Friday, February 26, 2021

Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.2 Chapter 9



The detention of Esmeralda concerned Pierre Gringoire that he had rushed to the City. He knew that the only ones that could override the Captain was the Chief of Enforcers at the City. He had known Raoul Delores for many years when he was a member of the Elites. The former owed him favors for past deeds.

“Raoul, I need your help.” Pierre had approached the Chief of Enforcers. He had changed his attire to that of the City designed wear. It was a three piece suit with the dark leather shoes and the homburg hat.

“Pierre ….. Pierre Gringoire, to what I am owed this privilege?” The Chief of Enforcers was seated behind the desk at the office. He was a huge stout bastard who had survived his career overstepping others or stabbing them in the back. He wore the dark uniform and the knee high boots and the beret similar to the Captain but the City Enforcers wore their beret red. The Chief was armed with the blaster holstered at the right side of the waist belt and the baton on the left side of the desk.

“I have not seen you for a while. Some said you died. Some say you retired. I told all of them Pierre Gringoire is around but he remained low key. If you died, there will be city wide mourning like…. The festival of fools. And you won’t retire. You are too important to retire. Die maybe.” It was a sarcastic remark by the Chief. He knew that Pierre was considered a washout.

But was still a dangerous person.

Pierre Gringoire have the secrets of a lot of very important figures in the City. When they sneezed, they turn to check if Pierre Gringoire was there.

“I was away, Raoul. How have you been doing?” Pierre started off the conversation with small talks.

“I am alive. I can’t say for Felipe. He died horribly. He had drowned in the river.” Raoul placed on the solemn face and offered himself the cross across his chest. Felipe was Raoul’s rival in the City, and Felipe was dead, it could only mean Raoul did it.

“Good. Felipe was a bad man. Raoul, I need your help.” Pierre cut the conversation to the concern of his. “The Captain of the Dome had arrested…”

“Captain Phoebus is a … What was the word you used…I got it… An imbecile.” Raoul struggled with his words. “What did he do now? I heard of the rioting there during the Festival of Fools. I can’t go there unless I have a reason. A valid reason, you know.”

The jurisdiction of the Dome was elusive unless there was a call to assist.

“There is a reason. I was hurt. I was trying to … stop the rioting. You know of my position. I …”

“Yes, you are a Councilor for the City. Why were you there? It’s not the Elites to partake in the festivals. I ..” Raoul was interrupted by Pierre.

“I was there to see the Archdeacon.” Pierre lied. “The commotion caused me to be pushed and I think I lost my … bag there. I saw a girl took it. She was arrested by the Enforcers there. Can you …”

“I will send my men over. She will be brought her for questioning. It must be the gypsies.” Raoul assured Pierre. “Shall I have sent to your place later?”

Raoul had on the cheeky smile. Pierre nodded to the other.

At that moment, the Archdeacon had taken the private route to see Esmeralda. He saw her at the Community and approached her but was intercepted by the Voivode.

“Marcus, I would not have to intervene but the event today was uncalled. Esmeralda was detained.”

“I know, Voivode. I had come to ...”

“I am telling you if she was harmed, we will not hesitate to storm the Dome and punish those who are there.” The Voivode did not hold back her words. “You may not be spared.”

“I had her released. Voivode, I have my past but I have not forgotten it.” Marcus looked at the elderly lady. “I … take care of her.”

“Your past is over, Marcus. I tolerated you here because you are the next one close to her besides her parents. She needed comfort but now I am not sure. If she ever knew of your present, there will be no future for you or her.”

“Please, Voivode. I needed time with her before I can take her away. I can offer her a new life.” Marcus looked at the elderly lady. “One that is not of here but she gets shelter and love.”

“There is nothing lost in our Community. If I was …” The Voivode sighed.

“Mama, I was banished by father. Do not banish me of my love.” Marcus pleaded with his mother. “I was betrothed to her. We were to….”

“Hush, Marcus. Your past is yours. I will not have your presence here anymore. You have not changed your ways. You are not of us. Your father was right. You do not know our ways.” The Voivode said. “Now leave. And don’t return here. I wished I had not the two of you. Your father was a better man then.”




Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.2 Chapter 8



Esmeralda kicked at the steel door that had her only exit from the small chamber she was locked in. It was not a tortured chamber but a roomful of rags and buckets. She had scrummage the lots and found nothing useful to use as a breakout tool but the rags was plentiful to rest her weary legs. She rubbed the sore point at the toes where she had hurt herself kicking the door.

Then the door opened.

It was the nefarious Captain. She knew him from the uniform and reputation.

“Gypsy, you are a trouble maker.” Captain Phoebus confronted the girl. “I am in mind to punish you as a lesson for your kind.”

“Gypsy are not a kind. We are a Community that learned to live together and not be separated by the walls and fences. We do not have neighbors but families in one huge Community.”

