Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Lone Ranger Chapter 66 Finale



Lance stood on the same spot when he had arrived at Hades. He viewed the vast plains from the plateau he was on. He looked towards Tonto and Lambert. They were all on the ‘Chief’ except Tonto’s ride have a sidecar.

“Where to, Tonto? I am eager to go back to Arizona.” Lance asked the trusted friend of his.

“Soon, Lance,” Tonto replied.

“I thought it was Kemo-Sabe, Tonto.”

“It was, Lance but now there are two Lone Ranger here,” Tonto replied. “You are not the only one. Your brother held the same name.”

Lance looked at Lambert and then smiled.

“Lambert, you can have the name back. I am fine with my life as a traveler. I will go back to the other continent and continued my travels.”

“No, Lance. You can’t do that. I am not longer the Lone Ranger. You were mistaken about who I am.” Lambert replied. “Lucifer gave you the impression that I was. I am a doppelganger. My real name is Baal.”

Lambert then evolved into his true self as the Angel named Baal.

“I am ….”

“Skinwalker,” Tonto added the name.

“Yes, I am one,” Baal replied. “Lambert Bernard had died sometime back. Lucifer had me take over to win your trust. And now we will reveal our true selves. Step forth, my brothers.”

Asmodeus and Belphegor with Maamon appeared behind Baal. And there was one other who appeared with them. It was Vance Hawkins.

“Vance, I have delivered the Lone Ranger and Tonto. Now, I will have my value position in your dimension as the co-leader to replace Aamon and Samael.”

“You have, Baal. Now we will terminate the duo.” Vance stepped forth and he was wearing the gun belt with the two guns. “These have once belonged to Lambert Bernard. I owned them and will also have that by yours.”

“Not unless you take it off my dead body.” Lance stepped to the right to face Vance. “We can do it the right way.”

“You will still die even by silver bullets.” Vance drew his guns when he completed the sentence. It was an ungentlemanly move but Lance had seen it. He had reached for his gun and fired from the hip. The bullets traveled fast and impacted on the chest of Vance Hawkins. That caused Vance’s aim to be off.

“How could you …” Vance fell to the ground and then rolled over.

“I was always a better gunman than Lambert,” Lance replied. He then faced the other three Angels. “I will fight you now not with guns. I will fight you with my sword.”

“Come forth, bring forth the blade of Lion of Richard.” The scimitar appeared from the back towards his hands. He held it with both hands.

“Looks like we have to battle him the old ways,” Baal told his brothers. They then drew on their swords.

“It’s a fight with blades, I am in.” Tonto held out his tomahawk. “Kemo-Sabe I have your back.”

Maamon with his wider girth rushed forth and challenge Lance. Despite his wider body, he was an accomplished swordsman. He thrust and swung the sword at Lance who had to step back deflecting the attacks. Asmodeus had attacked Tonto but the later used his tomahawk to deflect the thrusts. Only Baal stood behind to look.

Lance took one more move before he fought back. He deflected the thrust and then turned his body to swing the scimitar on Maamon’s left side. The scimitar cut into the later’ forearm. Maamon cried out and stepped back but Lance was on the attack. He moved in and swung the scimitar at the groin. He cut there and Maamon was down on his knees.

“Yield or I will ….” Lance was then surprised to see Maamon fell on his face. He was thrust in the back by Baal.   

“In Hades, the weak are not tolerated.” Baal voiced out. “I will battle you now.”

“No!” The call came from Tonto. He had tossed his tomahawk at Baal. The tomahawk went at a straight line towards Baal. When the tomahawk was to strike at Baal’s chest, a loud voice came out. The tomahawk fell in mid-air.

“Enough!” The loud voice stopped the fight.

Lance and Tonto found themselves back in the previous chamber where the Angels were battling. They saw the four Angels that were battling there were floating in mid-air, and Lilith was standing there still holding the scepter.

“Bring them forth.” Lance saw the three Angels that were battling them joined the other four Angels. He saw then the huge light that was above Lilith.

“The war ends now.” The voice could be heard and it seemed to come from within the huge light. “I need to end this now.”

