Monday, March 29, 2021

Arthur II Book III Chapter 12



Arthur stood up from the bedding of the unknown chamber and walked to the washbasin to clean himself. He felt the cold cloth wet from the colder water wiped away the dirt and sweat off his body.

“Aye, I had.” Arthur sighed. He had betrayed the trust of the faithfulness of his love, the Queen with the sleepover that night. He turned to look at the two ladies on the bedding which he had no recollection of knowing even their names. It was all in his memory but he chose not to recall them.

“Damn!” Arthur cursed at himself. He turned to his clothes and got dressed. He looked at the window and saw that it was still dark outside but he felt the need to get out. He left the chamber and walked to the hall. It was the home of the local Chief that he took refuge in. There he saw the sleeping forms of the guests without a chamber to rest or too drunk to find one. He saw the table with the leftover spread of food and drinks. He grabbed a goblet to pour himself a drink of mead. The drink washed down his thirst but not his guilt.

“It’s not every day I get to see the King and a much lesser one that held pain in the heart.” Arthur turned to look at the one who spoke. It was the old crone seated by herself at the corner. The old crone was toothless and walked with a long cane to support her limping left leg.

“Be away, witch!” Arthur cursed at the old crone.

“Witch I am not thought I wished I was for then my leg would have walked and not trailed behind when I do.” The old crone replied. “What is my pain compared to yours? Remorse hurts deep, Sire.”

“Be away. I am not here to hear your counseling.” Arthur grew agitated at the lady.

“You should have counsel yourself before them wenches have their legs open for you.” The old crone laughed. “Men are so gullible when it comes to their lust. Be it the lust of the flesh or in battle, the lust for glory.”

“I will hear no more any words from you.” Arthur turned his back on the old crone.

“Do we all look alike from the rear? Man or woman while we plunged away.” The old crone continued. “I am here to tell you of your fallings in you, Sire. You may be the King but inside of you, remain the emptiness of the soul. You have a lover which may not be yours and land which may not be yours to hold on forever.”

“Silence, old crone.” Arthur turned once more towards her. “I will hear no more.”

“Denial, Sire? Do the ones next to you not tell you the truth or mere words of comfort that you want to hear? I am being truthful for I have seen many. You are not my first King but probably my last.”

Arthur could not bear it anymore and approached the lady. He glared at her.

“Strike me, my King. I am just a subject of your rule.” The old crone cowered downwards. “Do end my life but go back to your castle. Your realm needs you. Your Queen may conflict.”

Arthur raised his right arm to strike at the old crone when he heard his name called.

“My King, Arthur, is you well?” It was Belvedere who had asked. Arthur turned to the other.

“Get my horse ready. I will ride back to Camelot now.” Arthur told Belvedere. “And I will bring the old crone with me.” 

“Who, Arthur You were talking to a chair?” Arthur turned to look and saw it was indeed an empty chair he was facing.

So was Percival then.

“My uncle Fisher King … was he not there?” Percival looked at Adriane.

“The man is mad. Take him down and he will hang by the neck.” Gornement called his men. Cwi ever the disciple of Gornement charged at Percival with the drawn sword. Percival retreated while drawing out his sword. He blocks Cwi’ sword and then retreated further. He was fighting against four warriors besides Cwi.

“Stay back. He is mine.” Cwi told the others. “Gornement may have been your mentor on the sword but he taught me more.”

Cwi pressed on his attack with the two of them moving along the side of the wall at the Hall. Cwi was attacking while Percival found his mode was to defend. He was up against a stronger foe. Cwi flicked his arm with the sword and unarmed Percival of his.

“The butcher lost his sword.” Cwi roared. “Shall I cleave him now?”

It was then Percival felt the loss of his sword and wished he had another. He looked to Adriane.

“Give me a weapon!” The weapon appeared before him in his hands. He held a lance with a pointed sharp end that was the full height of his and it was calling to him. Percival swung the lance at Cwi who was not it. Cwi fell backward on his back and Percival had the lance held over his head with both hands.

“Give me back my estate.” Percival stabbed the lance into Cwi. He felt the lance plunged in deep into the chest but no blood spurted out. It flowed into the lance. He pulled the lance out and then glared at Gornement and Fisher King.

“We yield,” Gornement called but the vengeance in Percival remained angry. He charged at the two and stabbed with the lance at Fisher King. The elderly man went down on his knees and then the face.

“You are spared, Gornement. You may leave.” Gornement and the others fled but remained were the witches. All nine of them including Adriane was cowering on the walls sticking to it like bats in the cave.

“We seek your mercy, Percie.” The witches pleaded with him.

“Adriane, you lure me here to get me killed. You were once my friend …. No …. you were once like my mother.” Percival looked at the witch on the far corner. “Why?”

“I had to. It was us who harbor the resentment of your mother to leave us and be with your mother. She knew of us playing with you. She knew that one day you will lose that innocence and we will be gone. She betrayed us all but deep in me, I do love you like ….. my own.” Adriane looked at Percival. “I could not harm you. I had to help you. I gave you what your fathers when he tossed it to the knoll where we resided. He had enough of the battles but she, your mother was attracted to your father. She sought him and found union with him. He then built his estate over the knoll which you stand on it, and we guarded the lance. It was prophecied that only an Efawg may draw it.”

Adriane flew down and pierced herself on the spear. Percival pulled hard at it but she held onto it with her hands.

“I have done you wrong, Percie. Let me feed it.”