“Don’t justify your kind of existence to mine. I am the Community here. We lived in harmony.” Captain Phoebus hit back.

“A Community that held a forest wall from the others. You have isolated yourself here, even from your own kind. Does the City intimidate you with the towers and huge structures that rivaled your Dome?”

“The City is not the Dome and neither will the Dome be with the City. We are the Dome and we survive here for generations.”

“You are a relic like the items you hold in those shelves.” Esmeralda said. “You took what is not yours to keep here. You defile their existence with …. Imprisonment on the freedom.”

“Freedom? Well, you won’t be seeing that. I had enough of you and will see that you hang for your ….freedom.” Captain Phoebus glared at the girl. “Savor your last moments of freedom.”

“She will be freed.” It was the Archdeacon who had intervened. “She is not to be punished.”

“My Reverend Sir, she created the rioting there. She instigated the breaking of the Dome’s property.” The Captain looked to the Archdeacon. “You can’t …”

“Release her now. I am still your Archdeacon.” The command was given, and Esmeralda escorted out. It was then I saw her. She looked at me and then smiled.

It was a smile as registered by my program. I would have smiled but I am a droid. I can’t smile. She walked past me escorted by the two enforcers. I wanted to reach out with my upper limbs.

I wanted to hold her.

I wanted… but I could not. There were conflicts of logic in the program. I turned and returned to my charging spot to run the diagnostics. I had the routines checked and the program checked for any intrusion or fixes to be repaired. It was not of my doing but main programs of mien prompted it. I knew it was a waste of resources for the hidden programs will still be there. While the server was doing the above, I had the recent date purged. It was part of the hidden programs to camouflage its existence.

Whatever was happening, I felt an unusual surge in my frame as if I was undergoing a re-boot in the core programs. I felt elated as what an organic being may experience. It was a strange movement to my frame for it was not in the main program.

Or maybe I am alive like an organic being.

‘Error 404. Routine cannot be purged.’

I terminated that data log.

“I be darned that you are hibernating here while I was cleaning the debris. Did you shut off your communication set?” I heard the Caretaker. I checked my communication set and it was still turned on. I may had ignored the communication link.

“Follow me, Quasimodo, We got work to do.” I complied with the request after I disengaged from the charging port.

What was not disengaging was the Captain who confronted the Archdeacon at the balcony. The latter was watching the revelers leave after the festival was cut short of its events. The Captain had called for them to leave then.

“I am not your servitude aide to be commanded when it…” The Captain was cut off by the Archdeacon.

“You will serve me as dictated by the Service Rules of the Dome. I am the Archdeacon and you will comply.” The Archdeacon snapped out.

“I … I won’t comply, Frollo.” The Captain hit back and used the name of the Archdeacon to mock him. “I helped you to your rank and if it was not….”

“If it was not you, there would have been others, Phoebus. I am indebted to you but as long as I am the Archdeacon, you will desist to argue with me on my commands.” The Archdeacon had then removed his mask to pull in a deep breath.

“I liked the air. It’s fresh.” The air in the Dome is recycled through the filters.

“Breathe in, Marcus Luiz. Your secret is still safe with me.” Captain Phoebus then turned to leave the balcony.


Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 32

 Body Snatchers


Author's Note:

The title of the contest was 'vessel' and the host was talking about ships, planes, and even vehicles. I just decided to drive mine differently.



We have identified the final enemy vessel to be used but we did not bargain for the resistance from the vessel's current crew. It took us more time to subdue and take over the vessel. Then there was the period to learn the workings of the vessel's components. But my squad is trained for such missions and we overcome the enemy vessel's defenses including its core command. It took us a long time to understand the workings of the enemy vessel and the needed adjustment for our use. This is not our first vessel hijacked to date but this one gave us the most resistance, but we completed the task before the set time frame.


The next stage of the insertion was to move the vessel to the quadrant where it's most effective. This is the most difficult part of the mission as it involved working behind enemy lines. The quadrant we are looking to insert in the fleet command center and is patrolled by many vessels of different makes and sizes. But our hijacked vessel has the security clearance to get us past all the security protocols. Soon we were moving to the target area. There have been several unconfirmed vessels moving among us as we stood in the quadrant. It's difficult to tell which of these vessels could be friendly or hostile as we have not established any communication protocols with the other squads so we need to make contact or alert each other.


Our mission was given by High Command is based on stealth and it's of utmost importance we are to take command of an enemy vessel to retrieve the crucial data on the defenses. Once that is completed we are to do the needed extraction without alerting the enemy. The invasion fleet needs our information so that they can know the best approach. This is a mission of utmost importance and it will reclaim our glory from the disastrous invasion of Exeter Four where the lack of information caused the demise of two million of our warriors. Since then the intelligence sector has been very careful to ensure all new invasions are to the highest level of information before we embark on it. This planet was selected as it has the correct environment and it has an abundance of vessels that we can use.


