Sunday, March 21, 2021

Trojan War Chapter 43



If there were words to describe Troy Three, it was to say that the once beautiful landscape held a barren look with the craters and the ruined structures, and the atmosphere smell of decaying flesh. There the downed stealth fighters alongside the destroyed cannons that were defending the cities from the stealth fighters. The surface final carnage was the landing of the warriors in the armored suits and the annihilation of the defenders including the inhabitant.

The transporter craft of the Trojan side landed near the defense facility under the command of Hector with twenty armored warriors. They were all armed in the same suit worn by Paris in his battle with Menelaus. All of them carried the spear, curved sword, and shield with the hand blasters.

Heracles was in his armored battle suit designed by Ares for his use. His was a dark armored suit covered from neck to toes, and the headpiece was the Corinthian design which covered the head and neck with slits for the eyes and mouth where the cover from nose down was tilted outwards. He had on him the long-handled hammer and rounded shield.

“We need to get into the facility there.” Hector pointed to the ruined structure which was covered in rubbles. He was pointing at the huge doorway leading beneath that remained intact.

“We have to remove the rubbles there to access the doorway. I will key in the codes to open the door.” Hector continued. He approached the rubbles and noticed there were huge boulders covering parts of the doorway. He reached out with his arms to pull it but Heracles stopped him.

“This is my task.” Heracles took hold of the hammer in his hands to swing it hard on the boulder. The impact of the hammer cracked the boulders into small parts, and then Heracles moved to the next boulder while Hector and his warriors carried the smaller rocks aside.

Heracles' work was almost done when he felt the blow on his rear. It was not a blaster but a hefty push on his frame. He was pushed forward and pinned to the doorway.

“Who dares?” Heracles struggled to pull himself up.

It was half the wolves of the Wolf Brigade who had used their telepathic powers in unison to pin Heracles down.

“I thank you, Heracles for your effort.” It was Diomedes who roared out. “Now I will take over.”

“Wolves, use your force to push Heracles to break the door,” Diomedes called out the command but Hector had initiated an attack then.

“Trojans, have at them wolves.” The Trojan warriors spread their wings and took to the skies to swoop on the Argos warrior. The other six Argos warrior not involved in the action on Heracles moved into action then. They had reached for their blasters and to fire on the flying Trojans. The Trojans took evasive action and spread out before swooping at the Argos warriors. The Trojans used the speed of flight to attack the Argos warriors.

The wolves took down two of the winged warriors before they all found the cover to defend their numbers. The six wolves which were pushing Heracles had to pull back when one of theirs was shot at the chest. The injured wolf warrior was pulled to safety and the battle took to the shootout. The Trojans returned fire with their blasters.

“Are you well, Heracles?” Hector asked.

“Only my pride is wounded. I was pinned by the deceit action of the Argos warriors.” Heracles who was enraged grabbed the rocks and tossed it like projectiles at the Argos warriors.

“We need to get the door opened. Once inside we can secure this position well.” Hector told the Olympian hero. Heracles acknowledged and stormed the door with his strength. He pushed hard at it and soon the hinges on the door gave way. He was shot at the rear but Hector had jumped in to shield Heracles.

The door gave way and Heracles was in and followed suit by the Trojan warriors who flew in. Diomedes called on his warriors to pursue but they were held back by the rear guards of the Trojan’s warriors. Hector and Heracles had taken off for the chamber where the core was kept.

“The chamber is here,” Hector called on Heracles and took off around the turn. He was seen then by Heracles propelled backward and falling onto his back. Heracles reached out to the Trojan.

“I am unhurt. I was caught by surprise.” Hector said. “They are ..”

“Minotaurs. I had seen them and fought them.” Heracles looked at the two half-man and beast. They were the vanguard of another force that was there to recover the core.

“Good tidings, Heracles. I am ever pleased to see an ally of the Trojan but we are in dire times. I need the core to leverage on the power here.” It was Queen Penthesilea who greeted the Olympian. “Do not act in haste. I am with the Minotaurs. They will stop anyone who tries to get in.”

“Proceed with the recovery. We will be covered for now.” Queen Penthesilea turned to the group of her aides who were dismantling the core.

“I am Heracles and none may stop me when I am on the task.” Heracles roared back. He pulled Hector to the side and told the other to rest. “This is my real task.”

Heracles looked to the two huge man-beast standing at the height above most men and double the strength with the double curved horns on the forehead.

“Brother, we will take the oaf for a God.” The Minotaurs charged at Heracles together. Heracles knew that with their combined strength, he may be defeated. He needed a new approach. He rushed at them and the last moment, he kicked out at the left wall of the corridor and lashed out a hard swing with the left fist at the right Minotaur on the head. The impact stopped the Minotaur and collided with Heracles to the rear.

Heracles rolled away before he crouched up to face the second Minotaur who had halted to look at the other. Heracles rushed for the rear of the standing Minotaur at the midriff and pushed the Minotaur into the corridor wall. Both of them crashed through into the chamber behind the wall. Heracles once again rolled away and stood up. The Minotaur was still standing but in a daze from the attack.

Heracles rushed in with his fists punching at the Minotaur’s frame from head to chest, and then the soft flesh under the upper limbs. He heard the bones there crack and followed on with a double blow to the side of the head. The Minotaur fell to its knees before falling facedown.

“Yes!” Heracles called out and it was then he was hit from the rear. The second Minotaur had laid punches onto the Olympian back and rear of the head before it did the bear hug around the waist of the Olympian. Heracles was trapped and gasping for breath. His chest plate on the armor cracked and he felt his strength weakening from the lack of air.

It was just then Hector rushed in and the body slammed the Minotaur.  Hector was not as strong as the other two but the slam of his loosened the hold on Heracles. The Olympian took a deep breath of air to revive and then turned his body to do head butt on the Minotaur on the face. The blow drew blood on the cut at the forehead and the left horn was displaced.

“No one best Heracles in a fight!” The Olympian roared and grabbed the Minotaur by the throat with both hands. He pressed in hard until the man-beast fell on its knees.

The fight was over and so was the core.

Queen Penthesilea had absconded with it but she did not get too far with it before she handed it to another.

“Queen Penthesilea, Artemis thank you for the gift. We, the ladies of the Wind shall remain united.” Iphigenia received the core from the Queen.

“I am ever obliged to Artemis and her support of our cause is highly appreciated.” The Queen bowed to Iphigenia. “I am fortunate that the allies of ours were willing to provide the needed support and Artemis informing us of Heracles participation allowed us to improvise.”

“And our spies informing us of Diomedes were timely and allowed us the needed diversion.” Iphigenia smiled. “Long live the Winds.”


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