Saturday, June 24, 2017

Team Seven of Heroes Chapter 24


Hauptmann Rommels leaned back on the armoured vehicle left side while he smoked the rolled cigarette. He was in discussion with the other officers on the battle plan. In actual fact there was none but the Hauptmann needed to put a show. He was there to boost the morale of the men there but he felt that most of them were demoralized. They joined the Army to protect it and not overruled it. He saw then the convoy of wagons. It sent the shiver up his spine when he saw the insignia on it.

The circle M on the wagon side.

The lead vehicle was a four wheeler with the smoke exhaust puffing at the top. The person alighted and approached the Hauptmann. The later dismissed the other officers and waited for the newly arrived person. The figure was dressed in a pin striped suit and pointed leather dark shoes with the wide brimmed white hat.

The odd part was that the figure was Oriental.

“Monsignor Dupont conveyed his regret of not coming personally but his orders are here.” The Oriental figure handed the paper over. “His orders are explicit.”

Hauptmann Rommels read the order with his aide standing there. The Fedwebel stood uneasy by his side.

“Achtung! Move out.” Hauptmann gave the order. The silence was eerie then for the men trained to take orders were then not doing so. Hauptmann Rommels stepped forth and called the order once more. He saw the reluctance and drew his Luger. He waved it and then he spoke

“Men are basically smart or dumb and lazy or ambitious. The dumb and ambitious ones are dangerous and I get rid of them.” Rommels levelled the Luger and shot the aide in the head. He then stared at his men once more. “The dumb and lazy ones I give mundane duties. The smart and ambitious ones I put on my staff and become commanders.”

“Fedwebel Klinsmann, you are now my aide. Be a smart and ambitious one. Now carry out my order.” Hauptmann Rommels then turned to mount the armoured vehicle. He heard the new aide shout to the others to mount up their vehicles. Five other armoured vehicles gunned up their engines. The Hauptsmann closed the lid to the turret and then sat down on the seat.

“Hauptsmann, you need to improve on your speech. You should say the smart and lazy ones you will make my commanders.” Obergefreiter Aldinger the driver of the vehicle smiled. “I am then excluded from being one of them.”

“Drive, you imbecile.” Hauptmann Rommels had then sank his head onto his hands and uttered a prayer. He felt the armoured vehicle and then straighten up. “Give me a report.”

“We have a problem.” Obergefreiter Aldinger stopped the vehicle. “We cannot move forward, Hauptmann.”

Hauptmann Rommels stared out the narrow slit on the viewer.

It was unbelievable.

There was the Chancellor standing there in front the barricade with his walking stick.

Hauptmann Rommels pushed open the lid and stepped out. His vehicle was the only one that moved. He looked over and saw the Chancellor approaching his vehicle. He then pulled himself out and climbed down the vehicle side He stepped forth and saluted before the Chancellor.

“Herr Chancellor, I am honoured to meet you.” Hauptmann Rommels spoke to the Chancellor. “How did you come back?”

“I have access to a tunnel which led me to the basement of the Chancellery. I am back and will remain here as the Chancellor. I will have your allegiance as my commander for I know you are smart and ambitious.”

The Hauptmann stared at the elderly statesman and then was interrupted by the Oriental figure.

“Hauptmann, you have your order.” Hauptmann Rommels levelled his Luger and shot the Oriental man in the right knee.

“Herr Chancellor, you have my allegiance.” Hauptmann Rommels then turned to his men. “Detain that man.”

From above at the skies, Herr Chancellor Bismarck saw the armoured vehicles moving away and was relief. He had then looked at Sherlock.

“You have my obligation when you needed me.” Chancellor Bismarck smiled. “Henri was well paid and is a fine actor.”
“We have defused the battle here.” Chancellor Bismarck looked at the assembled. “I thank you all. Now tell me what we are to do with Monsignor Dupont.”

“You will not do anything. The Merry Men will do the finishing touches here.” Friar Tuck told the Chancellor. “We do have the experience of usurping tyrants and … bad priest.”

“I am sure you had done it before. After all the Merry Men was good in disguises too. Was it the one for all and all for one?”

“More myths of the Merry Men? I am amused but we do have to contend with the ones that had almost toppled your seat of power.” Sherlock added in his cynical remarks before he stressed on the threat. He lowered the looking glass and then asked. “Did I see an Oriental there?”

“Our new guest I was told. I have the servants served him schnapps to ease his concern on the vocals.” Chancellor Bismarck smiled. “Our drink is more inclusive with a proof above the half mark. We called them Obstler distilled from fresh apple fruit juices.”

“My guests, we land in half an hour.” Chancellor Bismarck continued on. “Will you be attending the state banquet I have arranged? We are serving Beijing Roast Duck but the duck from our region.”

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