Sunday, March 14, 2021

Trojan War Chapter 42



Iphigenia held the bow handed to her by the instructor. It was loaded with the quiver packed with thirty projectile arrows. She has been training with it ever since she arrived at Artemis Tower.

“The bow is an extension of your arms. It reached further than your limbs. It impacts harder than your fist and it will if you used the correct projectiles, do the damage needed.” The words of the instructor were on the ears of the lady. “Its failure is your failure to command it well.”

Iphigenia took her stance to hold the bow firm and then notched the specified arrow on the bowstring. The bow was designed for the ladies as they were called there, or rather the Wind Warriors by Artemis. It held a mechanical contraption in the bow and the bowline was a series of thin cables interwoven to form the line. The cables were attached to the bow and its tension on the pull was enhanced by the bow. It does not require a strong pull but a good aim.

“Remember this. You only need to pull and aim. The bow will do the needed after that when you released the projectile.” The instructor called out once more.

Iphigenia stood there with her eyes focused on the target set at a hundred paces. She had improved since her training soon after she was brought to Artemis Tower. She released the arrow with the projectile that hit the target the shape of a male warrior on the chest and it caused a massive hole there.

“Well done, Iphigenia. You have advanced remarkably.” Iphigenia turned to look at her mentor and Goddess. “I am proud of you.”

Iphigenia bowed to Artemis and then listened to what was to be told.

“You will be the appointed leader of the new warriors of the worlds; the Wind Warriors. You will become a force to deal with the others.” Artemis said. “You will hold the command of over a thousand women warriors and your allies will the Amazons.”

“Your war is not with your father’s warriors nor will you join the Trojans. You will battle for the ladies of the worlds.”  Artemis told her.

“Helen of Troy is our cause now,” Iphigenia said. “She is the cause here.”

“Only if she chooses to with us,” Artemis replied. “If she will stand with them, then she is not of our concern.”

“Does that mean we cannot partake in the war?” A warrior walked up to Artemis. “I lost my family to the war.”

“No, you can’t for now. I sympathize with your losses. All of you here are the refuge from Man, and it may be by personal conflict or by the war; we are still fewer by the numbers. We will fight when the time comes but for now, you need to train. And train harder than you ever had. Recall your pain and use it to harden your mind and body.”

Artemis pulled Iphigenia aside to speak to her privately.

“You must lead by example. The war with Troy may linger longer than we expected. I want us to be ready to deal with the leaders later.” Artemis looked at Iphigenia. “You are my icon of strength.”

“I will give you an intern today. Meet Diana of the Troy Five. She was rescued by Queen Belladina and now handed to you to be yours. You will train her well but before you do, I have a task for you at Troy Three.”

“Troy Three? I heard it was destroyed by the Trojans to prevent it from falling into the enemy's hand.” Iphigenia replied. “Am I to complete the works that my father’s warriors had failed to do?”

“No, Iphigenia. You will go there to stop the war. There is a gift there that I want. The gift to end the war.” Artemis told the other. “Bring it back for me. A squad of my guards will go with you.”

At that moment, Hephaestus had left and then communicated to his beneficiary Diomedes who was allied to the Archaeon.

“I am with Achilles. He had left and would I.” Diomedes told God.

“And a fool I was to hand over the cuirass and shield to you. I am ashamed.” Hephaestus sighed.

“Please forgive me, my God. I will not do you the insincere works that will shame you. Please tell me what I am to do?” Diomedes asked of his mentor and reveled God.

“Fetch me the core from Troy Three. I was told that one may have survived and intact. I want it back.” Hephaestus told Diomedes. “By beware, Ares assisted by Aphrodite and Athena will battle you for it. They are aware of it.”

“The God and Goddess are at it? I will be careful.” Diomedes replied. He then called on Ajax the Great to assist him.

“I need your fleet to stay within call. I will take the Argos warriors with me on the surface and retrieve the core. Anyone in my way will be terminated.” The Argos held a small trained warrior force called the Wolf Brigade. The Wolves as their members are called were Argos' best warrior in their red and black armor suit and each of them held the blaster and long sword with the shield. Their main weapon was however not their preference but their telepathic power was enhanced by the headpiece with the powerband that allowed them to move objects up to a distance of a hundred paces with an impact that was double fold.

The wolves called it the projection force.

There were twelve in the Wolf Brigade of the thousand who volunteered for the task and only these twelve survived.

“King of the Argos kept them as personal guards but he has agreed to loan them to me as my guards for the task,” Diomedes told the others. “I will leave now for Troy Three.”

On Troy One, Hector stood there looking solemn. He should have been thorough in his task when at Troy Three but he did not. He regretted it. He will fetch the last core back. He had called on six warriors to assist him.

“Armed yourself with the armored suit and be prepared to battle.” Hector communicated to his six selected warriors.

“And you will not do it alone.” Hector turned to the voice. He was surprised at the arrival of the Goddess.

“Athena, I am ever surprised.” Hector bowed to the Goddess. “I thought the Gods have abandoned us.”

“Your perception of our involvement is not that … easy to understand,” Athena replied. “Nevertheless, there are strategic methods to make it understood. I am here is one of the strategies to be deployed.”

“And what is that?” Hector asked.

“I am to stop the others from retrieving the core. If the core is taken by the others, Troy will fall. I am here to prevent it. I will give you the additional warrior.”

“Heracles, step forth,” Athena called on the other God despises by many but he had a friend in Athena. “He is, after all, my brother with the same father.”

“Athena, I do not think it is advisable.” Heracles looked towards Athena. “I ...”

“You are already an outcast, Heracles. It does not matter much if you do this.” Athena looked at Heracles. “Consider it your chance to challenge Hera.”

“Hera involved? I …” Heracles had always disliked Hera.

“Do us the deed. Troy needs you too. If Troy loses the core, then it will be their downfall.” Athena was convincing. “Consider it another new task of yours.”




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