Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tweet tweet.... I am on the roll now...beneficial of being rounded 6/6/17

It's my sith....Jugs, kept on typing that name...I meant my sixth year of blogging and still enjoying it. It started off for me the 'Dinny-saur' then in the world of  'what's new in the Internet' then with a simple request by my daughter to write something for her school mates. They were in their last weeks at the school before they ventured into the higher plateau of learning. So I got her to reguister the site and dabble some 'yabba do' tales on her and her class. From there, it was more fun tales and then tales took off to more fun themes and from the menial one thousand words per tale, it grew to fifty thousand words ( accolades please for my trusty index and middle fingers who never tires from the incessant tap dancing. ).

Today, I am at 42K words on Team Seven of Heroes after the gruelling experiences in my last tweet. It may go to sixty thousand words before I conclude it and Book Three is on the running track now at two hundred metres length with the finishing line getting moved daily.

What is my feeling to do this? I mentioned it before but I will do it one more time. I am past the age of physical movements ( if I do a jump its probably over the low stool, and if I called out like Tarzan the monkeys will fall off the branches laughing ) and if I mop the floors which I used to do ( my doctor will strapped me down on the bed ). I do enjoyed cooking ( Yes, I do wear an apron and more behind it. I am not into nudity except in the confines of my bedroom and that was to scare off any ghosts residing in there or Bob in the closet. You should try that when you checked into a hotel room. Never know what's hidden behind the closet door or behind the water color painting hung over the bed. I am sure if there was a cam there it was probably wasted disk space for filming me unless they enjoyed watching fat flop over hip hops ).

Yes back to the blog. I enjoyed writing for it was my hobby which I migrated from reading since young. I used to read a lot ( A to Z on topics but hovered at S for many years. If you ever examine the words that spelled with S in the world of books, you will find it covered many words like SEX, SENSATIONAL, SEDUCTIVE, SORORITY, SADO-M, SATISFYING, SIZZLING, SEXY, etc. I could go on but we would need more than one page to write it all. ).

Yes, I read Enid Blyton ( who doesn;t from the age of three to nine and then back again when you have kids to sent to bed, and then their kids to sent you to bed.....vicious recycling events ) but I forgotten about the dwarf when I dick-covered something then; it does grow down there. And as they say it when you are pedaling downhill, I am coming in hard.....

Thank goodness I never learned to fly a plane. If I did, Supergirl will be holding my plane upwards and I will holler "Hey, Girl. Can you drag the plane by the 'cockpit'? I can't see you from below.".

Okay then, its tally ho for now. Life other experience requried my attention. It pays the bills for now until some editor decides to chance on me being an author.... I know its a 'S' hope.

Cheers and read on.

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