But with our ingenuity and determination, we managed to reach our prime objective with the help of the hijacked vessel; the central database server. Our final objective is now within a hand touch away but the final works we need to do would be difficult. We have to park our vessel among the rest of the enemy vessels in their fleet command home. Our vessel was given clearance to dock in one of the bays. We did as per instruction and we extended the download cable. Thanks to our tools, the download took only a short time and I just received confirmation that we have done the needed and all information has being downloaded to our vessel. But before we could move. we have an intrusion of a nearby vessel. I initiated stealth mode on our presence so that the sensors cannot pick us up, I was relieved that the other vessel was recalled to the other Quadrant and we are safe to move again. I instructed that the vessel be moved at a normal speed as not to attract any attention from the nearby vessels.


The movement of the vessel was sluggish indicating there is some compensation needed to be done on the vessel engine. I re-do the calibration and it worked now. But we caught the attention of another bigger vessel nearby and I need to send the vocal command that the vessel is fine but unsteady. I was surprised that the vessel we were in communication with was the Mothership. It would have been a good bonus for us to hijacked that vessel but it's too risky at this stage of the operation. The Mothership was still concerned about our performance to transmit a signal for us to retire to Base for repairs. I acknowledged the command and move the vessel out of the quadrant.


Soon, we berthed at the Home Base and the vessel was docked in a stationary position. I instructed the shutdown of all the essential services and told the squad to stand down. I was soon to find that was a good command as another vessel approached to intercept us. This vessel looks like a repair unit and it was checking our hull for any breakage. Then it moved to do a scan on the inner compartments. The squad has moved to their sedentary mode so the sensors cannot pick them up as hostiles. I also shut down the neurons in the command center to a minimum to avoid any detection. The Repair Vessel tried to hail us on the open channels but we ignored the responses. It soon left our berth area to check on other vessels in the area.


It was much later when the alert woke me up and I activated the neuron sensory functions. All systems confirmed working fine and we are operational. I initiated instructions to move the vessel forth from the berth while my other squad members checked their instruments. All gauges and levers are working but there seems to be some fault in the middle section. It's routine maintenance that can be worked on soon enough. I sighted the required docking bay and moved the vessel there. Upon docking at the bay, we opened the cargo doors to dropped the unwanted waste. It's a prerequisite of this vessel as it's been designed to do in a certain period or its pressure built-up will damaged the gauges. Once we have cleared the docking procedure, I have the vessel moved out of the quadrant but we bumped into the repair vessel again. This time the repair vessel halted us in our journey to query us on our next destination. I had to use my authority to override that query and proceeded to ignore the repair vessel. My refusal was met with hail from the Repair Vessel to return to my berth but I ignored the command.


I instructed the engine room to move up the speed of the vessel to a higher level and hoping that I can outdistance the Repair Vessel. It was a wrong move as it attracted the rest of the fleet which was all around us. I saw the opening in the Quadrant and went for it. But I did not expect the onslaught that hit the rear section of the vessel. The blow came from the nearby vessel which landed its blast on the rear hull of the vessel. It was to result in some damages but not crippling. However, it disabled the sensory function there causing the vessel we are on to stall in the speed. The next blow came to the middle section expanding more ballast air out of the midsection and causing some internal leakage. I was getting reports of hydraulic leakages and major cables severed. I had to compensate or this vessel will be redundant. I trigger off the self-defense mechanism which reacted by blocking the next incoming barrage on the observation deck.


The next action of the vessel was to gain some time and distance, so the long-range defenses went into action. The impact on the enemy vessel caused it to withdraw and we were able to withdraw in time to have an assessment of the damages. We now regaining more control back on the vessel but I need to expedite some quick moves. I initiated a broadside barrage on the nearest enemy vessel causing it to crash into another stationary vessel. I then sped out towards my original doorway to leave the Quadrant. But the path was blocked by another enemy vessel which I had to strike to disabled the enemy vessel to a sunken condition. My sensors picked up signs of dangerous enemy life support there but I am beyond any concern now except for my mission. 


More alerts coming and telling us we are still in conflict with another new vessel arrival. The new vessel has a long-range metal projectile weapon that had penetrated the outer hull in the upper middle section and piercing some of the vital life supports components. The vessel which we are in called for evasive action and to move the vessel out of the battle area. It's a slight respite of time as the enemy vessel is still encroaching in. I called for damage reports and the results are not conclusive. That means our vessel's ability to function in another similar attack could be compromised. I have no choice but to move the vessel onto a new quadrant of space. There is a window space in front and we jumped into the opened port without any routine calculations. But it worked as we landed on solid ground and the vessel is still able to move despite the long jump, but the damages it incurred are causing it to slow down.


