Saturday, June 3, 2017

Team Seven of Heroes Chapter 10


Sherlock thought it that the question was forth coming then. He had made it his task to know who’s who in the crime circle and besides Moriarty, he had thought that none others could surpass that elusive leader.

“I am not …certain.” To Sherlock that was an admission that he had failed. It was a rarity for the sleuth to fail. “I managed to deduce that the Mandarin is involved from the increase of Chinese trades at the port, and the sailors’ talks. It’s from there, I discover there was one more involved, and that leader seems to be in command there.”

“I am surprised, Sherlock that you have not known the leader as yet.” Mycroft snapped in before he reached for a rolled up paper to place the tobacco. “It’s ….”

“My investigation is still on going.” Sherlock interjected in but his expression was pained. “I will…”

It was M then who interjected.

“I had the canister examined and we found a clue to its origin.” M displayed he canister handed to her by Sherlock. “We traced its origin.”

“Some years ago, there was a group of researchers who was keen on the origin of life.” M looked at them. “It was the original works of one named Jean Baptiste Lamarck which started the question of life. Monsieur Lamarck coined the classification of invertebrates. His work was a success and later in the years, another was to further research it. We know him as Charles Darwin but he was not alone then. There was one named Alfred Russel Wallace. Both of them spurred the development study on the origin of life. It was fine then but the emergence of the steam and electrical discovery side tracked the earlier study. Our later discovery made us more advanced in the words of these so named engineers with the floating carriages and fire spurting wheelers with the coal fired engines. We progressed further and faster but with a price to pay that we are paying for it now with our …environment.”

“Lady Greystoke, please don’t be alarmed that what I am to tell you also affect the continent you were in.” M continued on. “The evolution of life took on a renewal under a group of researchers. They have access to huge grants of funds and the works gaining progress. Research was not only done here but across the main continents and even as down to the Cape of Hope. They were researching in deep into the origin with excavations works in places where the old bones were dug up.”

“If I may intrude, I do appreciate the history lessons but tell me how does that affect our tasks?” Van Helsing shuffled his legs to keep the circulation moving. He was always checking on his limbs for he feared there may be a day when he will not feel it. Then he may well be like the ones he hunt.

“The research was funded by Moriarty and the Mandarin. We…I stand corrected that Sherlock discovered that for us. He did in the short time he was working for us.” M complimented the sleuth.  “His tasks end now unless we can get him the assistance he needs.”

“Back to the canister, it was part of a shipment for the research facility in Munich.” M continued on. “Sherlock found it buried in the ground at the next building to the vault. That building was to be empty but we suspect the item was placed there. Sherlock studied the building for any more clues but he found was possibly wiped out trace there.”

“We sent in more officers to check the place. True to our expectations, there was nothing to be discovered. We questioned the guards and nothing was revealed. We had all of them detained but the damage was done. It was then we found the bullions were faked and it triggered the real task here. We started more in-depth investigations into our places of interests and found more looting was done. It was all staged when the public was focused on the killing of these victims. It was Sherlock who then led us to the link between the events.”

“The looting at the vault was one of the few and those funds were used for financing the research. It was their modus operandi. That was not our real concern but the research into the origin was our real concern. We know not what they were doing till we discovered this canister. It contained an unusual specimen.”

“Team, we may have discovered our killer on the loose.” M paused then. “It’s a cross between a lion and an eagle. We …”

“A griffin? My God! You are not cranky but dramatic with your tale.” Van Helsing called out. “In my hunt, I have been labelled as a lunatic to believe that blood sucking vampires exist with us but you surpassed mine by bound.”

“Bear with me, Mr Helsing. I know more to be alarmed by many things you have yet to see? The specimen did not lie when the results were real. In the earlier years a Swiss chemist Friedrich Miescher discovered the initial study of human genetics or characteristics I the cells. His findings was not widely received until the lately when the Eugenics Movement which focus on the science of heredity and breeding. The research then moved to improving the breeding with better characteristics. It also spurred on the return to look at the works of Chares Darwin. With the then rivalry for the more innovative steam and electrical inventions, the research took less interest but we were wrong. It drew up the attention of the naturists who favoured the ancient ways. They want to develop the super warrior or the supreme creatures. The ultimate survival which was God’s creation meant to be moulded for.”

“We need to know if that was true. Your task was to find that out and it proved dangerous then stopped it.” M concluded. “Form now, you will be on your own. The bombing of the vault and the ministry tells me that we have no friends even among the ones around me. Trust no one except the seven of you. Find me the trio and destroy them with whatever means.” 

“Now prepare to go to Munich.” 

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