Friday, February 5, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 22


My Forbidden Love


Author's Note:

The story of an illicit love or dire desire for the unforbidden. Guess we would never know until you have read it. Then make me a cup of coffee before we discuss.





The crowd is getting restless and I am afraid they will move in on us soon. It has been ten hours now on the standoff, and the sun is at its apex now. We got the call to get here past midnight and we grouped in the early morning. Our protective gears in place and our weapons are armed for any untoward aggression. I peeked over the barricades to see the crowd not more than a short run ahead.


There was probably a few hundred within my sight but I can’t see around the corners and hidden paths. I can see they are equally armed and won’t hesitate to take us down. We are after all the perverse version of them; the guilty and the oppressor. It all started only days ago when the system said to remove their benefits which they loved due to abuse and overspending. But the reaction was ‘we been sidelined to die’.


That was the cry for their hope.


But that was not the reason for the cry. There are other avenues to them but they see only one; the ‘benefit of that love’. They see not all the other forms of love being given but the one item in the long list of their love list. It's hopeless to reason with them when they see things so narrow. The negotiations broke down and the clashes started.


So here we are; the riot squad now to quell their desire for their love on our perverse form of justice.


‘Bent, do you think they will be here?’


‘Jim, they are here. So now we wait for the call. I hope they see us as them too. We are deprived of the same love as everyone. It's just being declared forbidden. We can accept it but can't they?’


‘But they took it more further than us. We are helping the ones who took it away from the ones who need it. So do you think we are doing it right?’


‘Jim, the rules of the order says we follow orders. And we have to do that.’


‘Even against our only hope of love.’


I looked at Jim and see the doubtful looks on his face. He is thinking and that is bad in this situation. I motioned to the other officer, to take him from the line. But the other officer stood his ground. I looked around and see all of them are having the same thoughts.


I stood out from the line and faced my men.


‘We are here to protect the system. We are here to protect people from harm. We are the force of good. If you do not see that in your hope, then you have failed in the duty to the system and the people.’


‘But that’s our people there. And their hope is ours too. We can’t stop them from fighting what is our hope too.


It was then the bullet hit my undefended back where the kevlar does not cover. The bullet penetrates my flesh and hit my arteries to my heart to exit at my chest. I fell on my knees clutching my kevlar cover to hold the pain in.


I could see Jim running towards and he then held me up. I know I am going to die soon. I only hope I died doing the right thing.


‘Jim, it's only love of sugar. We will all get over it soon; the sugar deprivation or needs. Why can’t you all see the hope-less acts of theirs and yours? Do you know what your body needs? I guess not.....’


( Dedicated to the sugar craving society of today. )


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