There I called for the sighting on new vessels to takeover which the one we are on is going to collapse. Observation report in of one vessel nearby but it's smaller in size but should be able to accommodate the five of us. I initiated the shutdown of the current vessel and prepare the evacuation. On my cue, the life pods were assigned to all five of us and we were ejected out on the proximity of the new vessel.


The assimilation process is done; we are into the new vessel and I initiated stealth action as with our new vessel we are still vulnerable to attacks from the enemy. All five of us are in our sections and we move the vessel away. I can help to ask the observation deck to give me a sight of the previous vessel. It has served us well, and for the last five earth cycles of day and night, it has given great insight into the workings of the human defenses. But sadly we are found out by their highly intelligent counterparts who sniffed us out.


Goodbye, Hauptmann Richter. You have served us well as our vessel and despite your resistance, your mind is no challenge to ours as we are the incorporeal species that rides on vessels like yours to survive. My squad commands all your five senses while I control your mind. Soon we will be leaving your planet with our findings but we will be back. Your kind is an ideal host for us to migrate to as you have all the qualities we needed. But the first order of our conquest will be the extermination of all your canines as they are too inquisitive for our purpose. Blame not me for your death, as Sparky your so-called dog was the one who alerted the others to our existence. But now we inhibit another and we will be safe again.


Commander, we have a situation. I asked for the report.


The current vessel is of a similar design and although it has the necessary neurons this one looks very weak in its workings. The squad also find difficulty controlling the components of the vessels due to internal damages. I called for a scan of other vessels to be evacuated but the reply I have was the surrounding vessels are all of the same design and in the current weak state. We seemed to have moved to a new fleet of similar sizes in ships. But from our observation deck, we can see that the new fleet is guarded by several bigger vessels like the one we just left. But all efforts to evacuate there will be very difficult and is futile now. I saw a sign that needed to be deciphered to understand our current position. The result I had was alarming. The vessel designation is STG1234 and we are in the process of being moved into a chamber.


"Hurry up. Your execution is imminent. The Gas Chamber awaits you."


No, it' can't be.


How did we get into this vessel that is going to be exterminated? Initiate evacuation now. I will be damned. But we can't move out of the current fleet as we are being pushed by the larger vessel towards the large vacuum chamber. Observation deck reports of reading this line.


Gas Kammer No.5'


Gas Chamber No.5 ....... It’s my fragging decision to inhibit the vessel that would be sent to the Gas Chamber.



Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 31



Author's Note:

A darker version of the above. And it also involves the Mob. Pardon me, did I spell MOP or MOB?





It was one day in the time of some days, there was a young lady who has come of age to be independent of her immediate family, made so by the presence of her stepmother and stepsisters’, she found the need to get her own life outside. You got to understand her problem, she is living in a two-room apartment with an equally snoring father who also sleepwalks at night. But this poor lady could not find an apartment had to endure the household works as her sisters took care of her father in case he falls off the balcony on the 29th floor in his sleepwalks.


This young lady's name is Cinderella, and she is one unlucky girl for sure; she gets to scrub floors and washes the dirty laundry, and she is sometimes seen hanging over the window edge cleaning the panes. It's made worse by the gossip she can hear of the neighbors who talk of her father's antics. But poor Cinderella was sane to all the insanity around her, although she kept rats for a pet; I am sure she had them vaccinated.


Now one day, there was a party to be held at the pool, and it was hosted by the local celebrity, whose charms earn him reputable names. It was the father who paid for the party as he hoped his son will find a bride among the elites here. Now the party was the next best thing to happen since the BBQ which burned down the gazebo. So all the young ladies were ecstatic and that includes Cinderella’s.


But poor Cinderella had nothing to be ecstatic about. Her favorite dress was riddled with holes courtesy of Cousin Rat-Attack. So she sat there while her stepsisters paraded in their costumes, to flaunt their assets. Now Cinderella was not altogether lost, as she has a ‘Godfather’ named Marlon at Suite B on Block MF. He used to say ‘I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse’ so she went to him for help. She bought him cigars from Sicily. He told his ladies, ‘you get her ready to be the next model or I model you myself.’


So they did, a silky pink dress ( the pigs will go oink over ) with matching shoes, and a pink convertible that can fit into the lift to take her to the pool on the ground floor. They even had the pool filled with pinkies flowers and lifted the party to a punky level. Her entrance to the party was unbelievable; a 48 piece orchestra and pink carpets rolled out. But before she stepped out of the pink convertible, her Godfather said ‘don’t leave before midnight. I got a surprise for you’.


Now the host was charmed by the Pink Lady, and he forgot that his party was taken over by ladies in pink. The other eligible ladies were shipped off to the nearest McD to eat their D's alone. So the young couple left alone; danced and chat the whole evening. But just before the stroke of midnight, too much ‘pink lady’ drinks needed Cinderella to be excused.


