Thursday, February 4, 2021

Arthur II Book II Chapter 30




Camelot was almost complete when Arthur returned. The two walls were up and so were the three high towers. The main castle was built and the side of the castle that extended to the lake below by the cliff was almost ready. Arthur praised the masons and then took to stand on the newly constructed palisades. He looked at the bigger settlement beyond the walls.

“Build sentry post structures out there. We want to be alerted on any attack.” Arthur told Lamorak. “I also want more men. Fighting knights will be good.”

“Prime …... Arthur, our treasury is barely enough to pay the men now. We need to be prudent.”

“Then find more coins. Get the other Lords to pay. We will offer them protection in return. Tell them their threats of the Anglo Saxons are over.” Arthur told Lamorak. “Get the families to pay. They have much to gain.”

“Arthur, they are protected by the Senate. They have rights.” Lamorak reminded the other. He looked to Percival who was there but the latter was facing elsewhere. He felt dejected that the other was not to assist. He felt alone then.

“They do? On my land. They refer to me. Tell them that or they can wait for the Legion to ride to their rescue.” Arthur was upset. He had survived the war and the others whom he was to protect will not appreciate his victory.

“And where is the druid?” Arthur was impatient. “How may I ever get the druid?”

“By my name, Arthur. Call it out and I will be there.” Merlin appeared for he was standing nearby. He preferred to be discreet. He was still finding his way among the others. He knew Lamorak was cautious with his influence on Arthur. He had met the returning Percival but that one was too preoccupied with his men than Arthur. Percival was fuming with rage that the Equities were left out of the final victory.

“My riders replaced by mercenaries?” Earlier, Percival had tossed the goblet of mead when he was told of it at the Equities barracks. He was with the brothers.

“Decurion…” Galahad spoke.

“I am no more Decurion. It was the Prime…. No, Arthur had decreed it. He is now King Arthur.”

“You are still Decurion to us. If I may speak for …” Galahad wanted to speak for Aubin but was turned down.

“I will hear no more. Arthur asked me to join him at the palisades.” Percival stormed off.

“Percival, did you hear me call you?” Percival looked to Arthur.

“No, Arthur. I was distracted.”

“I want your riders on the perimeters as scouts. The war is not over yet. There are pockets of the Anglo Saxons out there. I want them hunted and terminated.”

“Yes, Prime.” Percival saluted the other in the usual manner.

“I am not the Prime no more. Get used to it.” Arthur snapped back. He then turned to the druid.

“Where is Lancelot?”

“I bear no news, Arthur.”

“Find him or be gone.” Arthur walked off the palisades. Lamorak approached the druid.

“Is this your doing, druid?” Lamorak asked.

“No, Lamorak. It’s not mine. It’s Arthur himself. He is trying to be the King here. As King, he held a heavy responsibility than his previous rank. Here he answers to no one but he holds the well-being of all in his care. He does not have the treasury of the Senate to pay his knights nor does he have their protection.”

“As King, he is alone. All of you must help him.” Merlin continued.

“He can always return to the Legion,” Lamorak said.

“The Legion has no concerns here. More it, Britannica does not concern the Senate. The Legions are withdrawn down South or to Gaul. Your King has done to ease the war here. They won’t come in unless….”

“Arthur falters?” Lamorak cut in.

“Perhaps. But it may not be. We are here in the North does not offer much to Rome. More to it, we are still a wildland with no real use. Except to panhandle by the families.”

“Of which none new ones have arrived.” Lamorak cut in. “The land here is … not of use to them.”

It was not the same in the thoughts of the Marcellus family. Antonio Marcellus was with his mother. They were discussing the land deals.

“I heard the Meleagant have demolished the old monastery. I don’t know why.” Antonio told his mother. They were with Adele who attended to their drinks there.

“Maybe they need the land. It’s fertile there to grow crops.” The Mother replied. “I am more concerned about Lady Igraine. She has the protection of the one named Arthur after the death of Utter Pendragon.”

“Was she not a servant under the Augustus?” Antonio asked. His eyes averted to the lady who served him the drinks.

“Yes, she was. She remained hidden till Utter Pendragon called for her. I will need to check on her. I hear she is …”

“A witch, Mother? Surely, not all the older…” Antonio was cut off.

“Do not mock me, Antonio. I will be in my chamber if you need me.” The older lady got up and turned to leave. She turned to Adele.

“Entertain him for all I care. He will not be yours in the end.” The older lady hissed at Adele before he left. Adele looked towards Antonio with an angry expression.

“The bitch knew of us and she mocked me.” Adele tossed the goblet from the table. Antonio approached the lover.

