Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Arthur II Book III Chapter 6




Lady Igraine sat looking out the wall opening towards the lake at Camelot. She had met Guinevere regularly. She felt the lady was unhappy with her union with Arthur but it was good advice to her for she needed protection. She had suggested that the lady take on the potion of child but Guinevere refused.

“I am not sure if I want to bear him his child.” Guinevere retorted back in anger. “I don’t love him at all.”

“Guinevere, we are living in an age where love does not exist for us. We are the ladies of the Court. We are traded for influence or power.” Lady Igraine reminded the other. She knew it all because she was traded as in her belief to Lord Gorlois at a young age. She never knew him but the wedding was arranged for her. She had complied as it was the wishes of her parents and with Gorlois, her family was protected.

Or she assumed.

Lady Igraine was to sacrifice herself and devoid of love, made love to a man twice her age. She had fought back the bile in her throat to utter the words of thanks to the man who was leaving her with his seedlings. She had wanted to rebel but what can a lady do as the Lord’s love. It was that eventful night that she was to find her escape.

It was him but then again, she felt the love in the act. Her lover was different and she felt wanted. That night was to change her life.

“You are a whore!” Lord Gorlois had accused her. “You slept with another on my bedding.”

“No, I did not. It was always you.” Lady Igraine defended her honor, and yet she knew whoever was then as Lord Gorlois was not the Lord but another. It was not a grope in the dark among lovers but she knew. She was deceived by another but she felt also felt love then.

And desire.  

The war started while she was shackled to the dungeon with the rodents and lice. Fortunately for her, the war was short and her rescuer came.

“I was the one who betrayed your innocence. I am Utter Pendragon.” Lady Igraine heard the name and lashed out with her nails at the tormentor who did the injustice on her. She was held in her arms by the man and her heart betrayed her feelings. She fell into his arms and cried. He comforted her. He had her cleaned with his gentle hands and laid her to sleep with the silky gown. He had then stood up to leave when she spoke to him.

“Utter, lay down with me. I do not want to be alone.”

Utter Pendragon did and more he did then without fear of being discovered. Their love grew and then she declared her willingness to bear him his children.

But it was not to be for he was banished. She lost her Lord and soon was taken into slavery.

“Don’t we all?” Lady Igraine heard the familiar voice. “Men are bastards. They pick and choose on their whims and when we clung on, they pushed us off like lice.”

Lady Igraine turned around and saw Morgause.

“Surely, you must have missed me?” Morgause was in the pink gown with the huge floral designs on the skirt. “I had seen this in Paris and loved it. Do you?”

“The gown yes but not of you.” Lady Igraine hit back. “Why do you torment me? I am no more with Utter Pendragon.”

“I have never stood between you and that Lord,” Morgause replied. “I am here for you and you alone. You are a lady without any protector. Your care has her own.”

“I don’t need your protection. I am with my own.” Lady Igraine raised her hands to call on a spell but she found not her voice.

“You can’t speak if you hold no voice. Or has it moved downwards? Oh, such an embarrassment that will be.” Lady Igraine found her mouth was between her legs.

“I do miss it there.” Morgause reminded the lady of their one-time act. “However, I am here to tell you that with Arthur away, your care also needed some monitoring. Many coveted her for themselves. And she may of him.”

“Do not ….” Lady Igraine found her mouth restored. “You do not condemn my care to your …. Vile accusations.”

“Vile accusations made towards you? Now Lady Igraine,  I am here as your friend. No, sister will be more to it. One day, you will seek me to help you. And if I do, I will need your’ too. If we are to be united as sisters, the three of us may cause many to succumb to our power.”

“I am not your witch, Witch.” Lady Igraine was upset but Morgause laughed it off.

“Igraine of the Moor, we are all witches inside of us. We just needed the moment to surface and then we will display the full power of the witches in us.”

“I will not be a part of it.” Lady Igraine said. “You can do what else but leave me out.”

“I am afraid that it’s not possible. The vibes are out and the others will know.” Morgause replied. She reached out with her right hand and conjured up a scorpion there.

“This creature will assist you. It’s a new spell of mine and you will benefit from it. It will strike upon your enemy but I may also feed you with the spells to strengthen you. Take note, it needs feeding and you are plentiful for that.” With that, Morgause left the other lady alone.