“No….” Percival saw Adriane slipped into the void of emptiness.

“Spare us, Percival. We were misled by ….” The other eight witches pleaded to him.

Percival lowered the lance and then sat down next to it. The witches climbed down and sat before him.

“Percival…” Adrine spoke but Percival held up his right hand to halt her.

“Keep the knoll safe. Keep the lance safe.” Percival told the witches. “I will return one day for it…… when I will seek the Grail. It shall sit beside the case where her ashes remained. And my father too.”

Keeping the castle safe was what Lamorak doing then, but dreaded the moment he completes the daily patrols. He found solace with Molly at the tavern with her talks and smile. He will sit there with the goblet of mead and looked at the lady patronizing the others.

“If you keep on staring at me, I may trip on my legs and be shown what I don’t show in public.” Molly leaned over to whisper to him. Lamorak laughed at the joke and asked her of Galahad.

“Galahad? I wondered if I do remember that name. He has not been in here for days.” Molly replied while she dipped the goblets into the washtub.

“I heard Gawain had ridden off after the brawl with Gaheris at the stables. I do wonder why these young gallant men; Galahad excluded even want to fight over a lady. We have more of them here than the number of chambers at Camelot.”

“Aye, the young ones are wild and they want to sow their seeds before they are to tend to the harvest,” Lamorak said.

“And how do you fare with yours?  Was he a  dashing man like yourself?” Molly leaned forward to ask with a sight of ample bosom; well-rounded and probably may cushion a good night's sleep.

“Nay, I have been a Legionnaire most of my life. I am not the steadfast one for the family.”  Lamorak recalled his younger days when he helped with his father at the butcher stand. He was also at the hut with the father for Lamont his brother was weak and fell ill most times.

“Lamont suffered from the possession. He needs to be bled to remove the spirits.” Such was the treatment for those who had seizures or chills. Lamont suffered in silence without the love of his dead mother, and he remained frail at his age.

“Father, I will do the task while you rest.” Then at a tender age, Lamorak learned the art of wielding the cutting blade to skin the catch. He knew the thickness of the hide and do not cut the excess fats from it. He had learned to cut the meat by its tendons and knew where the innards that held the nutrients.

“Hey, boy? Is your father home?” Lamorak looked up from the carcass of the deer that he was skinning the hide. He saw a Roman Legionnaire mounted on the horse with three standing legionnaires at the rear. The sun reflected off the mounted Roman’s helmet into his eyes. He shielded it then.

“I ask you a question, boy.”

“I heard you. I am Lamorak. I am Estrucian.” Lamorak looked at the Roman.

“You speak bold, Estrucian. I liked that.” It was then Lamorak’s father appeared. He has Romans for customers and was courteous to them.

“We need a butcher. Would you be with my Legion? I need men. Fit men.”

“I cannot, Centurion. I run a trade here and have two sons to feed. The younger is unwell.”

“Well, I require a butcher…” The Roman leaned back on the saddle.

“I will go.” Lamorak looked at his father.

“Are you drunk, Sir?’ Molly had interrupted his thoughts.

“I am sorry. Was I sleeping?” Lamorak laughed. “I do wonder if I ever knew what it will like to have a family.”

Arthur II Book III Chapter 11


Chronicles of the Knights and Ladies II




Peace had reigned in the land but some settlements lived in fear not of the raiders with steel blades and rock-hard ax heads but the venomous dark creatures were seen to terrorize the locals. It was the time to call on the knights but not all were able to fight the demons. Not all who wanted were brave to do it.

Well, for some they lived for it.

The Green Knight stepped into the ruins of once was a castle but defeated of its Lord, it was the lair of bandits and later scavengers to then the condition of nearby ruins and rubble. The Green Knight had stepped across the dry moat on the single tree trunk that he had dragged there to form a bridge.

“The will of God is the strength of Man” Earlier Jaseth in the Green armor felt the will to lift the tree trunk and then tossed it over. Once the moat was able to be crossed, Jaseth had picked up the heavy halberd in his right hand. When he was stepping over the moat, he felt the eerie feeling in his body. He reached out with his mind to the amulet hung on his neck given by Sir Bernlak of Haus.

“I shall not falter in my quest.” Jaseth took the steps across the moat. He saw below him in the moat the lost souls who had not left the ruin. He ignored them and walked past the stone walls to the yard. There were no more halls there nor stables or servant quarters but rubbles lest for one item that still stood well there. The well was intact with the rope and bucket.

Jaseth walked to it and peeked below. It was darkness below where the sunlight will not reach even though it was noon then. He stepped back and swung the halberd on the wall.

“Show thy self!” Jaseth called out. The impact on the well echoed into the depth of the well, and the purged of dark clouds appeared over the well to form a canopy over the well. A dark form appeared over the well.

“And you come forth on my command.” Jaseth looked at the dark form which was formless and then reshaped into the form of a siren. “Are you not far from the sea?”

Jaseth though young and held less experienced in the battles with demons, he, however, had god tutors from the monks before he left with Sir Bernlak. He had during his apprenticeship learned exorcism and was to join in the rituals. With his new role, he had taken on the evils on his own.

“Jaseth of Haus.” That name had stuck with him. “You may have donned the armor and the amulet, your skills in the battle with demons remained raw.”

“I have no desire to terminate you but I would ask you remove the souls here.”

