Author's Note:
A darker version
of the above. And it also involves the Mob. Pardon me, did I spell MOP or MOB?
It was one day in
the time of some days, there was a young lady who has come of age to be
independent of her immediate family, made so by the presence of her stepmother
and stepsisters’, she found the need to get her own life outside. You got to
understand her problem, she is living in a two-room apartment with an equally
snoring father who also sleepwalks at night. But this poor lady could not find
an apartment had to endure the household works as her sisters took care of her
father in case he falls off the balcony on the 29th floor in his sleepwalks.
This young lady's name is
Cinderella, and she is one unlucky girl for sure; she gets to scrub floors and
washes the dirty laundry, and she is sometimes seen hanging over the window
edge cleaning the panes. It's made worse by the gossip she can hear of the
neighbors who talk of her father's antics. But poor Cinderella was sane to all
the insanity around her, although she kept rats for a pet; I am sure she had
them vaccinated.
Now one day, there
was a party to be held at the pool, and it was hosted by the local celebrity,
whose charms earn him reputable names. It was the father who paid for the party
as he hoped his son will find a bride among the elites here. Now the party was
the next best thing to happen since the BBQ which burned down the gazebo. So
all the young ladies were ecstatic and that includes Cinderella’s.
But poor Cinderella
had nothing to be ecstatic about. Her favorite dress was riddled with holes
courtesy of Cousin Rat-Attack. So she sat there while her stepsisters paraded
in their costumes, to flaunt their assets. Now Cinderella was not altogether
lost, as she has a ‘Godfather’ named Marlon at Suite B on Block MF. He used to
say ‘I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse’ so she went to him for help.
She bought him cigars from Sicily. He told his ladies, ‘you get her ready to be
the next model or I model you myself.’
So they did, a silky
pink dress ( the pigs will go oink over ) with matching shoes, and a pink
convertible that can fit into the lift to take her to the pool on the ground
floor. They even had the pool filled with pinkies flowers and lifted the party
to a punky level. Her entrance to the party was unbelievable; a 48 piece
orchestra and pink carpets rolled out. But before she stepped out of the pink
convertible, her Godfather said ‘don’t leave before midnight. I got a surprise
for you’.
Now the host was
charmed by the Pink Lady, and he forgot that his party was taken over by ladies
in pink. The other eligible ladies were shipped off to the nearest McD to eat
their D's alone. So the young couple left alone; danced and chat the whole
evening. But just before the stroke of midnight, too much ‘pink lady’ drinks
needed Cinderella to be excused.
"Excuse me,
my dear. I am needed in the powder room." So Cinderella took her to leave
of the dashing young man. So she pries herself off the arms of the host, ran to
the bathroom at her apartment in time ( she was particular about her choice of the
bathroom, and the lift was not working that day so she climbed the 29th Floor up.).
But she left her
right shoe behind at the pool.
True enough at the
stroke of midnight, the place was lighted up with fireworks and the message
‘you complete me...’. But there was no completion. Cinderella left before she
can complete the party.
The poor charming
man who held her right shoe thought she was a dream like the fireworks; dazzle for
a while and left with emptiness. So he retired to be a shoemaker in Bond's
And Cinderella on
returning to the party finds herself alone. She climbed back to the 29th Floor
and took on her usual works. She did however rear more cats to eat the rats.
As for Marlon, I heard
he left for the movies.
As for the
apartment, echoes of ‘Cinderella..........’ can still be heard till today at
the stroke of midnight. It's no ghost you will encounter, but Cinderella
calling in her fav cat named Cinderella.
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