"Excuse me, my dear. I am needed in the powder room." So Cinderella took her to leave of the dashing young man. So she pries herself off the arms of the host, ran to the bathroom at her apartment in time ( she was particular about her choice of the bathroom, and the lift was not working that day so she climbed the 29th Floor up.).


But she left her right shoe behind at the pool.


True enough at the stroke of midnight, the place was lighted up with fireworks and the message ‘you complete me...’. But there was no completion. Cinderella left before she can complete the party.


The poor charming man who held her right shoe thought she was a dream like the fireworks; dazzle for a while and left with emptiness. So he retired to be a shoemaker in Bond's Street.


And Cinderella on returning to the party finds herself alone. She climbed back to the 29th Floor and took on her usual works. She did however rear more cats to eat the rats.


As for Marlon, I heard he left for the movies.


As for the apartment, echoes of ‘Cinderella..........’ can still be heard till today at the stroke of midnight. It's no ghost you will encounter, but Cinderella calling in her fav cat named Cinderella.





Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 30


Birds and the Bees


Author's Note:

My quip on the above subject.





We heard them all, probably seen them all, do it but how do we tell the kids of ours, the works behind the Birds and the Bees...


I traced this subject matter on the net ( as its loads of data are immense. ) and tried to find its source.


Nobody knew, but some did concur it could have been from some writings dated back to Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem Work without Hope, 1825, ("") but it's not conclusive.


When I was wearing non-disposable diapers then ( they needed to be washed daily, so we had a dozen on the clothesline ), I overhead MUM telling someone I was picked up in the dustbin, left by the dustman. Much later in life, I heard from friends, they came via the stork; send by package mail, and even picked at the shop. But no one told us of the birds and the bees, although we had them in our small garden outside the house.


My school books did have a chapter on it when we were in the early teens, and the teacher ( I was in an all boy’s school and the teacher was a young lady. ) assigned to my class told us that there are the names of the parts and this subject does not appear in our exam. “Case Closed”. We would have protested, as the next classroom had their teacher which is a male, explaining in details to them ( we knew then as we had lessons passed onto us during the breaks. ) I am sure a lot of us was curious then, and sure took more than “a few glances” to see how things would have worked.


Much later in my married life, my wife told me her “daunting” experience; they all sat through a birth session shown on the video, and most of them turned green. Maybe the HULK was not such a good show after all. Good intentions mislaid objective, I guess.


So where did we picked up our knowledge of the birds and the bees? Surely not from the birds and bees for sure. We picked them up as we explore our minds on the available materials and sights. Nevertheless, we all grew up with some knowledge, not thought more nor a thoughtless, than anyone then and now. Of course, for the literary inclined, DH Lawrence Lady Chatterley’s Lover helped, but Sigmund Freud was confusing.


So when it comes to me to explain the Birds and the Bees.... to my kids, their response was before I drop my first sweat on the matter was “ we know, DAD”.


So I am blessed with the speed how children know so much nowadays.... but I asked back, “ Kids, it's got nothing to do with Birds and the Bees....” and their reply was “assuring”; “ We know, DAD ”.


And it's 905 days 23 hrs 12 min 32 seconds and counting since the day I mentioned the topic, and I am still wondering if they know more about Birds and the Bees.... or they know what is the reason for the Birds and Bees...... or they don't know what I know about the Bird and the Bees'.


Thinking back, I am getting concerned if we are all on the same version of the Birds and the Bees. Maybe I need that drink.....



Trojan War Chapter 40



Telephus had got the news that Achilles had returned to Lycomedes and not fight the war. The leader of the Mysians was in uproar on that action for his allegiance to Achilles had caused him to betray the Frontier.

“I did not fight for the Archaeon but Achilles. If he is out, then I am out.” The Mysian’s fleet took to flight but wary of their exposure to the others. “We are now the renegades and hunted by the others. We have to find our world. And peace.”

“Peace not war.” The feline creature perched on the console quirk out. It was a rare creature from the Feline worlds where Artemis has ruled none may step there but no one stops the Mysian from anywhere. The feline creature held the features of the feline expression but it held feathers on its frame with the set of wings that allowed it flight. It held a myriad of shades on its feather and was taught to speak by Telephus.

It was his aide, who offered nothing but amusement to the commander.

Telephus had the feline named by him as Cat the mascot of his fleet; the single mothership and ten frigates.

“Commander, we being pursuit by a Frontier fleet. I identified the Thracian destroyer and three other frigates there.” Telephus can understand the pilot from reading the design for the Frontier fleet were all salvaged ships and modified with many add-ons but they all held the same hailing sign. “It’s Queen Belladina herself.”