“Mother is being …”

“Spiteful? She is more of venom. Do you know she told the servants to acquire adders to be brought to her?” Adele reveals the morning events. “I was … I dislike serpents.”

Antonio consoled his lover. He knew of the serpents. His mother held plans for it.

Plans were afloat too with Augustus.

Elaine Augustus pushed the man off her body and then stood up. She straightened her clothing while the man she had chosen to lay with her drew up his tunic.

“You make me excited, Elaine.” The man held his erection to show her.

“Be away. I have no desire to be with you. Take your coins and depart.” Elaine tossed the coins to the man. “I need to be away.”

Elaine walked to her horse and mounted it. The man had rushed towards her but Elaine had prepared for it. She drew the dagger from the saddle.

“Come any closer, and I will cut myself,” Elaine warned the man. “You are paid to keep me happy. Since you did not, I have paid you regardless.”

Elaine rode off. She missed Gawain and Gaheris. She heard that they are back but not at the Wall. They reside at the new castle named Camelot.

“I will ask Father for permission to get to Camelot.”

At that moment, Auric Augustus was in discussion with the Elders and the two Lords; Ban and Bors. They were in discussion on the lands that were under Utter Pendragon. He was unhappy with his share.

“I paid the knight to remove the Lord. Why is my share so …?” Auric looked at the others.

“We are many here, and more to that, we led the Lord to your trap. We need to hold these lands for our needs.” Lord Ban replied. He was not too happy then with his share for the Elders held the most.

“What of the Elder who betrayed us?”

“He is being held prisoner at the dungeon. His share will be split by us.” Lord Amish replied. Lord Amish had taken over that share. The other Elders were powerless to challenge him.

“I demand…” Auric Augustus raised his voice.

“You will demand nothing, Roman. We stand as it is or you can see to the Centurion. He will keen to know your deeds here.” Lord Ban snapped at the Roman noble. “Be content. We leave now.”

Auric knew that he was without the power to fight the Lords and the Elders. He cannot rely on the Legion or the Senate. His messages have not been replied to. He looked to the departing group and cursed at his misgivings.

“Father, I want to go to Camelot.” It was Elaine who had stepped in.

“Not now, daughter. I am in need to…”

“I can help, Father. I can get you the new power over them.” Elaine cut in. “I heard the conversation. You need allies, Father. I can get it. But not here. It has to be at Camelot.”

With all the planning there, Lancelot found his plans to travel back to Camelot was a slow pace. They were on horses but Guinevere was taking the slow trod and was not in a hurry. She rode next to Lancelot with her mind back at the village.

“Do you think Joanne will be pleased with her son?”

“I think so. Why do you ask?”

“Her lover is not there. He has not returned as yet. Does the father not want to know his son?” Guinevere asked. Lancelot did not reply then for his mind was on his father. He had not known of his father beside his fame. He was raised by another and then sent off to the Lake.

“Do you want to see your son if …” Guinevere asked? “You never told me of your family.”

“Huh? I have …. My father died when I was very young. I hardly knew him.” Lancelot replied.

“And if you could, would you like to know him?” Guinevere asked. “I would but my father was not with me. I wished he was but he only knew me recently and then he died.”

“Utter Pendragon?” Lancelot asked.

“Yes. I will avenge his death. That’s why I needed to see Lady Igraine. She will know.” Guinevere said. “Would you do the task for me? I am willing to pay you…. Anything.”

Lancelot remained silent then. Then he spoke up.

“Arthur can help you. He is King and he is supposed to help his people.”

“Arthur…. He is King but he… “

“Know the man, and you may…”

“I know Arthur, Lancelot but does he know me? We are so …... different.’ Guinevere laughed. “He is so …old. He is not like you.”

Lancelot looked away when he heard that.  He saw a creek ahead and suggested that they rest there. He tended the horses while Guinevere took to the stream there. He removed the saddles and the bags. The lady did not travel light for her gowns were heavy. He felt the soft materials on the gown and felt aroused. It was smooth like her hands.

“Lancelot, can I wash n the stream?” It was Guinevere standing behind him. Lancelot did not turn his back and nodded.

“Then can I have my small bag?” Guinevere requested. He handed it to her without turning back.

“You must not peek,” Guinevere told him.

“I won’t. I will stand there.” Lancelot replied. “If you need me, please shout.”

Lancelot stepped to the removed saddles and tended to them. H felt so silly with the helm of his tunic raised but the weight of the armor had covered it. He removed the straps on the saddle and then grabbed the cloth to wipe the seat. The seat of the saddle was smooth and silky. Lancelot smiled at the thought.