The Dark Ones were still there and stepped forth.

“I sensed your desire to see beyond the doorway here.” The voice roared out. “It will be shown now to end the speculation. Behold the Hidden Chambers secret.”

The doorways opened wide and the Dark Ones rushed in. There was only a single orb floating there. The Dark Ones stopped before the Orb. More Dark Ones appeared and approached the Orb.

“The Orb is your universe. I defeated all of you and imprisoned it in the Orb here. Now I will release it back to you. Go and never return.” The Dark Ones rushed into the Orb and was absorbed. Soon, the chamber was devoid of the Dark Ones.

“We will leave now and close the doors forever.” The voice roared out. Then it spoke to Lance and Tonto.

“As for you, the one name Lone Ranger and Tonto.” The voice voiced out. “Both of you were not to know all this. You were to be my vassals to hunt the demons that roamed in your dimension but the turn of events forced by Lucifer and then Michael had you brought here. You were not to know all this for your mind and beliefs were not be compromised but the damages are done.”

“Lance Bernard, you hold a unique gift which I am curious of. The inklings on your body spoke of a different entity that may have existed without my knowledge. You have used it to battle the children of mine and defeated them if not for my intervention they would have perished.” The voice tone went down. “I fear you are not who you may be.”

The inkling on Lance’s back quivered and broke free from his skin to form a dark energy form beside him.

“I sensed you have detected me, Lord of the Light. I am now back from my exile.” The dark energy form spoke out. “Do you miss me?”

“Lord of the Dark., I am ever surprised that you chose a vessel like that to emerge in my realm.”

“The Lone Ranger battled your demons. And I emerged just when he was vulnerable. Your children have captured the other Lone Ranger and he was the next. I added my strength to him and made him hunt your demons. I was soon to be dragged into your children’s war but I had stayed hidden.”

“What do you desire, Lord of Dark?”

“I desired my rightful place in the Universe.”

“And you will be denied.” Lord of the Light voiced out.

“Then its war between us. I will call on the army to battle you.” The Lord of Dark then called out to the Orb at the open doorway. “Come forth, Dark Ones. I command you as your Creator.”

Nothing happened then.

“How can it be?” Lord of Dark voiced out. “They are my army.”

“Not anymore. I have been with them and they have no hostiles intentions anymore. Only yon stand before me with that intention. I will have you banish into the Orb.” The Lord of the Light then streaked out an energy pull that reached the other and pulled the Lord of Dark into the Orb.

“The doorway will now be sealed.” The two doors then closed on the chamber.

“As for you, Lance of the Bernard family. You are released of your role as the Lone Ranger. You will be returned to your dimension with no knowledge of the events that unfolded here.” Lord of the Light spoke to Lance. Then he turned to Tonto.

“The dimension requires your services. You will be the next Lone Ranger. You like Lance will be returned to your dimension now.”

Tonto was to retort but soon he found himself back at the plains. He was dressed in a white shirt and dark pants with the gun belt holding his gun. He had also his tomahawk with him. He was standing at the campsite with the fireplace woods burned to cinders.

“Was I dreaming? I recalled a long dream.” Tonto saw the white horse next to him, He heard then the gunshots at a distance away.

“I cannot be a concern about that. I need to find the cause of the fight.” Tonto then stepped towards the burnt cinders. He picked at the wood ashes and drew over his eyes the dark streaks. “The Lone Ranger will ride now.”

As for Lance Bernard, he was back on his front squinting his eyes on the looking glass. He was spying on the herd of lions and busy studying their habits.

“Kemo-sabe, we need to move. The wind is blowing towards the lions.” Lance turned to look at the dark companion of his. He nodded and then crawled back. It was a hot day and he was covered with sweat. He was puzzled for he felt that he was watching some events that was baffling to him.

“Was I talking?” Lance asked his dark companion dressed in the loin cover.

“Talking? You were. I think the hot sun got to you.?” The dark companion told him. “We are used to it here in the land. We are the Dark Ones here.”

“Okay. Let us go back. I need to rest.” Lance then walked back to the wagon that brought him there to the hot plains in the Savannah.










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