“Remove? I am a siren. I collect the souls for my use.” Sirens are known to sit on the rocks or swim by the ships on the sea to lure the sailors to jump overboard. Once they do it, the sirens will take their souls and send the carcasses to the sea predators. They kept the souls for themselves like trophies.

“I asked no more but will do what is needed.”

“Hold your blade, Jaseth of Haus. I will yield.” The siren rose higher and then it shrieked at the knight but Jaseth had seen the attack. He had the beeswax stuffed into his ears and swung the halberd but not at the well. He swung it on the dark cloud and shattered it. The sunlight shone through and the siren screamed. It flew at the well, but there stood Jaseth with the halberd. It turned and flees to the wall where slight cover it offered from the sunlight.

“Let me go back. I will burn in the sunlight. I will dry…”

“And withered like the pants without water. I know your needs as akin to the fish out of the water.” Jaseth glared at it. “Spare the souls and you may get redemption.”

The siren released the captured souls and Jaseth offered a bucket filled with water. It is faced with termination or salvation in the water there. It swam in and was offered a cover on the bucket. Jaseth lived to his words and at dusk, he released the siren into the stream.

“You may swim to the sea and be on your way.”

“Thank you, Jaseth of Haus. You are kind. I was entrapped by the Lord by the lure of his charms. He imprisoned me till his death. I was discarded into the well where I remained its prisoner. It was years later that I regained my power and exact my vengeance.”

“I am not to terminate you for you are a lost soul. You will do your service at sea as you were. You will lure the seamen who are sinners. Now be gone and one day, you will be pardoned.”

“As I am today.” The siren swam away.

“A noble gesture, Sir Knight.” Jaseth heard the voice but had not seen the person. He reached for the halberd and called out the challenge.

“Show thy self or I will flay you of your soul.”

“Emotions will be your sufferance one day, Sir Knight. I am here.” Jaseth turned to look and saw the beautiful lady standing there in the white gown. “I am Morgan Le Fay.”

“I am ….”

“Jaseth of Haus, the Green Knight. You have taken to rid the land of demons. You were the apprentice of Sir Bernlak of Haus.”

“You know much of me, Lady Le Fay.”

“Morgan will do.” Jaseth heard the name and the amulet on his neck vibrated which tells him, she was more than the name given.

“I am a witch, as you are to know. I believed you want to harm me but I pose no threat to you.”

“Harm? I have no such intention. Not all witches are evil.”

“As not all knights are noble.” Morgan retorted. They both laughed. It was the first lines that may set the relationship.

Or doomed it.

“I have come for your life, Percival of Efawg.” Cwi stood at the front of the group that barged into the hall.

“And whom have you brought here?”

“Your parent’s slayer.” Fisher King stepped forward. “Gornement, his successor to the estate stands by me.”

Fisher King was an elderly figure with a gray beard that covered his face and like Gornement; he was also wide at the girth. He held a broadsword with both hands.

“Gornement, once my mentor in the sword now stands with the slayer to my parents. How do you speak on your sins?”

“Aye, Percival. I was once your mentor and also your father’s friend. As did Fisher King was to your father then. We rode and fought in battles but there is one misdeed he has done that you may not know. Your father betrayed us all when he married the daughter of his enemy. Your mother is not of the land but the Picts.” Gornement said.

“Aye, your father went against our wishes and forced upon us to accept it. We had to for he was the all-powerful Lord of Efawg.” Fisher King adds on. “I rebelled against him even though we were family.”

“We would have forgiven him but your mother plotted against us. She wanted to take apart the relationship of us three. Fisher King had her slain and kept her head in the case which he told your father that it contained the Grail.” Gornement continued. “Your father had a fascination with the Grail but he was not allowed to see it. He had Fisher King by his side to ensure the Grail was kept here. Little was he known what it contained?”

“Why kept my mother locked in that case?” Percival asked.

“She was a witch, Young Efawg. I could not have defeated her without the help of the Nine Witches.” Fisher King revealed it all “It was the enchantment on the case to keep her there from returning until…. She was to be joined by your father.”

“And you took your time with my father. You ate his food and drank the mead from his table, and yet you were …”

“We were truer of kin. We were close to him than his brother.” Gornement said. “As I was to you with your father away, I was his friend and a close to a father to you.” Gornement was the closest to a father than with Young Percival. “Your mother was the one who …”

“Uncle, say your piece to them,” Percival called to his uncle who brought him there but there was no sound heard from his rear. He turned to look and found only Adriane standing there.

Percival turned to Adriane.

“Was it a dream or ruse you did to bring me here? And made me stay? As you did with the image of my mother when I was young at our play?”

“Yes, Percival. I did it but for a reason. Today, you can reclaim back Efawg as it was rightfully yours.” Adriane told him. “Take your vengeance for your parents.”

If vengeance was to be sweeter then the nectar of the bees would have tasted bitter.

“No…” Percival screamed out.

Arthur II Book III Chapter 10




Percival looked at the mead it the goblet. The mead was made by fermenting honey with water, with various fruits, spices, grains, or the flowers of the hip plant. The last is a bittering item that only made it bitter in the taste but also holds the drink long in storage. You can find hops in the Hopfield; a vigorous plant that climbed up with the assistance of the ropes or stands. Some brewers used the ‘gruit’; a self blend of bitter herbs and flowers, including the dandelion, burdock root, marigold, horehound, ground ivy, and heather. The hops are used by the healers for their healing power.

Percival felt then his earlier life was not simple as he had thought of earlier but entwined with murders and power snatch.