“What does the Queen wants with me?” Telephus cursed out. He knew that the Frontier knew of his betrayal and that was how the enemy discovered their hideouts. He also knew the punishment for that was an ejection into the void space.

“Queen Belladina is hailing you.” The pilot called out and the Queen’s image appeared on the huge screen.

“You can’t hide from me, Telephus.” The Queen's expression filled the view. “You can run but I will find you. And I did.”

“Ah, woman. Do you need to talk so much? I am getting bored.” Telephus replied. “Can we get it over with?”

“Telephus, I knew you betray us. And I would like to have you ejected to space with your infernal creature.” Belladina did not go well with the creature which snarled to that remark. The feline was able to hear the words.

“It’s a rare one, Queen. I would not harm it. Artemis may…”

“Spare me your Olympian scare. I am here on the words of the Goddess that you mention. She asked that you assist or be disowned by her.” The Queen hit back with vengeance. “You may yet save the Frontier.”

“Disowned? Save the Frontier? I am either mad or you are a real woman after all. Your words are all …. Or rather sounded ridiculous to my ears.” Telephus smiled.

“Mark my words, Telephus. I am under her orders to request your assistance. The survivors of the Frontiers need your fleet protection. You are to escort us to the world you had boasted regularly.” Queen Belladina told the other. “We do need you. In return, we will give you the pardon you needed.”

“Pardon? I do not require it. I have Achilles…” Telephus was cut off.

“Achilles has withdrawn to the recluse he has at Lycomedes. We knew that from our spies. You have no patron to your cause.” The Queen explained. “Once Troy is destroyed, Menelaus will go for you. You did destroy his world at Quinon System. Yes, he held his grudge deep.”

“Okay, tell me of my commitment.” Telephus relented to his fate.

“Take us to Sanctuary.” The Queen told him. It was then from the rear of the Queen’s fleet was the hundred-odd designs of transporter ships that carried the survivors of the Frontier.

“Troy will be defeated and we are asked to seek our world.” Queen Belladina told Telephus. “The prize is your pardon.”

“I will take them.” Telephus finally agreed.

At that moment, Achilles was in the depressed mode. The others at Lycomedes were not able to console his grief and his mother was called in. Thetis was the Queen of the Nereids, the sea warriors who were the rivals of the Amazonian had not died in her when she submitted to Zeus.

“My son, what ails you? I am here, your mother.”

“Mother, I have failed as a warrior to protect the one I love.” Achilles muttered his reply. It was unusual for him to speak of love then. “I love... Briseis.”

“Then find her back.”

“I can’t. She is …with Agamemnon. He now owned her.”

“Owned? When have ever been owned stopped you?” Thetis looked at her son. “When have the warrior in you stopped fighting?”

“I am sorry, Mother. I need time to think.” It was the first moment Achilles' weakness. Thetis regretted her action to send Achilles to Lycomedes. She feared his life was to end if he was to battle but it seems that his life had ended there.

“Return to the war when you are ready. I will not stand to stop you again.” Thetis told him. “You are a child of Zeus and mine, the Neried Queen. We are all warriors and I had failed to see you as one. I am sorry. If you are to die, let it be as a warrior. And not a wimp.”


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 29

 I do as you do, and in death do we continue.


Author's Note:

A conversation between two bitches and their bad intentions. It's payback time and it ain't about coming together.




"Alicia, could you pour me another? I feel like a bad day has yet to end...... Whoo... I meant, a pour darling; not a trickle. I know you are worried about me doing the drive later, but I can always have you drive me back. And I can sleep on the couch if that is okay with you. Come along, Alicia. There ain't no men around here to take you on those terms. I am special, and you know it. If I can outdrink any of the losers, I can outlast any of them in about of love. Pardon me, did you said Tangier. Never been there; you sure got me for someone else. I would have remembered as I know every holiday I ever took in the last ten years. And Tangier does not sound right. Tanya... You mean the name, Tanya... It does hit a bell but let me take my piss and I will let you know.


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Bitch, do not remember it all. She wouldn't for something which happened way back then. Strung me up like a mackerel for the cats while she took the bag away. I have been hunting you for eight years and watched you for the last two, and today is payback. I skipped the border and laid low for this day. Sure Tanya is gone, as now stands redhead Alicia, with an attitude of an equal bitchy outlook. I have been playing up your pick lines but I held the bait off well. But tonight, I am reeling you in. You're back and it's time for us to leave. There is no couch in my pad but a sizeable bed. I could indulge you as you did to me ten years ago.


