Monday, February 15, 2021

Trojan War Chapter 38



The King’s Chariots were given a task that none of the other could rival. It was to fly to King Menelaus planet and harassed them there. The six destroyer fleet which was the latest in the design of the Trojan’s army was commanded by their leader, Polydorus and he was accompanied by Paris who allegedly abducted Helen then.

“We are on the dark side of the moon and the asteroid belt hindered their scanners on picking us up.” The pilot of Chariot One reported to Polydorus. The leader sat there grimly at the commanding seat for he was thinking on the destroyers under his command. He may have the new hull and projectiles but the latter was in limited units. If the Chariots were to be revealed to the enemy ships, he had to flee fast.

“Simulate the exit routes once more. We don’t want to be caught by them.” Polydorus called on the pilot. They had calculated the routes to be taken in the case of an interception by the enemy.

“I do not want surprises,” Polydorus said.

“They won’t be. I am good at this. I have trained my bulls on how to …” It was the voice of Paris who was deemed the cause of the war.

“I am not in any bull arena now. I am in the wide-open space and every moon or planet may house defenses or ships that may attack us. Do you realize we are in the center of the enemy territory?” Polydorus had wondered why he agreed to the foolish plan by Hector.

“Their fleets are away at Troy and …” Paris tried to explain but was cut off by Polydorus.

“Troy is under attack and I am sitting here babysitting you. How does that augur for me now?”

“Polydorus, I am here on a mission to end the war.” Paris defended the plan. “I am here to appeal to King Tyndareus to discuss the peace. I did not abduct his daughter. I was… Rather she was to follow me. Since our meeting, we have been happy and I have…”

“Paris, she is another woman. Be done with her and move on.” Polydorus was getting agitated at the explanation. He had heard it many times to justify Paris’s abduction. It was then Paris’ communication device called out.

“Go and hear your woman and leave me to the war,” Polydorus told Paris. The latter stepped from the bridge to hear his lover’s call.

“Helen,” Paris addressed the other by her name which was a rarity among the men. “I am to begin my part in the war. Don’t worry about me. I will be fine.”

“Paris… my love. I am not concerned about the war but your well-being. Is it your call to negotiate peace with the King? I could return and he may pardon me as his daughter.”

“No, Helen. I created the war and it will be myself who will end the war.” Paris insisted on his role. “I am in no danger for Polydorus and his Chariots will bear me to safety if needed.”

“I must go now, Helen. Stay strong for both of us.” Paris cut off the communication and approached Polydorus.

“Take me to the Spartan city. I am ready to meet King Tyndareus.” Paris told the leader.

“Chariot One on the task. All other Chariots are to remain hidden unless calling for.” Polydorus told the other commanders of the frigates.

The Chariot One sped towards the Spartan City. Its arrival was detected by the Spartan defenses and the surface stealth fighters intercepted it. Chariot One transmit the truce message to meet King Tyndareus.

“The King is unavailable. Paris can meet me, King Menelaus. I am the one waged this war to re-claim my woman.”

“I am Paris and here to say that Helen had willingly left with me. If you want to get her back, challenge me in the personal combat at the nearby moon.” Paris had challenged Menelaus. The personal combat was an old tradition of two leaders to combat alone. The winner will be declared when the loser died or sounded out defeat. It was fought with old weapons.

“You are mad, herdsman. Menelaus is a veteran of the wars and more to it he is skilled in combat.” Polydorus had spoken to Paris after he turned off the communication with King Menelaus.

“The King indeed is one but he has aged. Like old bulls, they may retire or lose to the younger bull.” Paris replied. He then proceeded to the armory. He chose the Trojan armored suit for personal combat. Its metallic suit where the wearer is protected by the metal plates allowed for flight and enhanced strength, and the curved sword as a weapon and round shield.

Paris took to the shuttle to land at the nearby moon which was devoid of an atmosphere and its surface was riddled with craters and boulders from the leftover asteroids. He had on the headpiece which resembled the hammer on the top and it held a breathing apparatus.

“I am here, Trojan.” King Menelaus had stood to the right of Paris at about a hundred paces apart. The King was in a similar suit with the headpiece of the lion expression on its half face cover and the thick mane to the rear. He held the huge energy long broadsword that reached two-thirds his height and the rectangle shield.  Both of them have three spears at their reach on the surface.

“We do battle the old way. Winner takes all.” Paris declared.

“Winner takes all. Who are you to decide?” Menelaus challenged back but Paris had moved into battle mode.

Paris tossed the first spear at Menelaus who deflected it with the shield. Menelaus did the same and his spear missed Paris who moved. The second sets of spears were tossed and both were deflected by the shields. The last one by Paris missed Menelaus who had tossed his in Paris. The last spear impacted on Paris’ shield and caused him to fall back. It was then the wings on the back of Paris’ armor suit spread out like the winged predator and he took flight towards Menelaus. The King blocked the curved sword swung at his head and was forced to take a few steps back. He jumped backward and then activated the flight cells on the heel of his suit and took a wide swing to attack Paris.

Menelaus had the huge sword held out in the front with his arms at his chest. He was heading at Paris and as he approached the other, he held out his arms straight out making his posture like that of striking lightning.

The flying form of Menelaus impacted on Paris’s shield and the force weakened on the last spear, had thrown the defender back by a long distance. Paris fell on his back and discovered his shield was shattered by the impact.

“You lost the shield. I will do the same for mine.” Menelaus tossed his shield aside and held the broadsword with both hands. “I hope whoever you learned from taught you better.”

Menelaus rushed at Paris on his energized run and forced Paris to take the flight to the air and swooped downwards with the curved sword coming from the right. It was a typical move by the Trojan but they do that if they have the shield to deflect any attack. Menelaus blocked the attack and with his feet solidly on the ground, he swung his body to push Paris off course.

Paris fell once more to his back and was set on by Menelaus. It was followed through by the King who broke the right-wing rendering Paris unable to fly. He then twisted his grip on the hilt of the sword and did a plunge move on Paris’s chest.

It was an evitable death blow.


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