“I left this place to avoid all that.” Percival tossed the goblet to the corner. The metal cup clanged on the flooring with the mead spilled.

“Why has it to haunt me now?” Percival looked at the one he had called his uncle. “Are you not his kin too?”

“I am but I lack the strength and power to fight them.” The elderly uncle named Fisher King replied. “Even Adriane can’t do it alone. We need you.”

“Or Galahad…” Percival replied with a cynical tone.

“We did not know if you still lived. We just wanted a knight that could fight the ….. witches.” Adriane admitted. “My sisters have left me to join the others. I am no more of the nine but an outcast.”

“Like me once before.” Percival sighed. “I may not be who you want.”

“You are the one, Percival. Remove Gornement. I can assist.” Adriane told him. “There is a weapon that can defeat them all. It’s called the bleeding lance.”

“It’s potent and it has to be fed with blood daily. Hence it’s the name. The lance caused the destruction and led to the war. It also led to the restoration and peace.” Adriane looked at Percival. “You may have heard the tale we told you when young.”

“You told me of one named Aillen mac Midhua used each the celebrated season of witches and demons to lull one that was asleep and then burned them to death. It was Finn who put an end that with the spear of Fiacha.” Percival recalled that old tale. “It was said that the lance was cast into a knoll where the fairy lived and was not seen for it will bring destruction to the realm.”

“Venomous the lance, and venom the hand that threw it, if it’s not cast not into the knoll, a murrain will seize the land.” Adriane recited the old poem that was on the spear.

“It’s a barbaric weapon,” Percival said.

“And it needed the hands of one who held innocence in his soul. Only you may have it.” Adriane replied. “Bear this in mind, the lance may not be returned to the knoll if it’s not satiated by the sacrifice.”

“I don’t understand.” Percival sounded baffled.

“Aye, it needs to be satiated for eternity,” Adriane told him. “Do it for me and my sisters. It’s our gift to you as the Lake had given to Arthur and Lancelot. One day, you may need it to unveil the Grail in your search.”

“The Grail? What Grail?” Percival asked.

“You will know of it one day.” Adriane then looked away. “They are here now. Prepare your weapon.” 

“I have not the lance,” Percival called out.

“It’s not to be found unless you will it, my dear Percie.” Percival heard his name called out to him by the one he had accepted his sister. He held out his arms and looked into his mind the spear that was to be his. As it was then when he played with the sisters, they taught him the will of the mind could fathom many dreams into reality. He had a willing spread of food and drinks which he shared with his sisters.

The gates to the Hall were broken in and eight fleeting figures with a group of warriors appeared led by one named Cwi.

If only doors can be broken in by force, Merlin would not have to patrol the corridors to keep his vigilance on the Queen soon after he learned of the return of Lancelot. She had left the sanctum of the chamber and was seen on the corridors and at the halls.

“Are you well, my Queen?” Merlin had posed the question to her when he sat across her at the table. She was enjoying a fruity drink while picking at the sour offerings.

“I am well, druid.” Guinevere smiled at him. That was rare for the druid was not the liked person to her.

“Oh…. Are you well? I mean did you sleep well?” Merlin was mentally calculating the days of Arthur’s departure. Could the Queen be with a child? He was not an expert at it; the nature of the lady with one. It was never described in the scrolls that mentioned but he did rely on midwives for advice.

“I did. I have woken up hungry and am here eating. Is that unjust?” Guinevere looked at the druid. “And I am not putting on any weight.”

Weight and body shape were the attributes of the conceived lady but she did not look like that. Merlin had to admit that she did look puckish and her bosom concealed under the bodice as well, very much the same. He sniggered to himself as if he was the odd mother looking for signs in the daughter.

‘Without Arthur by me, I have a good sleep.” Guinevere smiled.

“Arthur does snore, huh?” Merlin tried to find amusement in his words. The lady nodded and imitated the volume of it much to the amusement of the druid. He did not know if he does, but he knew the walls won’t tell on him.

“Do you….” Merlin swallowed his words.

“Miss him? I guess I should but no.” Guinevere then stood u and left the Hall. Merlin sat there perplexed and was advised by the elderly lady servant.

“The Queen is happy. She is released of her burden for a time.” The servant looked at Merlin. “You may not know of it being the druid. I am wedded twice and know the burden of the slob on mine. When the load is off, I felt so relieved but the urge will return and it needed soothing sooner and that is when I am the one who is the burden on the top.”

“How many have you of children?” Merlin asked.

“Eight and buried two.”

“Well, I may suggest you don’t make it twelve. Get a carrot. It’s a good rub on the urge.” Merlin had little time to leave the Hall before the servant tossed the cutlery at him.

“Get yourself immersed on the anthill, you twerp!” Merlin heard it all before ant hill that was new.

Arthur had seldom seen the insects in his paths with his focus on the battles ahead. He used to search for spiders and other crawlies when young but all that was left behind with age.

“Is that an insect?’ Arthur pointed to the dark one that was seen by him which had the length of his hand.

“A stick they called it.” Kay who was familiar with the forest spoke. “They are called sticks. They lived on the rocky terrain of the hills and seldom seen at the lowlands.”

“They do bite.” Kay laughed. “If provoked…”

“Nothing of that compared to the centipede. You will check your traveling boots before you slip your foot in.” Belvedere laughed. “I had my marks by them.”

“I have my share with them. And scorpions.” Arthur replied. “They are all deadly creatures and lurked in the places you will never think to have.”