-----------------------------------  -------------


'Alicia, did you do that? I never had it so good before. If I can recall it was a long time since I had it so good. She was the best but you ranked above her. But the dawn is here now and time for me to leave. Could you unlock these braces? I got to go to the bathroom first. Be a pal, please. Nope? Pardon me but can we continue this much later. I need to go. Tanya? Who the hell is Tanya... I know no Tanya before. Wait... It can't be. You are cannot be. They told me you died...or Tanya died that year in the holdings. Oh my God, you are alive. But I did not leave you there. I wanted to come back but they stopped me. God. I tried many times to tell them to let me go but they said no. You know what it was like. We had to take orders.


-----------------------------------  ------------


Frag the orders. It was the same order that we took that let you dump me there while you took off. You left me to suffer, you bitch. Do you know what they did to me? And don't you pissed on my bed. I suffered their humiliations for your fragging orders. But I am tougher than you; I survived and I pay them back in kind. I left them hanging by the skins, while I escaped. I ran for weeks and finally made it over. I came back to the company and they told me you were retired. I searched you out; I hacked their darned system and I found you. I watched you daily as you sat there nursing your drink. Fragged that you were thinking about me. If you did you would have come back but you did not. You fragged drank yourself to the bottom. You fragged it yourself.


-----------------------------------  --------------


Alic...... No, Tanya, I did not. I did not frag it. I knew it was you that day six months ago. I recognized your way of walking and the way you curl that hair ends. I knew it was you but I was not sure. I checked with my contacts, and they told me you died but I did not believe so. I thought maybe it was our karma to be seen together again. I came by every evening to be near you. I fragged those men so they could not have you. I took the bottle for you, so my memories of you would not be tainted by those acts I had to endure. I wanted your apology but you were so out of reach. Do you think I would leave you there? I tried and I honestly tried but they would not let me. Please forgive me. We both suffered.


-----------------------------------  ---------------


Get your ass off my bed. And pissed it there. I would not have my bed wet for you. I will have breakfast ready. We can forget the past and start anew. Like how to kill the man who sent us there. Go now. And bitch, I still love you. Your love held me alive all these times.


-----------------------------------  --------------


Coffee tastes good, and I liked your apron. It gives me the twirl in mine. But Tanya, there is something you ought to know. In our line, there are no apologies. You sold us out and I left you there. More to it, I did not leave the company. I am the company. Goodbye.


-----------------------------------  -------------


Bitch, you shot me. I should have known you were always a bitch. But I still love you. Goodbye, and die well. The coffee is laced with poison. See ya..... Bitch.



Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 28

 Ye Old Church


Author's Note:

I was given a picture of an old abandoned church that needed major repairs. So I came up with this tale.




I am sure it's past this hill and over the slope. I never would had thought that it will take me twenty-five years to come back. It's been so long since I breathe in the air here. It's so refreshing and it brings back memories of the past. There now, and I should be seeing the top of it.

Oh, my God. What did happened? It's not the same. I was expecting the other and now another spring before me. It can’t be, after all those years of being away to come back to see it now. So different and yet so new.

I left it abandoned as the people who used to flock here. But they left me before I did, as the call of the new town was greater. I had to abandon it then as there was no flock of seeps to tend to. I left too after the great wind that came. It tore off the hinges and locks, raised the planks, and widen the gaps. But now, it's been rebuilt and it's painted anew to the new congregation who has built a little community around it.

“Father Paris, welcome home. We rebuilt it after you left, about ten years ago. The frame was still intact and we restored the inside. Welcome home to your parish again, Father.”

I reached for the photo in my jacket and removed it. It has been my companion for twenty-five years, and its edges are gone but the picture remained as clear as it was taken on that day after the wind blew on my church. As it's in my belief, nothing can sway me away from my foundation and all its needs is a pair of hands to rebuild it again to its glory.

“Thank you, Father Hamish. But the church is now your care, and I am just revisiting it. Let it not be abandoned as I did twenty-five years ago.” My tears are blanketing my sight once again, but the words from the new and young pastor make my heart grow fonder.

“Father Paris, you did not abandon the church. You carried it with you for twenty-five years. I am just following instructions as given to me by God to rebuild it again. In the pasture of God’s acre, we can share the works of God. Be with me and let us rejoice in the Church; new or old for the love of all that will comes to seek its shelter. And let no wind deter us from continuing our works again. Amen.”



I do as you do, a

Monday, February 22, 2021

Trojan War Chapter 39



Paris woke up to the differing lights and the scents of the flowers. He recalled last he was in the battle with Menelaus and was to lose his life when around them at the battle site, a series of close explosions occurred and then he was whisked off before he fell unconscious.

“You are awake, Paris. I am impressed for not many did after that last …routing.” Paris turned to look and saw Aphrodite reclined there on the long seat.

“Do not despair. You are not dead and neither myself. You are on my ship, the Scented One.” Aphrodite smiled. The Scented One is the main mothership of Aphrodite’s fleet. It was fashioned in the design of a five-petal flower but each petal held the missile launchers which could do an array of two hundred and fifty in one launch.