Unseen by him, Guinevere pulled her gown higher to sit in the cold water with her legs spread. She felt the soreness in her body withered with the flowing water. She untied the strings on her bodice to loosen it. She peeked back to Lancelot and saw he had his back towards her. She then lowered the bodice from her shoulders to her bosom. She scooped the cold water and splashed it onto her chest.

It was so refreshing.

Guinevere thoughts went to Joanne who was milking her newborn.

“He is impatient like his father. The men cannot resist our breast. They will cuddle kiss and even bite at it.” Joanne had told her. “He is without teeth or there will be marks on me.”

The two ladies laughed. Guinevere being the naïve one asked the other of the acts that were forbidden to be spoken by the others.

“Oh, you still pure. Once you are into it, the feelings are so different. When Brian and …. myself…” 

“I thought you and Liam ….”

“No, we did not. He did ask but I said no. He was insistent at times. He even showed me but we never did.” Joanne blushed. “It was not with Brian. He was forceful, and when he did, I was all over him.”

The ladies laughed.

“And he was big inside.”

With that thought, Guinevere left hand cuddled her left breast. She kneaded it like Joanne was doing. Instead of milk, she felt the nipple there pout out. She touched the tip and felt the sensation coursed in her chest. Her heartbeat all the faster. She took her hand away and dropped it to the water. The flow of the water pushed her hand in between her legs. She felt herself there and widen the clefts there to let the cold water flowed in. It was a sensation seldom felt. Maybe in her dreams or her bath. She felt the blush on her face.

“I ….” Guinevere could not stop the need to express herself. She bent forward onto her chest, immersing her breasts into the water.

“I…” Guinevere needed to feel herself. She kept her head down and let the water be her lover.

Later, she changed into the simple tunic she used to wear at the village. She felt refreshed and folded the wet gown to carry with her. She approached Lancelot who was still tending to the saddle.

“Can we rest here tonight?” Guinevere asked.

Lancelot nodded to her. He had regretted turning to look when she was nude in the stream. She had removed the gown and was washing it. He wanted to turn back but he couldn’t. He was admiring her as if she was a Goddess. When he saw her turning to look up, he turned his back.

Lancelot felt that he needed to sort out his feelings.

Guinevere was not his. She was Arthur’s.

When the dark skies covered the campsite, Guinevere slept on the blanket provided to her. Lancelot was at the campfire stoking the fire. He had stripped the armor and wore the cloak over his tunic. He sat there facing her and she turned on her body to face him. She did not notice it at first glance, but then she did later. It was the way he sat by the campfire.

He was enticing. That was what Joanne had said of Brian. Or was it Liam?

She felt the warm sensation in her body and her body was quivering from the feel. She rubbed her legs together and it made her more uncomfortable. She saw Lancelot stood up and turned to his side. It was the odd way he looked like then with his tunic protruding. He bent down to adjust the blanket and then slept on it.

Was it the cold or the loneliness? Guinevere sat up and looked over to the man sleeping near her. She got up and dragging her blanket, she walked over. She laid the blanket down next to him. He was not moving at all. She lay down next to him and then turned to lay her arms over him. He stirred in his sleep and then turned to face her. His lips reached for her’ and kissed her. His arms went over her waist and held her. She moved her legs over his and then her hands reached for the hem of his tunic. She raised it and he protested.

“No, we must not…” Guinevere silenced him with her lips and then pushed his face to her bosom. Lancelot nudged his face into the soft breast of Guinevere. He bit with his teeth on her clothed bosom. She reached down and gripped him by the growing erection. It felt so different holding onto it where the blood was coursing through the organ to make it bigger.

Lancelot left hand had snaked down towards her and he touched her. She shuddered at the intrusion yet she welcomed it. He wasted no time and raised her tunic to the shoulders. He then buried his lips onto her left breast while his left hand kneaded the right breast. He rolled on top of her.

“I am … pure.” Guinevere whispered.

Lancelot stopped then and pulled away.

“I can’t. You are not mine…. I am sorry.” Lancelot stood up and walked to the stream. He stood there letting the cold water soothed him.

“Why not?” Guinevere had reached him and her arms went around him. “I love you. I don’t love Arthur.”

Lancelot turned around and looked at the naked lady. He removed his cloak to cover her. He was to speak when she led him to the grass bank.

“Make me yours.” Guinevere looked at him. She spread her legs towards him. “I will be …”

Lancelot bent down on his knees between her legs. He took the dare to her challenge. She called out his name when he was in.

“Lancelot…. Yes.” Lancelot heard her cry and he buried himself in. They were joined as one.

It was then Merlin was awakened from his rest at Camelot. He sat upon the bedding.

“What have you done, my son?”



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