Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Lone Ranger Chapter 65



Lucifer fought hard against the arms that dragged him along the corridor. He struggled harder but it was to no avail. He found himself then dragged to the chamber which he recognized. He saw then the others all had convened there. There was Lance, Lambert, Lilith, and Adam alongside the Dark Ones. The others were Tonto and Blade.

“Looks like you are in time to join us.” Lilith smiled at Lucifer. She saw the other was held by the Dark Ones. They were seven of them to make up with the ones that were previously with Adam.

“Why is he here?” Adam asked when he saw Lucifer. He looked to the Dark Ones. “Kill him.”

“He is the key.” The Dark Ones that brought Lucifer spoke. It was then another group arrived. It was Michael with a group of four Angels. They were armed with some form of the gun that emitted a deadly laser. He had transported there from the fleet.

“Once I locked on Hades, I was able to locate all of you. As we speak now, my army of Angels is defeating your army now. Surrender to me all of you and I may just allow you a merciful termination.”

“The wait was long, Adam. And hello, Lucifer. I see we have many familiar faces here.” Michael smiled. “Thank you, Lone Ranger my mission will be over soon.”

“Hello, Michael.” Blade voiced out towards the Angel leader. “I doubt you missed me.”

Michael struggled to look at the one who addressed him.

“Who may you be?”

“I am called Blade here in Hades.  You may know me as your previous aide; Lilith 01.” Blade removed the visor. She was Lilith in the expression. “I am the original of the Lilith’. She is Lilith 49 the last of the working models.”

“The automation. I remember. You were created to serve on Hades. It was Lucifer’s request when Adam had Eve but he wanted an obedient partner.” Michael laughed. “I am amazed you are still around.”

“Hades is a small ship.” Lilith smiled. She then looked at Lance.

“Step aside, Lone Ranger. This is a battle among the Angels in an ancient way.” Lilith told him. “You and Lambert with Tonto will not be involved. Am I not right, Angels?”

Adam smiled at her. He then drew from his hand out like magic the famed Sword of Michael. It appeared like a long sword with the blazing red blade.

“My sword? I never thought I will ever see it.” Michael laughed. “Adam, I never told you that the sword was not the only one I held. Behold the real sword of mine.”

On Michael’s right hand, another sword soon appeared. It was similar to the earlier sword, but that one held a blue blade.

“Excalibur,” Lucifer called out. “I thought it was lost in the portal.”

“No, I retrieved it soon after. With the Creator missing, I am the Supreme Commander. I had it searched and returned to me. Where is your weapon? Have you lost the will to call out yours?”

Lucifer held out his right hand to his horns on the forehead and then from there he pulled out the two-pronged spear. It stood the length of his body height.

“Since everyone has their weapon, I will draw mine.” Lilith held out her hands and a metal scepter appeared then. “Behold the scepter of God. He had me to keep it for this day.”

“The Scepter?” The staff was about three feet in length with a radius that fits the palm. At the top of the scepter was the red jewel which emits its radiance to all that was there.

“Yes, with this, I command all that is in Hades,” Lilith spoke out. “Even the Dark Ones will obey me. They knew its power. It is the Trident Weapon I hold.”

The Dark Ones there murmured among themselves and then stepped aside.

“That can’t be the weapon?” Michael was in disbelief. “I only saw it in the hands of the Creator. And he is away.”

“What of the Hidden Chambers?” Adam asked and then looked at Lucifer. “Can you open the doorway here?”

“No, we settle our differences here. The three of us and the victor will get to go in there.” Lucifer voiced out.

“The four of us. I am entitled to the same objective. I am also an Angel. The name is Gabriel.” It was Falstaff who spoke. He had arrived with Necro.

“Falstaff …… I mean Gabriel.” Tonto called out. “I thought you were….”

“We have controlled the damages on the power supply. Hades is secured once more. For now, the Angels have their differences to settle.” Gabriel looked at the Angels trio. In his right hand was the long halberd favored by him to the sword. “I side with no one but am here to preserve the Creator’s wish. The weapon must never be released.”

“What of Lilith? She held the scepter of the Gods.” Adam motioned towards Lilith. “Is that not the weapon?”

“No,” Lucifer spoke out. “It’s not the weapon but the real key to open the doorway. I lost it when Lilith took it from me.”

“Enough of the talks. We will see who is the deserving one.”

The four Angels rushed forth and do their battle. Adam faced off with Lucifer while Michael fought Gabriel. Lance who was at the side looked towards Lambert.

“I think we ought to leave them. This is no more our fight.”

“Follow me. I will lead you to the place where we first started. There is a gateway there for us to return to our dimension.” Tonto voiced out and led the way. The Dark Ones stood to watch.

Adam retreated from the far reach of the two-prong spear held by Lucifer. He used his sword to deflect the spear and then taunted the other.

“Do you know how you were defeated by Michael in the last war? I told the other of your weakness.”

“Yes, I knew. You got Lilith to betray me.” Lucifer replied and lashed out with the spear at Adam. He thrust and swung the spear trying to get an opening. He got it later when the spear hit Adam on the left shoulder. It was a side impact but it threw the other off his feet. Lucifer followed through with a thrust and cut at Adam on the arm. The later rolled over and tried to escape but Lucifer had him pinned.

“Yield and I may let you perish with dignity.” Lucifer had Adam with the spear at the chest.  

“Fool!” It was Michael who struck at Lucifer but he missed the later. Lucifer had retreated and Adam was free to move.

“Thanks, Michael.” Adam voiced to Michael. It was then Michael struck at Adam’s on the left knee. It brought Adam to his back on the flooring.


“There can be only one winner,” Michael replied and then looked at his opponent. “You do not deserve it.”

“So do you.” It was Gabriel who charged at Michael. He swung the halberd downwards and missed Michael but he struck at Adam who was in the path. The halberd cut into Adam’s left shoulder. The later screamed and rolled over with the wounds bleeding. Michael turned his body and struck with Excalibur at Gabriel. The sword struck at Gabriel on the halberd and the vibration of the impact riveted on the halberd causing Gabriel to retreat.

“You are deceitful, Michael.” Gabriel felt the pain throbbed on his hands but he held firm on the halberd.

“Adam won’t perish but he is out.” Michael voiced out but he had not seen Lucifer who struck from the rear with the spear. The two-prong fork spear went in deep where the spear struck in the back.

“Backstabber.” Michael cried out in pain before he collapsed to the flooring.

“Enough!” The loud voice roared in the chamber.


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