as big as mine. But till then, the way to get the yellow heat is by the challenge to its well and to come back with it.





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