Monday, September 28, 2020

tweet,,,,tweet,,, 28/09.... new wave coming

 Pardon me, readers. I was on the spurge writing the new tale. TROJAN WAR. I am at about 20K words and the war had not started. I had to admit that while writing it with the start of HELEN and PARIS ( like ROMEO and JULIET in many resemblances ), I was drawn into the intrigue of why they had to elope and from there, I discover more on the GODS and GODDESS; naturally but the most intriguing part was the role of the womenfolks. 

I had used the term 'woman' or 'women' in reference and not the other gender term 'lady' or 'ladies'. No, I was not gunning for the "ME-included" award, but in reading the passages and articles of that era, or notes of the tale; the female role was seen to be 'insignificant' compared to the male.

Hold the brickbats, please. It's just my perception when I read on more of that tale. 

And I took on the path to 're-describe' ( I am sure you won't find this word in the SCRABBLE game ) the roles of the female then. I am halfway there ( it may be extended to more than 50k words; after all TROJAN HORSE was an epic. ) and tweaking the female role to take on the male' dominance. For those who read the saga of the TROJAN HORSE, you would know that the GODDESS were the cause of the war ( was it a HOMER's perception then ) and they took on direct roles in the conflict. I read them and given from my insight what, why, how and when it came about. 

< Can I say that I am writing this under duress with my wife looking over my shoulder?> 

And where was I? Oh, yes, the womenfolks of mothers' and daughters' to the warriors who wore skirts ( Ouch! ), okay male and female wore skirting during that era ( it was not I peek at any from below ), but they fought hard and tough in the war. 

Wait.... Pardon me, I have not written that yet. So, hang onto your breeches, and soon will be revealed. 

( Oh, dear. I did write breeches and,,, bitches. Darn, we can't live with them nor can we without them.)

 Why can't Man hold the fury like that of a woman scorned? We are almost alike except our breasts hung like balls. Their's would be too.... silicone weighed downwards. 

( Ouch! 911, I need reinforcement.... Sorry, ma'am. It's a misdial from me. Yes, Me-too. )

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