“I dislike them like some women I have known. You give them a shagging and they think you owed them a lifetime of gratitude. If you renegade, they will bite you with their sting.” Kay roared.

“And we shall shag then. I hear of a settlement nearby. I am sure they will be keen to please the King and his knights.” Belvedere added in.

“And meads with meat,” Arthur added on. He has been away far too long from his Queen and was reliving his life than when he was not King. He smiled for he may yet sire a son where Guinevere had not done for him. He had tried but it was not happening.

“Like good mead spilled out of the goblet.” Arthur sighed.

If there was wastage, Lady Igraine was not at it. By nightfall, when alone in her chamber, she had fed the dark creature handed to her by Morgause. She fed it with trapped insects. She watched her pet fought off the stick insect and then devoured it.

“Yes, my dear. I may have a task for you.” Lady Igraine smiled. “A pesky druid.”

“I wouldn’t do that.” The voice of Morgause was heard. Lady Igraine turned to look at the witch that had appeared in her chamber. The witch was dressed in the dark shade of the night; a clinging gown that displayed her curves and on her head was the fanned-out ornamental piece with the dark webbing and the tail of the silky material that trailed behind like the tail.

“Why have you returned?” Lady Igraine glared at the witch. “The dark…”

“Creature? No, you must not demean the companion of yours. It’s a witch in there, absorbed by the dark spells to that dark shell. He was once a foe and Merlin took him down.” Morgause motioned to the scorpion. On the mention of Merlin, the scorpion had its tail up.

“Oh, he is aroused. Surely, darling. I am not your type.” Morgause spoke to the scorpion. She then looked at Lady Igraine. “I knew the creature as you termed it has been your feeder of the dark venom. I can feel your power from here. It’s good that you are getting there but to unleash your pet on Merlin may be your premature death.”

“I cared not. Merlin is in the way of my daughter with Arthur.”

“Your daughter? Mind you, the clinging of mother’s care. Beware, my dear. Guinevere was never your daughter and more to it, she held a mind of her own.” Morgause cautioned the other. “Deal with Arthur when we are ready.”

“And when will that be? I am tired of waiting.” Lady Igraine snapped out. “I want to challenge now.”

“I guess I was wrong. You are not the one we seek as a sister.” Morgause turned to the scorpion. “Come, my dear, we will leave now.”

The dark scorpion will not adhere to the witch’s request.

“So, dark one. You have developed an affinity for her. So be it. I won’t press on your services. Do as you will.” With that Morgause took her to leave. Lady Igraine looked to the dark creature. It crawled to her extended right hand and then it pricked the index finger there with its sting. It was not venom that coursed in her body but the dark spell.




Saturday, March 27, 2021

Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.2 Chapter 13



Esmeralda was met by the Captain at the entrance when she arrived with the Enforcers. She looked at the one figure that she had disliked.

“Welcome to the Dome. I am to take you to the Archdeacon.” The Captain looked at her. “For security reason, you will need to be strip searched. Take her in.”

Esmeralda was brought into the empty room and left alone with the Captain. He told her to strip.

“I won’t do that. You are not a woman.” Esmeralda looked at the Captain.

“In the Dome, we don’t have any female staff. So do it or I will not let you in.” The Captain looked at her. “I may be a male but the female body does not intrigue me.”

“So you are one of the others.” Esmeralda looked at the Captain. “You liked men.”

“I will not discuss my preference with you. Now strip or I will have you removed.” The Captain was infuriated at the statement. It was true that he liked men. The acceptance of the society on them was there, but there were the older schools that still frowned at it.

Esmeralda was to pull the tunic off when the door opened and nefarious figure of the Archdeacon stepped in.

“I will take her to my chamber. I will see her now.” That was the call made by the Archdeacon.

“My Reverend Sir, she may be with weapons? You could be…”

“I am aware of it. Please do as I have asked.” The Archdeacon stood there with the mask on, and the impression was as if the Devil was looking at the sinner. Esmeralda walked past the Captain and out of the doorway.

“Wait at the staircase. Do not divert elsewhere.” Esmeralda was told by the Archdeacon. The latter then faced the Captain. He closed the door of the room to face the Captain.

“Captain Phoebus,” The Archdeacon looked at the Enforcer. “You had taken liberty with my order. I will not have that …”

“Marcus, I am..” The Captain interrupted the other but was snapped at.

“Captain Phoebus, within the walls of the Dome, I am the Archdeacon Claude Frollo. You will not address me as otherwise or I will have you removed.”

“Yes, My Reverend Sir. I will abide.” Captain Phoebus swallowed his pride and nodded to the Archdeacon. He knew when to retreat to battle another day. The Archdeacon then left the room and escorted the girl to his chamber. The Captain was furious and when he thought all was over, the member of the Elites stormed in.

“Where is the girl?” It was Pierre Gringoire who appeared there. “I was told that she is here. Did you harm her?”

“I am surprised to see you here, Mr. Gringoire. I am equally surprised that you will be keen on her. Have you any untold desires that I am to be aware of? More so, when you had abandoned your status to be with the free Community.”

“I am very much a member of the Elites for your understanding. I will not need to explain myself to you.” Pierre glared at the Captain. “You will not mistake me for any wandering fool. Now, tell me of the girl.”

“My apologies, Mr. Gringoire. She is with the Archdeacon. Now if there is nothing for me, I will proceed on my other duties.” The Captain walked off without waiting for the other to tell him. He was upset that his presence was served with disdain by the two.