“I spirit you away from impending death by King Menelaus. How could I allow that when you were the one chose me over the two Goddess? I would rather be banished than be declared unworthy to the other.”

“Rest now, herdsman. Troy will not be saved by you but by some of us.” Aphrodite smiled.

“I don’t understand.” Paris was still in the dazed state after his battle with Menelaus.

“Call is God’s intervention. Some of us will assist Troy in the coming battles.” Aphrodite replied. “As I speak now, the enemy had been hit by a malfunction in their weapon system courtesy of Apollo and Ares. They have implanted in the malicious program that disables the system.”

“Then I shall tell King Priam to attack them now. They can’t hit us with the new shields and our weapons will terminate their fleet.” Paris tried to get up but he could not move.

“Patience, herdsman. I said disable not shutdown. The Archaeon was not built in seven sunrises, and it won’t be that easy to win all of them by then.” Aphrodite looked at Paris. “What we are doing is to give Troy a chance to breathe. Honestly, we have not decided to see who may win but we just want to see who dare to win.”

Meantime, King Menelaus had also recovered in the chamber at King Tyndareus palace. He found himself laid on the bedding and his armor removed. He saw the King and asked about the outcome of the battle.

“Did I win?”

“I don’t know. All we knew was that there were some explosions and then a small ship was seen leaving but we could not pursue. Our ships are without any weapons and then we saw the ship identified as Chariot One was in pursuit and followed on by the other Chariots. It seemed that they were hiding behind the moon and unknown to the world’s defenses.” King Tyndareus replied. “We recover you from the surface and your armor damaged but you are unhurt.”

“My victory is cheated.” King Menelaus roared. “I will hunt you Paris of Troy.”

At that moment, Polydorus had called on all halt to the Chariots in pursuit of the small ship. He called the halt when he saw the ship rendezvous with the huge mothership that he identified as belonging to the Olympians.

“We will call off the pursuit. I need to see King Priam.”  

The intervention of Aphrodite did not miss the attention of the other Olympians. Zeus called for a gathering of the Gods and Goddess. The gathering was held in the Great Hall at Zeus Tower.

“Who dares to defy my …” Zeus was interrupted by Hera.

“Do we stand by when eleven world bullies one?” Hera looked at Zeus. “Are we not the Olympians who manage the truce on the worlds?”

That last statement sent murmurs among the gathered. Zeus turned to look at the other eleven that he considered his appointed class of Gods.

“I gave the order not to intervene. The worlds needed the respite from peace to ease their tensions.” Zeus uttered his reasoning.

“And to allow eleven worlds to bully that one? I called it rather unfair.” Hera defended the intervention.

“And you choose to do it without confiding with me?” Zeus was upset. “Who else had intervened?”

“I may have before the war has done something …” Hephaestus voiced out. “I share with them my new metal and they had it embedded into their core and shields, and weapons but it’s of limited quantity.”

“Fool!” Zeus was upset. “Why the Trojan? Do you know the Trojans like the Spartans are a warring nation among the twelve worlds here? They are not Babylon or Hellas. Those are cultural worlds.”

“The Trojans are weak from the war with us. I did what was needed then to assist them using them to test it but I was unaware a war was to occur.” Hephaestus replied. “Too soon.”

“Zeus, the war can end with quick results. Let me release my weapons. Troy will be gone by the next rise of the moon.” Ares snapped in.

“Ares, do you mock me? I know that you had released the malicious program that disabled the weapons of the fleet. You worked with Apollo on that. You knew that the weapon was ours to hold and use only when needed but only on my command. Not yours or …. Hera.”

“Zeus…” Hera had raised her voice.

“Spare me your excuses, woman. I know what you had done. And I will caution you all. I want the war unattended by us. If you act otherwise, I will banish you.” It was what Zeus had repeated but the tides of war had already the Gods and Goddess roles.

“Send words to Hector of Troy. I will see him.” Artemis was the next defy Zeus.

So was Hephaestus.

“The Trojans mocked me with my metal. I will provide the Achaean the next best designs of my own.

Well, not all. Some had chosen to defy their alliance.

“Aphrodite, your lover’s herdsman had stirred up the nest of hornets.” Athena approached Aphrodite. “Are you to sit on the side while Troy fell and Helen returned to her rightful lover?”

“Athena, my lover. To whom Helen chose to be her lover had been made known. Have you?” Aphrodite taunted the other of Athena’s vow before Zeus that she will remain alone with anyone.

“Yet you hold a string of them and which one of your children knew who their real father is.” Athena shamed the other. “I am also known as the Goddess of War, and I don’t need to display it so blatantly like your one lover, Ares.”

The rift between the two Goddesses was to deepen and Athena decided to partake against Ares.

“Where Ares may be, I shall be.”




Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...