Thursday, February 4, 2021

Arthur II Book II Chapter 31




The wedding of King Arthur to his bride, Lady Guinevere went as scheduled with the guests from the land of the Lords and the Chiefs, and he knights to celebrate their union and to hail the new Queen.

“I bring to you, the Queen of Camelot and all of my lands.” King Arthur called out to the gathered guests in the new Grand Hall in Camelot. The Grand Hall was decorated with the fine tapestry of the finest shade and cloth. The Grand Hall was covered with four long tables that could seat thirty guests each and at the side, were more chairs for the ones that were named on the tables. The food was lavishly spread from meat to fruits and vegetables and bundles of bread. The King and the new Queen was seated at the table facing the three long tables. The King’s table was seated by five on each side next to the King and new Queen. Merlin sat by Arthur, followed by Lamorak, Percival, Belvedere and the last seat was Lancelot. On the new Queen side were Lady Igraine, Lady Elaine who made it to the wedding, and Lord Ban and Bors.

The other Roman families were not present although invited.

“Why are we not seated there?” The Elders asked of their leader, Elder Amish.

“Hold your tongue or I will remove it. Elder Amish looked at the two Lords that took their seats up there. He felt the slight of the move but kept his peace. It was good not to see Antonio or the other families. A breakaway of them from Arthur may augur well for the Elders.

Guinevere looked from the corner of her eyes towards the man who had taken her heart and purity. He had avoided her stare that evening. She looked at the King seated next to her. He was rejoicing at the feast, with his unshaven beard coated with meads and meat. She had asked herself many times since her return to Camelot.

“Do I want to be Queen?”

“Yes, you must. Arthur is the one to offer you protection. Your father Utter Pendragon has many enemies among the Lords and Chiefs. He was respected but not liked by them. He had made enemies when he battled Lord Gorlois and was banished from here. He had return triumphant and yet he bared new enemies. He may be killed by his allies; those were his friends and sworn to fight next to him, yet they divided his land upon his death. I think they have a hand in his murder.”

Those were the lengthy words of Lady Igraine when she met Guinevere on her return to Camelot. All Guinevere wanted to know who murder my father.

“I am not sure. I heard that Lancelot was there. He may have done it. He disliked your father. He was one of the enemies.” Lady Igraine told her. That may have sealed the fate of her feelings towards the man she thought she could love.

“Are you certain?” Guinevere asked.

“I am sure he was there when your father was killed. He was said to have buried him.” Lady Igraine said.

“Did he kill my father?” Guinevere pressed on.

“I am …... Why are you so fixated on him? I know he protected you but that does not mean he has no other motives.” Lady Igraine was agitated that Guinevere seems to be protective of the other.

“Was there … Did he do you harm?” Lady Igraine asked Guinevere. The latter shook her head.

“You must be honest with me. If you are to wed Arthur, your heart and …. The soul must be pure. You cannot have any doubtful feelings.” Lady Igraine pressed on. “Only Arthur can protect you. Even from Lancelot.”

Guinevere took some days to think her feelings off. She was also conscious of her body. She had hoped that their consummation will bear no marks on her. She heard of the older maids talked of morning sickness and the bulging belly. She feared that it was onto her, she will be cast aside.

Guinevere made her mind.

She will marry the King.

If she was with a child, it will bear his name.

Lancelot had buried his face with meads and food. He refused to look at Guinevere. Ever since they returned to Camelot, she had stay hidden in Camelot while he returned to Joyous. He had not heard from her or made any attempt to see her. That morning after their consummation she had washed in the stream and then got dressed without a word to him. She rode her horse while he was still packing his own. He caught up with her but now words were exchanged. They rode in silence and then reached Camelot. It was days later when he got the invite to attend the wedding of Arthur and Guinevere.

It then broke Lancelot’s heart.

“Do you know the meat will be taken if you are eating?” Lancelot turned to look at the one who spoke. It was Merlin. The druid was in a joyous mood and then dragged Lancelot to the outside yard. There they were alone and could speak.

“Are you well, Lancelot? I have not seen you since your return here and then you left for Joyous.” Merlin asked him.

“I am fine, druid,” Lancelot replied coldly. He still harbored the ill feelings on Merlin from the forest.

“I have known you for a long time, Lancelot. Like a son to me.” Merlin burped on his drink.

“I am not your son and never will I be.” Lancelot brushed the druid off. “You have a son now in Arthur.”

“So, it’s Arthur you are upset with. Was it his wedding to …?”

“Druid, you are mad. The mead had influenced your mind.” Lancelot said.

“And mead has covered your feelings?” Merlin laughed. “It’s not only you who had lost his love before.”

“I have to go now.” Lancelot pulled away from the druid. Merlin did not stop him for he knew what was on Lancelot’s mind. The pain of love could only be dulled by the mead or the loneliness of isolation. Or none. He had feared what he had seen was happening. He had seen the aura of Guinevere upon her return, to her consent to be Queen. It was disturbing for there were signs of conflict. He had thought it was her father’s death and then he recalled his dream. He had woken to see Lancelot with Guinevere and it was not pleasant to look at.

“Hello, I am Elaine of the Augustus…” Elaine stepped up to the druid. She was dressed in a blue gown with the frills on the skirt, and a shawl over her shoulders.

“Augustus? The …” Merlin frowned at the name.

“The Roman nobles. There are not many of us here.” Elaine added on. “I would like to…”

“I am needed inside.” Merlin stepped away rudely. Elaine looked to the departing druid. She was not surprised that the locals may resent her presence but she was there to find friends and allies. Among the families, her’ was deemed the weakest.

“I got you now.” Gaheris had seen the lady out there and when he saw the departure of the druid, he approached her. He hugged Elaine from the back.

