Monday, June 26, 2017

Tweet...tweet.... Team Seven make it to the Sequel...26/06

At this hour minus a day, I dunk in the net for Team Seven of Heroes II (56K words with a cliffhanger for Team Seven of Heroes III ) < Eat your warp engine, Star Wars... I might add in Team Seven of Heroes 0 for the spin off..... >  *** Too much Gru there from the Despicable III ****.

It was a long effort trying to get seven clowns ( pardon me, Lady Greystoke ) to perform for the tale but its done in between I completed a short tale of Apes and drew on the Opera of the Phantom. Well, it all begin when the Team Seven make me lost pace (rarity in the past ) and had to delete about 10K words (close to doomsday there) before I watched Guardian of the Galaxy II when I saw the poster 'War of the Apes'. It reminded me of Charles Heston in the first movie. Well, soon after I flew around the Universe I took a dip into the dark world of the old movie (probably my sixth or twelth times but who is counting when even Star Wars could have sub warp chapters in between theirs.)

And then came the tangent in the warp direction to start on the tale and ended at 26K word for a respite before I report to Earth for the Heroes. It came about whenn I was deciding which black hole ( there were several then) to take. It  was to determine the direction of my tale. 

Then I hit an earthquake. I was drowning then. The word Phantom then kept on springing into my mind. It was a menace then and my keyboard typed 'Phantom'. Thank the Stars it did not point to the Menace or I will be writing episodes of Dennis the Menace instead. But it pointed to the one Phantom most of us knew. 

Phantom of the Opera. 

I loved that play. I have it on my library the 25th Anniversary Musical. Wow! I never read the book though but I like Christine there. 

So I did some fast research on the book review/ synopsis/ characters etc. 

And kaboom ( the opening and thunderous introduction music please ) I was into the Phantom. I wanted to write the Phantom with a difference. 

How much different? 

I don;t really know yet. I am at 11K words now and its all about Christine (OKay, I was warped by her beauty and singing ).  I have several endings or directions and may do that later (if I dont change it then like the wardrobe change in the musical. )

Till the Menace turned out to be like Dennis my friend, hail the Heroes in the making. 

And my muttering at 0640hrs now. Who in the right mind gets up to write? Probably me trying to catch the departing Phantom sneaking off to sleep. 

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