Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 40

 High School to Me...


Author's Note:

Life in a High School and I must start from the age of seven. That is a long way to go to High school unless you are a genius or a total wacko.



I was seven years old the first time they sent me away to my first boarding school, and now I am into my next stage of High School. I stand there looking at the entrance to the magnificent school which I am supposed to digest my knowledge to a higher level of intelligence. But I was told to wait here for the person to come and invite me in as I am only nine years old. I am one of the gifted ones with the ability to study advanced algebra and microelectronics circuitry courses. I stood there as I see other students who tower over me walked by carrying armloads of books. I can see the young ladies with their eyes glued to the handsome boys and some of them are glued to the phones they carry as they walked avoiding obstacles as there is an inbuilt radar in their head.


When I mentioned that they are towering, I meant it as I am only four feet and five inches high for my age of nine. No, I do not have one thick-rimmed glasses although I had on is my normal spectacles which I need to wear to avoid the squinting of my eyes. That was before they placed me in the front row and I can see better.


Oops, here is my host.


She introduced herself as Mrs.Manny and she will take me to my classroom now. I followed her into the school and it huge for a kid like me. Everybody is still running and pushing as they rushed for their classes as the bell has just rung. I was led by Mrs.Manny to my classroom at the second level, third door on my right at a walking distance of three hundred and three feet from the position I was last standing at. If I would run at the speed of ten feet per second, I should be able to reach the door before the main door can close itself after opening. I did a mental calculation on the time taken for the door to close once it's opened wide.


We at my class now, and I am being brought to the attention of the class teacher. He is Mr.Albright and he is very happy to see me. I was introduced to the class which has twenty-five students of which fifteen are boys and the rest are girls. Of the boys, I can see that there are six on the last row with the same hairline cuts; making them members of a gang or just having the same barber. There are three girls with dental braces and five are blondes. I like blondes so I would consider next to the three which have vacant seats next to them. I will probably avoid the tall guy in the corner as he is carrying a ball in his bag, Its shows he plays ball and he would insult me on my height. I can see the boy who is probably a football star or is it his car keys hanging on his jacket pocket that makes the girls all swoon over him. He is at the moment sitting in the center of eight girls all around him. I managed to assess all these findings in the ten seconds I took to introduce myself which is very brief.


Mrs.Mandy was very nice to invite my classmates to clap on the completion of my speech which has not been completed in those ten seconds. I paused to let everyone knows my name which was all I said in the ten seconds. I have a speech impediment problem so it takes time for me to speak but I can think faster. Nevertheless, I shall not speak further and get myself to the seat I wanted. Mr.Albright however decided that I would do better to sit with Nina as she is his brightest student. I had to relent to his wishes as if I would argue, the crows outside the window would have finished consuming a scrap of bread before I complete my finished sentence.


I took my seat in reluctance and smiled at Nina. She gave me her courteous smile back. I can hear some boys commenting on my height and also my intelligence to sit in this classroom. I only smile as I looked at the board where Mr.Albright is trying to explain the complicated formulation to the class. I wondered why did he correct the third line of computation as it's a mistake on the velocity built up. As I could not speak well, I decided that the best action would be to correct it for him. I got up from my chair and walked to the board. I raised my hand to the line concerned and erased the figure. I then took the marker and changed the other corresponding figures.


I then went back to my chair and sat down while Mr, Albright is looking at the revised calculation. He then turned to the class and praised me for seeing the mistake. Unfortunately during the six successive sessions of studies under different teachers, I find myself getting bored. I was relieved by the ringing of the final bell which tells me my ordeal in the school is over for today. I walked out of the classroom to see Mrs.Manny waiting for me outside. She offered to walk with me down the stairs to the main door on the three hundred and three feet. Mrs.Manny has complimenting three praises on my performance today with the different teachers and was to shower me with the fourth when we reached the Main Door.


There we were met by Mrs.Danfield; my aide and assigned guardian. The two ladies spoke in brief as I proceeded on alone to the waiting car. Jenkins my valet was there to opened the car door for me as I climbed into the comfortable leather seating of the Bentley. Mrs.Danfield was to join me and she closed the door. Jenkins then put the car into motion and we are on our way back to our next destination.


Mrs.Danfield reached for my vest and unbuttoned the first two buttons. She then proceeded to unbutton my shirt before she reached into it. Beneath my shirt is the control panel which can deactivate me for the day. After all, even an artificial intelligence entity like me needed some time to recuperate and recharge the batteries.



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