Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Lone Ranger Chapter 63



Lance braced himself against the side of the wagon with the strapping holding onto his body. The Chief was secured on the side of the cage. He felt the iron railings and then looked as the others stepped in.

The wagon rolled out onto the rail tracks ever slowly and then it toppled over. It went on a vertical drop but the cage was secured on its drop by the metal chains that were holding it from falling in a loose formation. It was also held in the cage structure that prevented it from topping over. The cage looked sturdy on the look but the drop was steep. Everyone screamed on the fall with their eyes closed except for Lance and Lilith. When the cage dropped further, he could hear the creaking sound on the iron structure. It was frightening to them but there was nothing they could do.  

“Don’t worry. It’s the sound of the chains on the pulleys.” Lilith smiled. “I have ridden in worse.”

Lance glared at her. It may a crude contraption but they were all in the cage.

“I hope you are enjoying yourself?” Lance looked towards Lilith who was obviously in the gleam of it. He would have a reply if not for his heart was at his throat then. He looked to his brother who had his eyes shut and the mouth zippered. At least Lambert was not screaming anymore. Lance took that to be a good move.

The move was soon to over when he felt the wagon stopped. He had wished then it was not another switch of the cables but his prayer was replied when he felt the wagon lurched.  The wagon moved ever slightly and then he felt it turned on its wheels. The wheels then locked before it started rolling forward. It was like on a train when it pulled away at the station. One moment you feel nothing and as if the station was pulling away but it was the train. The wagon picked up speed along the tracks. The wagon was headed along with the passing structures strung with cables. It was a shorter ride but the speed was equally fast. Just then, Lilith spoke up.

“We are approaching the chamber but prepare yourself for a more hostile reception.” Lilith cautioned the ones on the wagon.

“What hostile reception?”

“There be the demons known as the Dark Ones?” Lilith explained. “Those who spent time in Hades will have heard of the Dark Ones. They were the demons that were terrorizing the others then and were a bane to the Wardens. They refused to be assimilated with the others and retreated to the chambers below. When the hunts for them were proving fruitless, the Wardens had a pact with them to let Dark Ones wander in the lower levels. The demons which strayed there were never seen.”

Higher to the upper structures, there was another group that was fighting to get into the power chambers.






Necro was the leader of the original Wardens who had rushed forth leading the others. He had stood in for Falstaff. He was followed closely by the remaining Nephilim. The huge creature standing at over four times the height of Man and with a frame that was equally huge with its three legs and four upper limbs with a huge oblong head. Its body surface looked to be of sands and rocks. It held a club that was made of rocks a shield of the same.

The Nephilim charged at the riders which came from the left. It was trying to create a wedge between the Wardens. Necro saw the riders and he did the call unheard of for generations.

“Wardens, spread your wings,” Necro called out, and then he concentrated on the hidden weapon that was on his back. He felt the pain coursing through his back and then he felt the push off the back. The layer of skin there broke open and the wings slowly appeared. It was like birthing except the wings unsheathed in stages and soon appeared to its full length the height of the figure. Once its spread out, the wings spread out wider to almost twice the length of the height. It flapped and then lifted Necro into the sky. His flight was clumsy but soon he got his balance. He flew higher and then turned back. He swooped down hard and went for the riders.

Necro swooped from the back of the Nephilim who was surrounded by the riders. He went around the Nephilim and attacked the riders. He went for the riders who were at the front. He grabbed the first rider by the lapel of the clothes at the back of the neck to pull him off the bike. He pulled the rider off the bike and slammed the rider at the other riders. That diversion gave the Nephilim some space to move. It swung the club at the riders in its way and dragged its frame on the three legs. It was then Necro saw Tonto.

The last Nephilim who was still in service with the Wardens lashed at the wall there. Their great strength was brash but it was needed to create an opening for the Wardens to swarm the place in numbers and fast. The Nephilim rushed in to face the demons there. The Wardens were few in the hundreds but they were also once Angels. They flew in with their wings once more swept open on their backs. They flew past the Nephilim and dived down along the structures. They were moving onto Adam’s guards.

It was then Necro saw Tonto with Falstaff.

“Necro, we must get to the Power Supply and re-route the powers. We must save Hades.” Falstaff told Necro. He then looked towards Tonto.

“You must go to fight Adam. We will manage here.”