“Mother of Gods, I will have the two of your grovel at my feet soon.” Captain Phoebus then proceed to this own chamber. He did not become Captain by merit but by the knowing whom to trample and when to do it.

It was then not the trampling of the feet but the taps of it on the flooring by Esmeralda while seated at the Archdeacon chamber. The latter was seated across the wide desk staring at her for some time with no words between them.

“Tell me, pecker nose. Am I to sit here and wait to be served or shall I leave for my chamber at the basement?” Esmeralda voiced out with a cynical tone. It was then the Archdeacon removed the mask.

“Padre?” Esmeralda was stunned. “It can’t be.”

“Yes, Esmeralda. It’s me. I am your padre. Your real padre.” Marcus then unmasked told the girl. “I have been ..”

“You are lying. You are here disguised as the Archdeacon. Where did you hide him? You have disguised as him to save me.” Esmeralda tried to unravel the mystery.

“No, chey. I am the Archdeacon and also your padre. Let me explain.” Marcus pleaded with her. “I will tell you all.”

Esmeralda was still stunned and could not move. Her feet have stopped tapping and she looked scared. It was disbelieving then.

“Let me tell you of myself.” Marcus continued on. “And of you.”








Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.2 Chapter 12



Esmeralda was taken by the City Enforcers and her captor leader was surprised that the girl will be sent to the Dome. The Chief was surprised but his efforts to communicate with the Elite member were ignored. He had to comply and gave the command but there were restrictions.

“We will not allow her to be taken.” The Voivode stood there with defiance on the arrest of the girl. She was backed up by the Community who had harbored resentment for the Enforcers.

“Voivode, we are not here to battle your Community. We are here to take the girl. She is to be questioned on the riot at the Dome.” The Chief had explained his action.

“Esmeralda was released unconditionally from the Dome.” The Voivode told the Chief. “You have no grounds to arrest her.”

That was the unanswered issue to the Chief and the person he was trying to get confirmation was not answering him.

“I cannot say much for I am told to bring her back. Please work with us.” The Chief looked at the gathered there. He assessed the number facing him numbered about thirty from the Community. He has ten of his Enforcers with him and they are armed with heavy firepower guns.

“Chief, I would suggest that you return to your office. We will not give her up.” The Voivode was adamant on it. It was to her surprise that Esmeralda appeared then.

“I will go with you if you do not harm the Community.”   

“Chey, you are not to go. We will….” The Voivode spoke to the girl but she ignored her.

“I will go with you. Take me to the Dome.” Esmeralda approached the Chief. She then turned to the others in the Community. “Let no one stop me. Go back to your home. I will be fine.”

“Chey, if you leave with them you could be gone forever.” The Voivode looked at Esmeralda.

“I know, Voivode. I am to do this for the sake of the Community. I am the cause of the riot.”

“You are a fool, chey.” The Voivode eyes watered with tears.

“We are fools on this occasion. It’s the festival of Fools.” Esmeralda held out her hands to the Chief. “Take me.”

Pierre stood a distance away and saw the standoff. He then communicated to the Archdeacon.

“She is on her way to the Dome. We have a deal.”

From some reason, I was kept at the charging spot by the Caretaker. He was tinkering with my storage compartments and backing up the programs. I felt unusual but I am a droid. I should not question his intentions.

“You are my creation and it may be working. I just need to check those routines.” The Caretaker stopped his work and looked at my head piece. I could sense his sight was on my frontal head piece.

“If you can hear me, you piece of metal heap. I am your creator. I installed in the programs to see if I can make you …. Compliant to our emotional state. You may have done that. If it was working, I had progress the works of my father to near completion.” The Caretaker released the laughter of joy. He was interrupted by the communication unit.

“Caretaker, I must see you now. Meet me at the balcony.”

The Caretaker made his way to the balcony and saw the Archdeacon there. He was alone and had removed his mask. It was the sign that they were to communicate on a personal level.

“Marcus, you called for me.?”

“Yes, Rival. Your work may have been discovered. The Captain suspects something.” Marcus looked at his brother. “We …”

“I was careful ever since I placed in the hidden files. What did the Captain say? He had me questioned but I did not reveal anything.”

“The Captain did not tell me much except the servers had crashed. He was accessing … Quasimodo files. Your ....”

“I have implanted in malicious program should there be an inquiry into Quasimodo. You knew that too.” Rival replied. “I have Quasimodo in my chamber. I have seen the data. He was accessing…”

“Do not address Quasimodo as a person. It’s still a droid. It’s …. what it is and will be that forever.” Marcus snapped at his brother. “My life here was fine and when you came to me with the wounds, out of brotherly love, I took you in. I had you placed here. I allowed your desires to work on father’s legacy as I had done with the droid but you will not destroy my life here. I have sacrificed a lot to be the Archdeacon.”

“Yes, Marcus. I know. I will be more …. Diligent with the programs. I can erased what is in E-05 and wait for the new batch of droids.” Rival sighed. He knew it will be a setback to the works that their father had started.

“Quasimodo is so close to …” Rival was cut off by the brother.

“Do not call it by that name. My … Our existence here is more crucial And more to that, Esmeralda is coming here. I will find her a task suitable for her.”

“Does she know of you? Your role here as Archdeacon?”

“Eventually, she will know. It’s better now than never. I will reveal to her the secret of the display. When she knows of it, she will then understand.” Marcus replaced the mask. “Now leave me, Caretaker. Our new task awaits us all.”