Lady Igraine looked for the scorpion but it had gone into hiding. She was worn out by the other appearance took her seat on the bedding. She looked at the lake and asked herself.

“Are you truly there as told in the tales? Please help me.”

Her wish was the dark creature's desire to obey.

Lady Vivianne was in deep meditation after her extensive study of the spells in the white art of witchcraft. She was in the chamber with the artifacts as a company. She felt calm there but at that moment a shudder went through her body.

“Morgause…” Vivianne muttered. She saw then the arrival of the other four ladies.

“You all felt it?” Vivianne asked. The other four ladies nodded.

“It has been a period of peace and now she is back. She may be looking to get the third witch to make the rule of the three. The power of three to make their charms more potent.”

All the ladies knew the rule of the power of three; It states that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times. 

“They are treading on unknown grounds,” Ninianne said.

“Has Morgause ever been careful with her learning? She had once almost released the demons from the other realm.” Vivianne reminded the others. “She is a bane to the cause.”

“What will happen if she does get the spell to work?” Nimue asked.

“More work for us I am afraid. She will be or they will be powerful and even more than all five of us. We need to stop her now.” Vivianne looked to the other ladies. “She is not to be allied with the other two witches.”

“And if we are to fail…” Nymue asked.

“Failure is not an option, ladies. We are to win or perish in Hell.” Vivianne warned them.

“I will handle Morgause with Ninniane and Nimue. Ninniane can have forest and its creatures to track down the sisters while Nimue will learn to use the white spells.” Vivianne said.

“The others will not act on Morgan but keep an eye on her,” Vivianne said. “I will also handle Lady Igraine.”

It was all moving so fast that even Merlin in his reading of the ancient scrolls was distracted.

“Morgause…. Lady Igraine…” Merlin looked up from the scroll. He replaced it on the shelf and then grabbed his bag. He made his way to Arthur’s chamber. He bumped into Lamorak in the corridor.

“Arthur? He left earlier. He did not say where.” Lamorak was still cold to the druid. He then walked off to do his task. Merlin took his way to Arthur’s chamber but the door was latched from the inside. He then proceeded to look for Lady Igraine. He saw her at the chamber of her own.

“Greetings, lady Igraine.”

“And what am I do for you?” lady Igraine sounded curtly towards the druid. “Did someone die?”

“None of that, my Lady. I can assure you that I am not the Harbinger of Death. I came to see to your well-being and that of the Queen. I was told that Arthur….. the King had left Camelot.”

“So, I was told like you, I have no idea where he had gone to.” Lady Igraine replied. “If I may be excused, I am rather tired.”

“Perhaps I can…”

“I said I am tired. Now leave.” Lady Igraine raised her voice. Merlin took the exit but he was troubled. He had sensed the presence of evil there but he was not able to trace it. He made his way to Arthur’s chamber. The door was latched and his knocks were ignored. He then walked back to his chamber. He knew that he had to prepare for the coming events.

Death will be seen there at Camelot. He was relieved that Arthur was away. It meant that those in Camelot may die but whom.

In the chamber of Arthur, Guinevere sat by herself at the chair there looking forlorn at the bedding that she had shared with Arthur. She felt the emptiness in her. She had tried to love the man but her feelings will not move her from Lancelot.

“Don’t be a fool, lady. He is probably with some wench out there.” Guinevere spoke to herself. “They have what you hold. Or maybe ….”

Guinevere felt the betrayal of purity to Lancelot. Till that day, she was unsure of the act that night. Was it lust or love? She had lain beneath the King with her legs spread and yet she felt that it was Lancelot on her.

“I can’t be there for him.” Guinevere surrendered to her fate. She had wished Elaine will be with him. He deserved a god lover and Elaine may be the one.

More to it, Elaine was expressive in her frolicking on other men. She will share with Guinevere of it.

“Oh, he is … huge but clumsy. He cannot hold himself too long.” Elaine may speak without shame.

“He grabs me hard and I had to push him off.” Elaine had lain back on the bedding holding her breasts together.

It was ladies talk and within the chamber only.

Yet Elaine preserved her purity.

“I will only give it to the man I truly love.”

Guinevere had smiled. She knew how that felt but he was not at her side.

Maybe never again.



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