Auric Marcellus dismounted and walked
ahead to look at the clearing. He liked the land already. He saw Gaheris
standing with Elaine at a short distance away. He was glad that Elaine had
found a good pair for the life. He looked to the other side and saw his four
stable hands led by the one named Julian Grain approaching him. They were armed
with their swords and shields. He knew the dangers when faced with it.
“Hold your action, slaves. How dare you
draw on me?” Gaheris heard the call and then turned to look. He saw the Augustus
with the five stable hands at the rear. He saw the intentions of the stable
hands. He then pulled his gladius but he was without his shield. He reached for
the pugio on the waist belt. He rushed ahead to stand in between Auric and the
stable hands.
“Hold your intentions. The Augustus
family is under my protection.” Gaheris told the stable hands but Julian was
not stopping. He rushed in swinging the sword at Gaheris. The later sidestepped
and struck with his gladius but Julian had his shield up. The blow was
deflected but Gaheris had not stopped. The pugio in the left hand went out
towards the left ribs of the stable hand. The cut was deep but Julian was not
stopped. He had back stepped and attacked again.
“They won’t die by the sword,” Gaheris
called out. “Get back. We will retreat.”
Gaheris fought two more of the
assailants but like Julian, they felt no pain on the cuts and thrusts.
“They are ….” Gaheris was cut off when
he saw Gawain had arrived with two of the riders.
“They are the undead.” Gawain rode up to
Julian and with the swing of the gladius, he beheaded the other.
“Remove their head,” Gawain called out.
The others have rushed by Gaheris and approached the Augustus master. They were
armed with the swords in their hands.
“Stay back or I will have you killed,”
Auric warned the four stable hands. He saw in them the red shot's eyes and the
frothing at the mouth. “You are all possessed.”
“Fear not, Master Auric. I am here.” Gaheris
rushed to protect the Augustus master. He pulled the master towards Elaine.
“Protect her.”
“Come at me, you animals!” Gaheris
confronted the four stable hands. One of the four men rushed forth and swung
the sword at Gaheris who sidestepped and then thrust the gladius into the
rushing man’s face. He struck in deep and felt the blood splattered on his
gladius. He pulled it out and saw the assailant fell.
“Look like you needed help.” It was when
Gawain arrived to assist. “We were nearby….”
“I could have handled them by myself.”
Gaheris pushed aside the horse-mounted by Gawain to approach Elaine and the
Marcellus Master.
“Are you well, my lady?” Gaheris sounded
formal than in front of the lady’s father. “Take the horse and ride away.”
“She is fine. I will need to thank your
brother for being nearby.” Auric mounted Elaine on it. “Ride my dear.”
By then, the Equities have killed the
other assailants with the final blows to remove the head. Auric walked past
Gaheris and approached the riders.
“I thank you for your assistance. I have
never met all of you. I am Auric Augustus.”
“We know, Master Augutus. I am Gawain
and these are my riders.” Gawain introduced himself. “I was riding nearby when
I saw the fight. I have to intervene.”
Back to the young couple, Elaine still
on the horse had not ridden off then asked of Gawain.
“He is a pompous fool. I could have
handled those men.” Gaheris was upset but the lady was looking at the other
brother. She felt he does look better on the horse. And he fought gallantry.
So was Lawnslot who had breached the
wall, entered the rear gate with his men. He went for the Great Hall which was
the congregation place of the settlers. His men were engaging the settlers who
had defended the rear gate. He dismounted and approached the wooden doors. It
was guarded by two warriors from the settlers.
“Step aside or I shall kill you,”
Lawnslot spoke as he approached the two guards. They were clad in the loose
tunic and sandals. They stood there in defiant holding their sword and wooden
shield. The one on the left charged at Lawnslot but he was taken down with a
side step and the thrust into the belly. Lawnslot looked to the remaining
“Spare your fight with me and live
another day,” Lawnslot told the guard.
“I can’t. I have my family inside.” The
guard replied to Lawnslot. He then charged at Lawnslot but the attacker was
deflected and the attacker fell face down. Lawnslot went in with the kill with
the thrust of the sword into the back of the head. Lawnslot then barged into
the wooden doors and with his weight the doors gave way. He found himself
facing a group of older ladies and young children.
“Show me the gold and I will leave you
alone,” Lawnslot told the group that sought shelter there.
“We hold no gold here. All of it was
taken by Lord Hengist at the rise of the last moon. He spared us none.” The
elder lady approached Lawnslot. “We are telling you the truth.”