Trojan War Chapter 45



Zeus was upset that some of his Gods and Goddesses had ignored his command not to get involved in the Trojan conflict. He had Hephaestus summoned to his Hall.

“Tell me, Hephaestus. What was it that I heard of the mycellion?” Zeus confronted the other.

“That is true. The mycellion may have contributed to their war. I did share my works with the Trojans but it was in limited quantity and somehow they managed to extract more of it from the load and had it assimilated onto their core. And weapons but it’s limited.”

“The mycellion is rare and found only on Trium Two in the depths of its deep trenches below the surface,” Zeus spoke of the organic metal. “It’s guarded by Poseidon and no one has access to it.”

“I know and many of us knew but I got some loads of it. It was …” Hephaestus said before he was cut off.

“How did they know? I had told no one except to … Poseidon and …Hera.” Zeus raised tone mellowed on the mention of the names. “How could they…”

“I knew from Poseidon and was given the amount to test. He wanted me to reinforce his ships.” Hephaestus added in. “I did what was requested. I am the …”

“The metallurgist among us and the gullible one to listen to many of them and yet hear none of mine.” Zeus was upset. “I did tell you to discuss with me on any new developments. Am I not your Supreme God? Or am I another one like yourself?”

“I meant no harm, Zeus. You are the Supreme One but my use of the organic material was to be for all. I did not know the Trojan’s will use it for their core.”

“And they did and the war was to begin and we are also drawn into it.” Zeus summarized it all. “Somewhere in there, I sensed a sinister plot at work but by whom?”

“I do not understand, Zeus. Why are you talking in riddles? Who is plotting what?”

“Think hard, Hephaestus. Think harder than the metal you had worked on. The war was caused by what? Or was it the abduction? And think of why at Sparta? And why was Troy involved? And the many questions here.”

“I do apologize, Zeus. I am not Athena.” Hephaestus sighed.

“And of which I had her summoned here too. “ Zeus looked to the rear of Hephaestus. “Athena arrived.”

“Better days to you, Zeus.” Athena greeted Zeus. She was born and hidden from Zeus for some time but gifted with the skills and knowledge by her mother till her reunion with Zeus.

“Women are without a doubt a hindrance to the way of life for Man but we have to live with them.” Zeus recited the words that he once told himself. “You are the wisest of the lot, yet my task to you had failed.”

“A most unfortunate event and I will rectify that strategy on my next move. It would seem that brawns do not always work as well as the brain.” Athena lamented on the failure of Hector even with the assistance of Heracles could not retrieve the gift she requested.

“Your task was made complicated by the involvement of Artemis who may have learned more than you did.” Zeus smiled. He was always challenged by Athena’s works and to see her outwitted by the other was a consolation to him.

“Artemis did well from afar and her use of the Minotaurs; sadly they perished in the battle was ingenious but how was she had to know I will be calling on Heracles to aid me?”

“I was telling the other here that within the halls of even my mighty hall, the whispers of mine are heard by many, and no secret will be with me.” Zeus laughed.

“The aftermath of having received the woman to your chamber, Zeus.” Athena mocked the other. “I thought Hephaestus' pain of adultery would have taught you. The cage may contain it or you in it.” 

Athena who was unattached had renounced any association to any others laughed out loud. She was focusing on her well-being only.

“Athena, I will…” Hephaestus reacted in anger but was held back by Zeus.

“You are right …. In the manner of speech. I am blessed with the presence of women like your mother and yourself but also betrayed by them. I am to the stage of living with the consequences of my action. However, where I can, I will rectify it.”

“I will resolve the war and recouped my rank among all of you. Let me think for now.” Zeus dismissed them all.

“I will rectify the event,” Zeus muttered. The meeting of the three had soon filtered to the others and the ones with guilt had surfaced.

“Hera, he may now …” Poseidon approached Hera at her Tower, She was not alone but with co-conspirator of her scheme.

“He does not know. He only suspects … me.” Hera smiled at Poseidon. “And you but not them.”

Hera was with Aphrodite and Ares.

“Zeus is no fool,” Poseidon replied in anger. “Hephaestus who is your brood told him I gave him the organic metal to work on.”

“And I gave the catalyst that gave it strength to assimilate. We are equal at faults, Poseidon but do you see me grovel on my knees towards Zeus. I won’t do that and the Trojans won’t do it either. They are going to end the war as victors or be defeated.”

“Hera, you are …” Poseidon glared at Hera.

“Poseidon who is my brother, this is the first time you know me. I am no one’s equal. Conflicts feed my soul as Ares my son can attest. The peace initiated by Zeus over the twelve worlds is demeaning to my existence. We should have left them alone or took sides as we did before, and move onto the new boundaries. We left the remnants of the conflict to thrive at the Frontier and yet with our strength, we did not quash them but allowed them to harass us. All of this was a malady of Zeus’ mind. He was contented to rule and sow his seeds while we linger here.”

“Zeus had seen enough conflict and …” Poseidon defended his brother.

“Was Zeus not the son of Cronus who was the son of Uranus? How did they thrive?” Hera looked at Poseidon. “Not by love but by conflict. We are the creation of conflicts and shall conflict exist, we exist.”

“I regretted my ..” Poseidon sighed.

“Your contribution of the organic metal was not of your detest towards Zeus or your love for the deformed son of mine but your love towards myself.” Hera laughed. “Have you regretted the day your brother took me for himself? I could have been yours if you asked but you feared your brother.”

