Friday, June 16, 2017

Team Seven of Heroes Chapter 18


Sherlock leaned on the wall next to the staircase at the third level. It was a calculated move given that they were trapped and the ten guards were killed to prevent the incursion by the trained killers which had taken control of the levels below.

“Lady Jane, you are a better shot than me.” Sherlock held the rifle towards the lady who was covering the staircase with the other rifle. “I much prefer the double gauge gun. It does not need aiming.”

“Damn you, Sherlock. We have not….” Lady Jane heard the holler that was her lover call of the wild. It was minutes ago when the attack on the house begin with the storming of the house by the killers. There were two dozen of them spread equally in force. They came in with well-coordinated formation leap frogging to cover one another. Three guards at the ground level were shot on sight before the rear group moved to the right of the house there to search the rooms. The front group went for the left wing where Sherlock was situated.

“They are here.” Sebastian grabbed the extra ammunition rounds before he passes it to Sherlock. He then grabbed the second set of the Nagant and the ammunition. He was loading the rifle then when Hauptmeister had reached for the cupboard behind his seat to remove the prototype.

“This is  Mashinenpistole 40…” The officer was interrupted by the stomping on the door. Hauptmeister Bormann levelled the gun at the doorway and fired at it. The gun fired a series of shots using half of the thirty two rounds in under five seconds. That stopped the stomping but then Sebastian had opened the door to face the killers. He stepped over the two dead killers and shot at the retreating five who were in the corridors. The shooter shot two of them before he ducked back in. 

“You have any more prototypes?” Sebastian asked. The other shook his head before grabbing two spare magazines from the cupboard. He then told them to follow him.

“There is a servant stairs at the rear. There is a doorway in the next room to it.” Hauptmeister Bormann took off but before he grabbed the last double gauge gun there in the gun cupboard with the box of cartridges. Sherlock barricaded the doorway before joining the duo at the next room. They ran up and skipped the second level to reach the third. They found the others at the main staircase and had barricaded the access. It was then the Hauptmeister Bormann handed the double gauge to Lady Jane. He knew her reputation as a shooter. She demonstrated her skill with two well-placed shots that stopped the killers from storming to their level.

Lady Jane took the other rifle and handed her’ to Sherlock. It was then he asked of Lord Greystoke.

“He is going to swing.” Lady Jane replied. “He is going for our tools in the front of the wagon.”

It was then they heard shouts at the lower levels. Lady Jane then leaped over the barricade with Watson to run downstairs. It’s was what they agreed and Lady Harkness went for the servant staircase. Mycroft was still flexing his muscles then but he will join soon after. That was the excuse for he needed to use the bathroom.

Lord Greystoke had the torn strips of the high curtains and then knotted them into a long vine like rope. He stepped out of the window sill and looked at the height. It was not higher than some of the trees he had climbed but he was not taking risk then. He tossed the knotted rope out with the secured end to the thick oak table pinned down by another table and other heavier stuffs. He jumped out just seconds after the throw and hollered his battle cry as heard by many. It would had been his baby lullaby but it reassured him of the hard landing should he failed. The rope got taut at fifty feet and with that he twisted his body to crash leg first into the ground floor rear open doorway. He landed on the unwary killer’s back and with both arms raised he slammed hard on the killer’s spine. That was how the apes do it. He rolled over the dead killer and then ran out to the front. By the time he reached the wagon, the other killers were opening fire at him. It was then Lady Jane stepped off the staircase and too her shots with accuracy. Three more killers went down when Watson joined here. Even with his bad leg, he climbed onto the stairs handle rail and slid down with his scalpels tossed to remove two more guards. They were then at the first level and Lady Jane reloaded her gun while Watson retrieved his scalpels.

“There are more.” It was Sherlock who had stood there with the double gauge gun releasing the deadly pellets from the gun at the killer climbing up the stairs. He bent down to reload his gun while the Hauptmeister overtook him and shot the other killer coming up then.

“Six down and six to come.” Mycroft joining in then did the mathematics.

“It’s fourteen, Mycroft.” Sherlock corrected the other. At the other end, Lady Harkness bumped into the two killers there who found the stairs. Just before they could react, the lady had leaped on them like a bat like move and sank her teeth into the left one while her legs did a scissor grab on the second by the neck. They fell down in a heap but then the lady had used her knees to crack the killer’s neck bones. She bit down deep and then pushed the dead killer off her lips. It felt good then to taste the blood once more.

The remaining twelve killers then split into two groups. The first group of five went outside to gather more guns but were confronted by the single figure holding two metal shafts and a pile of broken guns.

“Kreegah!” Lord Greystoke charged at them with the staffs levelled at them. He stretched his arms wide and hen pressed the remote to release the whip. He swung both his arms with the whips lashing out at them. The whips coiled around two of the five at the neck. Lord Greystoke had then pulled the whip back and with that the severed heads of the two. The other three were in a shock at the action despite their fierce reputation as killers. They may have killed but the savagery of the kill then was above their modes. By then Lord Greystoke had reached the three killers and with his retractable staffs aimed at their faces and knees. He was finished when he pulled the staff out of the throat of the third killer. In the house, the second group of seven killers were driven down the corridor and was stopped by Lady Harkness. She was unusually armed with a gun in each hand. She fired like a gunslinger direct from the hips.

“I lived long enough to shot like Wyatt Earp. We were friends at Tombstone.” Lady Harkness dropped the emptied guns.
“Naturally.” Sherlock smiled. “You shot like one with the legs spread for balance. Could you have been Calamity Jane then?”

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