Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 18

 Romeo's Other Love


Author's Note:

Romeo and Juliet; eternally the pair that everyone knows. But do you know of the other love?






We all know about Juliet in Romeo’s life, but we never asked if there was anyone else in his when he was courting Juliet.


So our story began.


“Romeo, where art thou? I have waited for hours and the pies are cold" That was the thoughts of Rosaline who was secretly in love with Romeo. She knew that Romeo was with his other love, Juliet, but she cared not for the other woman, as long as Romeo has a place for her, even though it may be very small compared to Juliet.


As she sat there, her thoughts went back to the unsanctioned liaison of the two by their clans on both sides. It was all over a stupid brawl which resulted in this curse to the lovers, but no for Romeo, if he had seen his ways better; he would not have had to suffer this pain. It all began at the Ball Dance. He was to see me at the Ball but instead, he took up with Juliet. It was not as I planned for the night. I was in the powder room waiting my turn when someone who took too much raw oyster had to detained all of us longer. It was then the moment of a coincidence that Romeo met Juliet when he came looking for me in the powder room. Juliet was the last in the long queue, so Romeo asked her if she has seen me, Rosaline.


‘Rosaline Capulet? No, she must have stepped out. I am Juliet Capulet, her cousin. Are you a Capulet too? I thought I knew all the Capulet’s suitors.’ Now the young man was amused at the introduction of this catchy spunky lady in the marron dress.


‘I am afraid not. I am Romeo Montague, the loving son of your fathers’ rival and the bitter enemy now. But I am ever pleased to meet you and more so when she is a Capulet.  Had I seen you in a cat-fight before? I guess not, as it may not be your style to kick someone’s butt.’ Romeo ever the infallible man of his trade, had on his ever-charming smile.


‘Oh, Romeo Montaque, only your presence could have made the oyster bad to our taste today. Did you bring it tonight to peek at us in this long queue?’ Juliet is a true Capulet and a firm supporter of her dad. But a Montague is still one who never resists a good fight even though he may waste them on these new pantaloons he is wearing tonight.


‘Oh, pardon me for the oyster, but we did not know you had no cold room. Why should you had one when the ladies are so cold; they can freeze even hell itself.’


Juliet was upset at the remark and said; ‘I shall prove to you my coldness’. She took him in her arms and lay a kiss on his warm lips, which smell of sherry and some brandy added in for the extra taste. Romeo not to be undone returned her kisses with the passion of a Montague. Between the anger and the tasteless oyster lips, a lover bond was created that evening.


From that night, Rosaline regretted not getting her diaper on or she won’t have to spend much time in the powder room from Romeo's side. Her would-be love, Romeo was taken away by Juliet that night. Her heart was more than broken; it got crushed to bits when they consummated their love without the parent’s blessing. Juliet was to marry the Count as she was advised but the Count has withdrawn his request later. Given the same choice, anyone would have to. Bitch!


Rosaline was also sad, that she consulted the Friar for the potion to end her woes of a heartbroken lady, but he was too inquisitive into the details. She had to lie to him lest he asked too much; and said it was for some lost lovers friends of hers. He must have seen her lies and made a sleeping potion instead. She was told later he could only make the ‘Sleeping Beauty’ potion.


Rosaline gave Juliet took the potion to take when her father said she cannot marry the man named Romeo. Rosaline thought that Juliet would die and she would be next in line to received Romeo's love. But Juliet slept like a dead lady but she did not die.


Romeo went into grief on her death-like sleep thinking that she did die. Romeo drank the other potion of his which I know not of and sadly he died from it. Romeo ought to know that self-prescription sometimes is fatal. But as he laid dead, Juliet woke up and on seeing her love dead, also took the same cheap potion to follow suit. It was unbelievable as any silly girl would just grief for seven days and then back to the hunt for another admirer but not silly Juliet. She died in his arms that night.


As for Rosaline, she ended up baking pies in the name of her ‘would be dead lover’, and hoped he will come back to eat them. Fat chance at that, as she ended up eating them all by herself. It did pay off for her as she now has a successful franchise called ‘Julia’s Pies; the taste to die for like lovers when you eat it’. She re-named me to Julia, so one day hoping someone will tell her side of the story. Well, I did it for her and she paid me with her measly pies as rewards.


Guess I should have read the small print on the packaging before I took the task.





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