Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Team Seven Of Heroes Chapter 16


The cold winds in the city of Munich were not felt by the man who had used his tools to substitute for the vines in the jungle. He threw the whip in his right hand at the nearby ledge and then felt himself swinging towards it before his left hand threw the other whip forward for another hold. Once the second grapnel took hold there, the man will push the button to release the earlier grapnel. It was a wondrous tool for him to travel on the tree-less jungle.

That was nothing compared to his lover in the flying contraption. It was an improvised single seater cycle attached to a gas operated engine that gave her speed to take flight on the set of bat like wings above the seater. Once in the air, the cycle could climbed high above the chimneys and with the high flying balloons but the cycle being smaller in frame was easier to maneuver with the use of the rear rudder flaps.  The cycle held two huge bags which contained her needed tools including the gas mask to protect her facial looks.

Lord Greystoke then threw his right whip onto the cycle which was above him. The sudden shift in the weight caused the cycle to drop before Lady Jane throttled the engine and pushed the cycle higher. Once she reached the desired height, she dropped the throttle to let the wind took over their flight. She then signalled the man below her at twenty feet to send her love signs. Their flight them over the Hercules Hall at the Munich Residence before she descended to the Apothecary Courtyard where the man below upon reaching the ground took it to run the length of the courtyard to ease the muscle cramps before he was taken off at the end of it when the cycle went up. Lady Jane pushed the cycle up in a sharp turn along the Cuvilles Theatre and passed the Cabinet Garden towards the Fountain Courtyard before she pushed the cycle up in another sharp turn to pass the Kitchen and out into the main street outside the entrance of the Residence Museum. It was a unique scenic trip but the view after that was not welcomed.

Lady Jane saw the lined up of four balloons with the carriage there in their path. It was a smaller set of balloons and those carriages had the gas engines at the rear for speed. It was not that intimidate her but the pair of guns that was mounted in the front. The balloons were marked with the sign of circle with a M on it.

“Moran.” Lady Jane uttered out in her assumption. It was then she felt the rise of the cycle when the grapnel was released.

Lord Greystoke retracted the whips and dropped down to land on his feet at the rooftop but once his feet reached it he was running on the roofs. He was accessing the threat and how he can reduce the odds for his love. He saw the opportunity and then threw his right whip at the extended chimney top before he propelled himself up. Once he was in the mid swing up, he threw the left whip to attach the grapnel on to the underside of the carriage he was targeting at. He need not press the release on the right whip as the chimney top had come undone when it collapsed from the extra traction but then Lord Greystoke was in his swing towards the targeted carriage which was next to the one he latched on. He swung in hard into the side opening with both his whips released of their latched on. He landed with a crouch with both hands held back and snarled at the three flyers in the narrow carriage. He pressed the second set of buttons to recoil his whip into a shorter length of five feet but it was then a hard staff of steel mesh.

“Mein, it’s the savage.” The flyer holding the twin guns handle called out. There was one syllable that Lord Greystoke disliked was being called a savage although he did snarl like one. Lord Greystoke slid two metal mesh staff midway in length in his hands and then he attacked. The staff then shortened to half their length when held was used like a swinging baton which hit the flyers and broke the gun barrels and triggers. He thrust the end of the right staff into one of the flyer in the throat and then pushed the dying flyer into the steering wheel. His left arm went out wide to break the second flyer in the ribs before he stepped on the last one then on the ground hard in the neck. It was all over in seconds and then Lord Greystoke climbed out of the same opening he had crashed in earlier.

Lady Jane had two on her rear with guns blazing. They were armed with the LMG Spandau used by the Air Force. It resembled the maxim but with the extra air vents on the barrel. The two thousand yards range of the guns was getting effective results then. It was tearing holes in the bat like wings. She pressed the rudder flaps and turned the cycle into a dive before the cycle swooped up in reverse S formation to charge above the enemies balloons. She thought that it will vulnerable but she wrong. There was a gunner there strapped to stand on the top of the balloon. The gunner was armed with a rifle that resembled a Mauser 98 Model. She throttled the engines and aimed for the top gunner. The first one saw her mad driven move had then tossed his rifle and removed the harness to jump off. He may die on the fall but he won’t be cut into half by the bat like wings. She swooped over the top and then swerved to meet the second balloon. She went over the top before she grabbed her guns at the waist belt and fired a series of shots at the gunner there. With the gunner riddled with bullets, she then swooped at the balloon while drawing her second month to shoot a series of shots to create a tear there. With the balloon leaking gas, she flew close past it while throttling the engine. The exhaust from the rear pipes had traces of heat which then generated into sparks which caused a fire on the balloon. She then swerved her cycle without looking at the burning balloon.

Lord Greystoke jumped with his right whip lashed out at the last balloon but he was aiming at the guns at the front. The grapnel hooked onto the barrel and it entwined on there before the swinging man used it as leverage. Lord Greystoke swung hard while retracting the whip and then with this left hand he shoved the hard staff into the glass window of the carriage killing the flyer there. He then jumped and ignored the cuts on his arms. He had his left arm to pull back the staff and swung it sideways to stop the flyer coming at him then from the engine section. He then retracted his right whip and slammed in across the ginner flyer.

It was over in seconds.

Next he was out of the unmanned carriage and into the chimney swinging.

Lady Harkness stood by the building steps with her eyes on the burning balloon that was crashing into the river. She saw the figure leaping off the carriage. She smiled for she knew that once more goodness had triumphed. She then approached the door and knocked. It was opened and she asked for the master. She was admitted inside.

“Abbess Greta, I am ever honoured that you will see me. We are distinctive different in …beliefs.” Lady Harkness sat herself on the next available chair there by the fireplace. She heard the sirens and knew that the required assistance was in place. She looked around her surrounding as she was in the enemy lair. Anyway one of the enemies she held close to her heart.

“Lady Harkness, I took your presence here is unwarranted but we do live in an unwarranted world. So we will sit and discuss the concerns of …”

“Yours. I am only here to share my notes.” Lady Harkness then saw the crozier leaned on the fireplace. “Nicely done. I can’t even the see the scratched marks.”

“Please don’t talk of our past. I here to speak to you on the occurrences which we thought you were involved.”

“Then shall we.” Lady Harkness smiled.

“This is the concern. We have our …concern that there are demonic works among our own. It concerns the origin of life.”
“Origin? So I am told. Anywhere we can begin with?” Lady Harkness smiled then.

“My own staff, I think they are in the league with one identified as M. That is a circle with the M inside.” ”

“I seed that sign before.” Lady Harkness tried to smile harder. “It was allied to Sebastian Moran.”

“No. I am talking of Monsignor Dupont. Le Pierre Dupont. Monsignor Dupont was an opponent of the establishment and was at times too vocal for them. He was said to be side lined and suspected of going against the establishment. He went into seclusion for some years. It seemed that he was not in seclusion but working on taking over the empire. He was working in the dark and took over after Moran.”

“He is my friend then.” Lady Harkness then stopped smiling. “Shall we crucify him? Burned at the stakes or impaled and hung over the wall? I loved all three but let us re-examined our options again.”

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