“Did you miss me?” Elaine was shocked by the move and pulled away. She turned to look at the Equities rider.

“Gaheris, please behave. We are not in the creek now.”

“If we were, would you like me to…?” Gaheris is ever hopeful he could rekindle their relationship.

“Please behave, Gaheris. We are being watched” Elaine told him off. She had seen Gawain looking at them. To her, both brothers are tempting but they don’t have what she needed.

“I must go back now.” Elaine took off back to the feast. Gawain then approached his brother.

“Gaheris, Elaine is not yours anymore. Please behave …” Gawain was pushed on the shoulder.

“She is not yours, to begin with.” Gaheris glared at the other. “I don’t know what she sees in you, brother?”

“A lot more than you will ever be.” Gawain snapped back. They almost came to blow but were stopped by Percival. He had stepped out to get fresh air and saw Elaine walked back to the feast. He then saw the two brothers in the argument.

“Behave yourselves before your brother sees the two of you,” Percival told them off. Gawain and Gaheris have their respect for Galahad. Both brothers returned to the feast by different entrances. 

“You are still the Decurion, Percival.” It was Galahad who spoke. “I am up against my shield with two miscreants of the same bloodline.”

“They are still brothers although they have their view on the same lady,” Percival replied. He then looked at the eldest brother.

“What is your choice, Galahad?” Percival asked.

“Of the lady, I am not in agreement. She is of noble lineage while we are peasants turned warriors.” Galahad smiled. “To the brawns among the useless.”

“I will not say so. You are a legionnaire and above all, Equities to the rank. We are above them all.” Percival was ever proud of his riders. “I asked if you are considering settling with a lady.”

“Or man?” Galahad laughed. There were instances when the men have formed bonds with each other and lived together. It was not the physical attraction but the years of living and fighting together have them a purpose.

“I have my time full with them. I have no time for any other family squabbles.”

“Indeed, we are all one huge family.” Percival hailed his riders.

Out at the settlement, the feast was ongoing with peasants and the settlers with the hunters returning with their prey. Among the gathered sat two ladies at the long table taking sips at the mead.

“Why are you not at the castle?” The man asked the ladies. “You are too well dressed to be here.”

“We are? Then we must go then.” Morgause stood up. She looked at Morgan.

“Are you coming?”

“Soon.” Morgan stood up and the food on the table turned into gooey stuff which overflowed to the ground.

“I am now.”

Guinevere sat up on the bedding and her movement woke up Arthur. He stirred on the bedding and looked at her.

“Is it dawn? The night had passed so quickly.” Arthur said.

“Good morning,” Guinevere spoke back.

“Oh, I am sorry. I should have said good morning.” Arthur replied. “I am not used to …”

“It’s okay. I will get the water ready for your bath.” Guinevere stood up and walked to the washbasin. She was dressed in the white soft gown that was given to her by Lady Igraine for her to wear that wedding. Arthur sprang up from the bedding to approach her. He noticed the spot of redness at the helm of the gown and smiled.

“Was I rough?” Arthur held her. Guinevere slipped into his embrace and shook her head. She was embarrassed that she had on the mark. It was done by Lady Igraine to show her purity. She could not recall much of her own when she lay with Lancelot. It was all so fluid when both people were in need.

“I love you, Guinevere.” Those were the words that Arthur had not uttered before. Guinevere heard the words but she felt confused. She was unsure of whether she no more the same as before.

“I need to get ready. I have things to attend to.” Arthur pulled away and then walked to the washbasin. He stripped off his tunic and stood there to ease himself into the night potty. Guinevere looked at the body that she had shared in the hours before. She was grateful that the chamber was only lighted by the two distance candles then. Arthur had stepped in when she was lying on the bedding. She closed her eyes when he approached the bedding. He smelt of meads and food. He leaned over to kiss her on the forehead.

“I will need to wash and change,” Arthur said. She did not see him but she heard the sound of clothes being removed and the sound of the water on his body. She turned on the other side. He felt him climbed into the bedding and then he spooned her from the back. He smelled better but his intention was obvious. She could feel his hardness and then he reached for her tunic.

It was not she did not enjoy it but her mind was on another. She let him have his way and moaned to his thrust, not of pleasure but more of the intrusion. She felt violated then but endured it. She was imagining her lover and wished it will be over.

At that time in the darkness, Lancelot had got his hardness into the wench he had picked up from the feast. He was unsure of her name but she claimed to be the daughter of the Chief. It mattered not much to him then; he was in need to satiate his lust and took it upon the young lady. He rolled over to his back and looked at the unfamiliar surroundings then. He recalled that he had taken a chamber in the tavern with her.

“Was it good, my Lord?” The lady on her side with her limbs over his body. Lancelot did not reply to her and then turned to get up. He was naked and walked to the potty. He eased himself there and saw the castle from the window opening. He saw the dark shadow of the cat that was perched on the window sill.

“You can see me but I can’t of you,” Lancelot mumbled. He was wondering how Guinevere was faring. He smiled that she was probably enjoying herself with her lover then.

“Ye, Arthur will…”

“Did you say something?” The lady had approached him. Lancelot turned to look at her covered in the quilt that they had made love on.

“I need to use the potty.” The lady told him. He stepped away to let her have her use. He stepped back to the bedding and reached for the goblet of mead that was on the side table. He gulped with it. He felt the mead flowed down his cheek and then to his chest. He felt the hands that clasped him from the rear.

“Are you ready?”

“What is your name?”

“Maggie of ….” The lady was cut off when Lancelot took her hands and pulled her to the bedding. He climbed in between her legs. She was willing and he was demanding.

 End of Book II

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