Monday, March 1, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 33


Awakening my Love.


Author's Note:

The gothic version of Sleeping Beauty with an Owl in attendance.





"It's about time, Owl. Do you know how much I need to consume for my beauty sleep?" It's past midnight now and that is the usual time of arrival for the Owl nightly as he brings her daily meal. But tonight he was late as the mice were away for the winter vacation so he had to hunt for the bugs and leeches that come up late.


The Princess of the once fable castle now rise from the bedding she has lain for the last twenty-five years and forty-nine days; but who is looking at the calendar when you are supposed to sleep. But not this Princess as she needs to count the days when some Prince will come and cure her of the curse by kissing her lips and declaring his love for her. But after twenty-five years and forty-nine days, she is losing no sleep on the possibility of that happening now.


The Princess looked at herself in the mirror by her bed and she was upset that despite her beauty not one of the Prince who came has managed to wake her up. She can see her mascara has smudged onto her cheeks; that was the work of the previous Prince trying to re-do her makeup when he came last. But he is Mortician King's heir, so he did her with the latest design. She smiled at her new mascara design and think its a nice touch to her new looks.


She looked further down her chin to her neck and noticed no smudges there. There was one Prince who came to kissed her decided that he would settle for her neck instead causing her uneasy moments as he salivates over her neck to the ears. He may think it's erogenous but she finds it revolting. So she gave him a sniff of her putrid unwashed breath which he ran away shrieking for mouth wash. The Princess sigh as she now passes her prime beauty age and yet no charming Prince has come to claim her as his love.


She moved from the dresser and sat down at the dining table. She looked at her palate of bugs and leeches. She pushed it away as she had that for the last three nights. The Owl on seeing her pushed his offerings was offended by her.


"Look at me, Princess. If it's not for your darned Godmother, I would not be your Guardian here; bringing you your food and attending to your daily needs. So be grateful, or I shall be forced to terminate my contract with your Godmother." The Owl on being upset will perched himself before her plate and consumed the leeches and bugs. After all, waste, not good food but it does add to the Owl's waist as his vest bulged with the buttons straining at the seams.


"Curl in your beak, Owl. I heard that more times than my own mother's grumbling of me being an old maid....." But the Princess was interrupted by the sound of someone coming up the stairs. "Owl, did you lock the front door?"


"Princess, I do not use the front door as you know I can fly and the window is always open here or this room will reek of stench and overflowing with dust mites." The Owl flew to the window ledge and looked beyond. "I see no carriages or trams as they called it now. You must be mistaken, my dear. Which Prince in his sane mind will come at this hour?"


But the creaking of the stairs was too apparent to be ignored by the two-person in the tower room. The Princess hurried from her dining seat to her bedding, and she laid herself prone to await another suitor.


"Princess, you left your vanity pouch here," said the Owl. The Princess peeked at the Owl and motioned to him to bring it over. It contains the certification of her purity in chastity although she is not of the age to worry about it. The Owl comply with her request and just as the door opened to admit in a man.


A man who is dressed in a black cloak over his dark suit and white shirt. The lapel of his cloak overreached the back of his head like an upturned hood, and his hair slicked with whatever he had put there to glean like the silverware in most shop fronts. But if one would look into his eyes, you would see the orbs inside is blue and yet its shimmer like those in the movies, and the long nose of his could be only the work of a master in the plastic mold industry. But the uncanny fangs that protrude from the edge of his lips makes him too delicious to resist.


"I see before me a damsel of my choice; pure and reeking of past years of uncleaned specks of dirt like me as I have lain in the coffin. Who needs a bath when you are in an enclosed coffin most times." The cloaked man walks towards the sleeping Princess.


"Mon Dieu! She is ravishing and yet she is a Princess. I must be courteous as she is no barmaid I have laid my fangs on before. Pardon me, Princess. My name is Count Dracula. I am not a Prince as per your required edict issued by your Godmother; God bless her soul as she lay next to my burial spot. But I am still a Count; an almost equivalent of any Prince in status. It does have about the same alphabet counts and 'C' ranks before 'P'. So I read the edict as the worms gave it to me this morning; I know they are slow in delivery but it's better to be late than never to arrive. So I am here now and I would like to claim you for my bride. Would you take as your equal in the namesake as a groom? Gee, I am so sorry. You are asleep and I need to wake you up before you can hear my declaration for your place with me. Fluster no more, my dear for I know the very thing I need to do to claim you, love. Thank God, this is PG13 rated, or I would be forced to do pre-marital acts. The edict did say to lay my kiss on your lips. And so shall I do so as per instruction."


Meanwhile, the Princess who is laying there has this thought in mind; 'git your act in place or your ass will be out of place'.


But prevail not as the Count goes down to his knees and slowly uncover the strands of hair that was laying carelessly by the lips of the sleeping Princess. He picked at every strand and lay them in their places by the ears so that they will not get in between his lips and her's. He looks at her beautiful lips covered in the red gloss oil pastel and he thought of one whom he used to desire.


"Pour no more on her, me. Here lies one who is better than that one, and yet my manly desires swings to another. I am ashamed of my lustful thoughts. Please forgive me for that, my dear." The Count paused in his move to lay his lips on her's.


Meanwhile, the Princess is getting edgy as she awaits the passionate kiss. She tells herself; 'look buster; I can wait for another second as I have waited twenty-five years and forty-nine days.'


She did peek through her lashes to see the Prince now really hovering his lips before her's. For whatever reason, she had to ask herself, why do all the men all look down when they kissed us, women.


Eureka! She got the answer.


'I knew it would work. The undone strings of my bodice would surely draw any bees to the nectar. Aha! I knew that although mama did not tell me. But wait the Count's lips are moving away. But God, this man is going for the nectar instead. I would get you for this, you creep.'


But his lips laid on her neck as his lips drawback to uncovered his set of fangs that is now touching her jugular at the neck. The Count with ever careful movements bites down onto the delicate skin and pierced the surface to ventured into her where no man has done before. His fangs sink in with slow deliberate movements reaching for her veins; causing the Princess to reached out in a feeling that she has never experienced before in her life. She could feel her life soul being refreshed and yet being drained by the actions of this man. It brings her pores to exploded off all the putrid clogging of the twenty-five years and forty-nine days. She could feel lifted from the bedding, not by the muscles of her spine but by the needs of herself.


"Ah! I have done it. One pint of blood from me to you, and now you complete me. Arise, Princess, and my bride. I have given you a pint of my elixir of life and now you are mine forever." The Count now stands before her with his fangs glistering with the drops of pure blood.


The Princess opens her eyes and looked at the man who has awakened her. What she sees is beyond the description of words. She rose to a sitting position and her hand reached for her neck. She felt the spot where he has laid his fangs and she took a swipe at it with her fingers to later sweep onto her lips.


"Thank you, my Count. I am ever grateful for you to break my curse after twenty-five years and forty-nine days. My name is...." But the Count hushed her lips with his finger.


"Come, my love. We have a world to visit. But first, I need to get you to an oral expert as your breath is absolutely bad." And so the Princess; unnamed to date and the Count left for the town before they can consummate their vows.


Meanwhile, the Owl sighed in relief as his contract has just ended. He was to fly off when he saw the pouch left on the bed. It's the Princess chastity certification. He shrugs his wings as he knows she would not need them anymore. So ends another story that the readers never get to read as it was not suitable then to disclose the finer details till now.


Signing off. The Guardian Owl of the Sleeping Beauty.




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