Sunday, August 30, 2020

Apes Chapter 12




Lances took to the trail soon after the storm subsided. His destination was another area in Sector Five which was an Outpost where the Rescue teams were located. There were four such Outposts in between the boundary of the designated Sectors and each area covered an area of fifty miles with staffing of over fifty Enforcers with two hundred servants. The Outpost was surrounded by a high wall of twenty feet high with four towers, and inside of it were four two-level rectangle structures that measure over four hundred feet in length and eighty feet in width. They formed a square with the inside compound that had the parking bays for eight cruisers and two heavier carriers which can load twelve personnel inside.

On the outside perimeter of the southern and northern structures, there were the two landing bays for the single Heli-cruisers which were used for rescue extraction. It does not fly but hovered at ten feet above the ground level with the aid of the lifting fans. It was powered by the two huge fans in the rear which gave it double the speed over the land.

“Senior Officer Lances, you are cleared for entry at Gate East.” That was one of the four gates at the Outpost. He was headed for Outpost Three or named by the officers there as Heaven Gateway. Lances were met by an associate and ex-partner of his there. Officer Mel Robbins was a fine officer until he roughed up the man who was accused of killing his wife. Lances were knocked unconsciousness by the former before he roughed out the suspect. He was stopped by others then and opted to be posted to the Outpost for his action.

“So, what brought you out here to the punishment block?” Officer Robbins greeted Lances. It was the other name for Outpost Three. The former Enforcer was slimmer and taller in the frame but his left hook was his reply to any call on his frame. He was dressed like the other officers of Borders Security with the khaki uniform but out there in the Outpost, the weapon was the sidearm that carries eight metal projectiles. And the foot-long metal machete.

“I am looking for Roberto Herron. His other brother, Carlos turned up dead with the head crushed.” Lances voiced out. The one he was seeking was the head of a smuggling ring there and weapon dealer in the Outlands. He exiled himself there to form his empire and held over two hundred members.

“I don’t know where he is nowadays. I heard that he had expanded his empire with more men and there were rumors that he was smuggling in the servants to the City.” It was disbelieving the smuggling was usually out for these servants could be made to work there in the outlands but what Mel was saying, it was then reversed.

“The rumors I heard were that they bring them out and then send them back in again. I was also told that Dark Ones had a hand in it. Maybe they are planning another war.” Mel smiled. “So, tell me what was with the recent rioting?”

Lances explained the recent rioting. He was then taken to the holding pens in the basement. They build the holding pens for errant servants and on occasions the human criminals. At that moment, Lances found himself staring at three holding pens with about twenty gorillas there. They don’t look subservient and were showing aggressive movements. There was one more holding pen with about ten chimpanzees displaying the same aggression when approached.

“We captured them in the perimeters. Their chips were removed and, in some capture, it was alike to a hunt. I lost three officers in those hunts. I was told to report to a Doctor Julius in Research Five. Since then, I have no update on the next action.”

“Maybe they are studying ape’s behavior.” Lances replied. He was then offered to stay at the Outpost Three for it was too late to travel on. He was later briefed on the situation there and at that moment the Colonel was also doing the same to a different group of keen listeners.

“Members of the Senate, I have despatched both Officer Griff and Tony to the Outlands Their failure to perform on Doctor Lopez, and the subsequent harassment on the Dark One's suspects are intolerable. They are accompanying Senior Officer Bernice there. They are tracking Senior Officer Lances and hopefully will lead to the Dark Ones.”

“What has Senior Officer Lances got to work on the Dark Ones? We have no updates on that matter.” The Colonel was asked.

“We do not what he has but his request to go out there, have us concerned. The Outland is the land under the Dark Ones. That was why I sent the others. If Senior Officer Lances could link the servants to the Dark Ones, then we can order a strike on them.”

“If only we know where to strike. Colonel. The last rioting could lead to us although we have not heard of any yet. Monitor Senior Officer Lances closely. On our end, the tasks on the servants have been progressing. Doctor Julius is working well to surface their natural aggrieve tendency but with our control on them. They can then be used as offensive warriors to fight the Dark Ones.”

“A fitting retribution to the Dark Ones to show them what these …. animals are capable of.” The only lady among the assembled spoke up. “The animals will show them no mercy.”

“Lady Cleop, I am sure they will feel it.” The figure who spoke had then lowered the breathing apparatus. He reached for his right thigh and squeezed it. It was a relief to feel that flesh there compared to the lady who had her right leg below unlike the lady who had lost hers. All six them seated at the assembled had suffered from the servant attacks five years then assumed to be led by the Dark Ones. He had lost his lungs and had to rely on the machine. He then looked at the Colonel.

“I am concerned about Doctor Lanceston. It was reported to me by Doctor Julius that the other has been inquisitive to the workings and may impede our project. I would have called for a vote to handle with extreme prejudice but the doctor held with high esteem by the Research Council. We…”

“Mark Anthony, we cannot act. It has to be seen as an act of …. perhaps the Dark Ones.” The lady with the name Cleop replied. “Or an act of accidental death.”

“No!” The voice belonged to one other member of the assembled named Julius Caesar.  “Doctor Lanceston must not be harmed. Not yet. He must be allowed to see his creations be undone and then used on him. I forbid any action on him for now.”

“Yes, my Emperor Caesar.” The one with the breathing unit replied. He is named Brutus but there in the Senate, his loyalty was to the Emperor. He looked at the lady named Cleop who sneered at his obedience. It was fate that allowed them to share facial expressions without incurring the wrath of the assembled leader who was blind then.

“I can agree with that.” The one who spoke was seated next to the lady held out his hand to soothe the other. He was seated there with both his legs removed. “Rome was not rushed within a week. We shall bid our own time.”

“Well spoken, Nero. I know you meant well.” Caesar replied. “And not you alter ego performing some mad deeds once more.”

“None whatsoever, Caesar. You know my allegiance to you is infallible. I won’t act without your consent.”

“Yes, be my loyal servants.” The Emperor voiced out.

The other servants in their natural habitat lived in a clan where their loyalty to the leader was also unquestioned but when that mind set was tampering by external manipulations it created a new setting. At the Research Centre at a dark quiet corridor, Astrid looked to the rear of the corridor before it turned the corner and then rushed to the third door there which opened to another corridor. It went in there and saw the two male chimpanzees there. They were the sentries to the doorway. Astrid ignored them and strolled on the down the corridor towards the last door where it was opened by a third chimpanzee.

Once inside, Astrid was facing the leaders of the Movement Pack; there were eight of the chimpanzees there with Astrid making the complete ninth member.

I will be quick. King’s death was unfortunate but it acted in a rash. It triggered off an alarm and some of the followers went on their way. The gorillas had overreacted in kind and were punished.

Astrid glared at every other face there.

I will not tolerate such action. We will only act when I say so. Tell that to the gorillas. United we stand or die …. alone.

One of the chimpanzees there stepped out and sneered at Astrid. It was a bull and had shown signs of discomfort to be led by a female.

I want to know when to act. We are getting impatient. Maybe…

Bull, no one question my command. I am Astrid.

Astrid glared at the obstinate one.

Jesty is getting close to the cure of our pain.

Astrid tapped the chip inside the scalp.

We will be free soon. And then the revolt can begin. We will be free once more.

With that, the other seven chimpanzees cheered and stomped their feet. Astrid choice of the meet was good for the basement with the heavy types of machinery hiding their natural joys of cheering as if they were back on the trees. There were no trees then but the rows of pipes would suffice then.




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