“Shame on you, Hera. How could you..” Poseidon was upset.

“I am not ashamed for I did not you of your love for me. You did it yourself.” Hera laughed. “Now, leave me. Zeus will confront you on the work you did, but will you tell? I doubt so.”



Trojan War Chapter 44



Hephaestus rushed towards the chamber of Athena at her tower. Athena was then agitated that her assigned warrior had failed. She was seated on the throne seat of her’ and was dressed in the red gown. She was expecting victory but when the communication came from Diomedes, she was disappointed.

Her disappointment was to revert to anger when she was told that the other God was to see her.

“Athena, I was told that you were involved in the heist of the core at Troy Four. How dare you intervene when I was there to get the return of what was mine.”

“What was yours is now not in my possession but with someone we detest mutually?” Athena snapped back.

“Was it Hera?” Hephaestus held a rift with Hera since birth. “Or was it Aphrodite with Ares?”

“No, it was the other. Artemis had taken your item.” Athena told him. “She stole it when I was to take it.”

“Why? We were told not to get involved? Is she supporting the Trojans?” Hephaestus roared out.

“Athena supports no one but herself. She wanted the core to work out her new war strategies. She was always challenging us all. She detested me and Aphrodite.” Athena stirred the hatred in the other. “Would you join me in defeating the Trojan?”

At that moment, Artemis had her aides to examine the core for its formidable material. The initial result came back to her.

“We have examined the composition of the materials and found an amount of the organic metal named as mycellion which are rare to find. The organic metal has combined with the other materials and formed a level of hardness that is more than the hardest we have seen.”

“Where could they have gotten the organic metal?” Artemis asked.

“The only source rumored to have it is in Zeus domain but he has Poseidon to protect it.” The aide reported. “And it’s only a rare vein of it in the rocks. The amount registered here is more than the stated quantity.”

“Could t discover a new source and we were not told?” Artemis asked. “Where is he working now?” 

“He was last seen at the Macedonian worlds. He was forging…” The aide reported.

“What was the forging then? I knew he likes to work there for it was above the volcano vents. I need to know where he got the organic metal.” Artemis snapped out.

“My Goddess, there is one other thing. Mycellion is not a stable metal and we had detected a new material which may be the catalyst to the process of assimilation of the mycellion.” The aide upon reporting the new possibility was sent across the chamber when punched by Artemis.

“Imbecile! I want to know it all. Find that out or be prepared to be fed to my pets.” Artemis roared out.

The retrieval of the core had also reached the attention of the others.

“I am not surprised that Athena and Artemis had acted on their part to this war,” Aphrodite spoke to Ares while she was undergoing her treatment of mud bath. The God of War had visited her to inform her of the two Goddess actions.

“Artemis is said to be having the core now.” Ares looked at the Goddess. “How should we retaliate? If she uses the core for her use, she may be the next Zeus.”

“And we need to prevent it. May I stated that your antic with Apollo had rendered the Archaeon combined fleet to half their strength. Do you think it’s the opportune time to step in as the savior and restore their fleet? And resumed the war.” Aphrodite smiled.

“I thought you were with the Trojan?” Ares asked.

“I am with whoever may win but I do detest Helen. May considered her as more than me. That is something I cannot accept at all.” Aphrodite smiled. “I do have Paris with me now but he is no prize bull at all. I made the mistake of participating in your call for judgment. I was badly judged by a bad judge.”

The loss of the core to the Queen was met with mixed reactions from the Trojans. They have gathered at the Hall of King Priam at Troy One.

“My apologies, King Priam. We were stopped by the Minotaurs that were with the Amazon Queen, and they delayed us. Heracles who was with me was wounded in the fight.” Hector reported in.

“The Amazons are our allies.” King Priam said in disbelief. “They are part of the Frontier who allied with us.”

“My King, we stand alone. The Frontier is no more with us. Their hideouts were destroyed and they have left for the unexplored space. The traitorous Mysians are with them led by Telephus.” Hector was upset. “We should not have trusted them at all. They are all renegades.”

“Then we stand alone.” King Priam sighed.

“How do we stand with the Olympians? They have said that they won’t be involved and yet we have seen their hands into some of our battles.” Hector asked.

“I have asked Zeus, but he won’t see me. I am afraid we will be alone.” King Priam looked to the gathered.

“Return Helen and the war will be over.” A voice resonated among the gathered and it was echoed by the others.

“Yes, let me go … there. I am willing to go to stop the war.” It was Helen who appeared before the King. “I beg your forgiveness to intervene but the war was my fault.”

“Yes, send her back.” They gathered there roared out and King Priam had to raise his arms to stop them.

“I would have but the war had taken its toll on us. The Trojan worlds are invaded and destroyed by the enemy. It’s not a war of Paris and Helen but on the Trojan worlds. Your planet and mine are in their mind to be destroyed. They want to terminate us all. Helen was only an excuse.” King Priam voiced to the gathered.

“We all had friends, relatives and maybe immediate family at the Outposts, Troy Five to Three, and our allies….once allies, the Frontier. They are now refugees in our world or on the lookout for a new world free of the tyranny of the Archaeon.”

“I say we fight on. We have no choice but to defend Troy or what is left.” King Priam concluded his words to the then silent gathering. He then turned to Helen. “You will remain in your chamber for the duration of this war.”

“Before I go, do you have a word from Paris?” Helen asked but she was taken away before an answer could be given to her.


Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...