“If there is no ransom from you, then
there will only be the life servitude,” Lawnslot replied. He then turned away
and joined the others in the battle.
On the front wall, the Legionnaires have
pushed the weakened wall that was burnt by the flames. Once they were in, they
charged at the settlers defending the place. Prime Artorius rode in with his horse
and the gladius slashing. He found himself facing the leader who challenged him
to a duel.
“I am Eric the One-Eyed. I challenge ….”
The challenge was taken up when the Prime rode up and then swung his gladius at
Eric. The later step aside to slash back with the sword in hand but Prime had
blocked the sword. He saw then the exposed left shoulder of Eric and slashed
him on the left shoulder. Eric staggered backward and the Legionnaire at the
rear struck with the pilum in deep at the belly. The Romans adopted a strategy
not to take up personal duels in the battle and fought as one.
The Prime rode ahead followed by the Galahad
and two other riders. They reached the Great Hall and saw Lawnslot standing at
the doorway.
“There is no gold if you are looking for
any,” Lawnslot told Prime. “My men will share themselves the ones that survived
as slaves.”
“I care …” The Prime saw the older lady
rushed from inside the Great Hall with the dagger in her right hand. She was
heading towards Lawnslot. She would have stabbed the former in the back if not
for the Decurion who had released the arrow into the elderly lady.
“The old crone is a fighter but a
foolish one. I could have killed her by myself.” Lawnslot looked at the Decurion.
“However, your action will be remembered and one day I will repay you.”
“Serve well, and all will be squared,”
Galahad added in.
“Naught to that, Roman. I serve no one.”
Lawnslot then turned to look at the battle which had ended. The settlers have
given up. “We shall rebuild the settlement and move our people in.”
“A fine idea, Lawnslot. You may do so
after we cleared the river of these settlers.” Prime Artorius looked at
Lawnslot. “The war had just begun. You are needed with me.”
“I never promised you to battle the war.
I only said I will come here and fight this settlement.”
“Lawnslot, we need them as much they
need us.” Merlin the Druid cut in. He then looked at the Prime. “Rest for now.
Let the words of the victory spread to the land. Once it’s done, you will have
more battles to come.”
It was then Lawnslot called for the
traitor who opened the rear gate to see him. It was a settler of the Scots
origin. He approached the former dressed in the animal skin and loose tunic. He
held a bloody sword and a wooden shield.
“Whose blood is on that sword? Your
friends or ours? Or Romans?”
“Romans. I detest them.” The traitor
looked at the Prime. “I am disgusted that you ally with them.”
“They are my friends and they may not
betray me …. Yet.” Lawnslot approached the traitor. “As for you, you have shown
your loyalty.”
With those words, Lawnslot thrust his
sword into the traitor’s belly.
“I detest traitors and more so when they
lie about the gold.” Lawnslot pulled his sword out. He then turned to his men.
“Send out words to the land. There is a settlement for the taking.”
With that, Lawnslot mounted his horse
and rode off. The Druid approached Prime.
“Give him time. He will be a good ally
to you.”
“Or a foe to me. It matters not. We have
a task to do.” The Prime then asked for the casualty count.
“Prime Pilus, we have confirmed death of
five legionnaires and five mercenaries, with three more legionnaires and four
other mercenaries wounded,” Galahad reported. “None of the riders were
“Ride to the other cohorts. I need three
volunteers from each cohort to join me here.” Prime Artorius told Galahad. “We
will rebuild the wall here while waiting.”
“Prime, we may need the Legatus’
approval.” Galahad cautioned Prime.
“When the position of the Legatus is
vacant. Next in line, it’s me.” The Prime reminded the rider.
Back behind the wall in the castle of
Lord Pendragon, the Lord was told of the failed killing of Auric Augustus. He
cursed at the warrior he had asked to do the task.
“My Lord, I am sure we can get another
to kill the Augustus master. I will do it myself.” Lord Bors declared himself
to the task.
“No. You cannot be doing it. You are
seen too close to me. I cannot have Marcellus death on my reputation. The Augutus
family is popular with the other Roman families. We have to be careful.” Lord
Pendragon looked to Lord Bors. “How much have you learned of the lady who is
with Lady Igraine? I am sure I have seen her before.”
“None as yet. The other lady hardly
leaves the chamber.” Lord Bors replied. “However, we have news that Belvedere
of Lord Meleagant guards has been recruiting for the Roman families.”
“He is? Then it’s good. Get some of our
men into the service. It’s good to know what the Roman families are up to.”
Lord Pendragon told the others. It was then they heard the scream.
It came from the personal chamber of
Lady Igraine.
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