Tonto then took off for the passage he was shown and there was an iron designed cage there. He boarded it and took it in a downward direction. He thought he was alone but there was another in the cage.

“Are you a demon?” The one that faced him was Vlad. The other was dressed in the dark and held a sword scabbard in the right hand. He last saw Vlad was at the chamber with Lance. There was also Vance Hawkins.

“I recognized you. You are the Lone Ranger’s aide.” Vlad smiled. “Nice of you to drop by. We will enjoy killing you.”

Tonto lost his control and charged at Vlad. The other step aside and with the legs braced for impact. Vlad held out his scabbard and swung it across Tonto’s face. The other had reacted in anger and was thrown to the side. Tonto crouched upon his knees and reached for the tomahawk on his waist. The hand reached out to hold his action and he looked up. The figure was dressed in a wet suit with a face visor and donned one a breathing apparatus. It was a female in the design.

“I am Blade. I will handle both Vampires.” She held the serrated extended blade and was powered by a small engine attached to her back.

“You need another cage. I will take this one.” Blade glared at Tonto. “Move it.”

Tonto did not budge then when he was asked to take that cage.

“You can take her by yourself,” Vance told Vlad. Blade stepped up and used her blade to block the down swinging scabbard when Vlad charged at her. Vlad stepped back and drew out his sword. He braced himself with the battle stance. Blade pressed the switch to activate her serrated blade and approached Vlad. He lunged at her with the sword for forwarding thrust and then at the last moment, he twisted the blade to cut at her side. Blade moved her body and used her serrated blade to block the sword. The engine attached to her blade twirled it and pulled at Vlad’s blade in its teeth.

Vlad retreated with his sword but Blade pushed ahead with her serrated blade. She swung her blade in a series of random moves which Vlad tried to deflect but soon his blade got caught up by the teeth of the serrated blade. It pulled Vlad’s blade from his hand. He retreated but the cage was a limited area. He tried to escape but Blade had him cornered. She moved in with the serrated blade and cut Vlad’s left arm at the forehead. She slashed the blade down along the arm and caused Vlad to cry out. It was then Blade pulled her blade out and then swung it into Vlad’s chest. The serrated blade cut in deep at the left ribs and then at the heart. Blade then twisted the serrated blade and pushed in deep. Vlad then fell against the cage wall and then slid to the flooring.

“You are still here?” Blade turned to look, Vance. “Well, I hoped you enjoyed the sideshow. Now let battle.”

Vance smiled and then reached the switch that opened a window on the cage at his end. He smiled and leaped off the cage.

“Vance escaped,” Tonto called out.

“Not for long. We will find him later. Now we move to find the others. Follow me.” The cage moved when Blade hit the switch.

In the depths Adam watched his gunners mowed down the others. He felt elated to see so many orbs floating there. He then his back to walk the tunnel to the end where he was to see the metal doorways. He was in a new chamber with a high ceiling. There were some guards of his there.

“I will be alone here.” The guards nodded and left. He touched the metal doors and noted that it was vibrating. It could only the doors were protected with some force field. He spied the console on the far side.  On the consoles, He looked at the switched and then fingered with it but nothing happened.

“Step away, Adam.” The voice belonged to Lilith. Adam looked over to the doorway and saw the trio facing him led by Lilith.

“Lilith, I am glad to see you here. How did you know that I will be here?” Adam replied. “You did not come alone. I counted three of you. I need to even the odds.”

Four figures appeared from the dark walls.  They were all covered in some dark cloak and hood over their faces. The cloak did not cover their arms which ended with the long claws on their fingers.

“The Dark Ones?” Lilith muttered out. Adam looked to the consoles.

“I was hasty to blow the power supply units. I am trying to compensate it now/”

“You are a liar, Adam. Always was one. You sought the Hidden Chamber behind those doors.” Lilith replied. They heard the vibrations and sounds of explosions.

“Michael is here as expected,” Adam spoke and then he motioned to the far end of the wall where there were some display screens. “His fleet is here. He will attack Hades.”

“You fool! You led him here. We were hidden for so long and you have done the damage to the power units. With the power disrupted we cannot even defend ourselves.” Lilith cursed at Adam. “Hades may be gone.”

Adam looked to the Dark Ones.

“I am your Master. Destroy them.” Adam then started hitting the switches on the consoles.


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