Sunday, June 11, 2017

Team Seven of Heroes Chapter 14


Lord Greystoke then clad only in his pants had stood on the edge of the fifth level rooftop by the gutters overlooking the city that unlike his own kingdom in Africa. He had moved to England upon the request of his lover and to claim his rightful heritage. It was wonderful for his heritage gave him access to a huge land with the forest untouched since the hunters in green leggings have retired. There were the local creatures that roamed there and so few predators. He found the trees lacking of vines and heights to swing but he improvised. He brought in his old friends then slower in the hunt to the new jungle with the cache of meats hidden for the hunt. He had given them their new territory and for him a new tool to swing from.

“You will need this.” Lady Greystoke handed out to him the set of two long whip that lengthens to over fifty feet with a mini retractable grapnel at the end. The grapnel head talons were retractable from the switch at the hilt.

“And this.” Lord Greystoke took hold of the belt with the eight inch Bowie design knife. Its handle was the ivory crafted and then wrapped with the hyena hair for its grip.

“And this.” Lady Greystoke took his right hand to place it on her left breast. “Feel my beats. We have much to complete before the fight. You better hurry for I am freezing here.”

Lord Greystoke turned to his lover who had handed him his tools and then held her close to him. The warmth of his body flowed into her but it was then a ritual of mating of savage with civilised lust.

“I think the branches offered better comfort than here.” Lady Jane had then cuddled her lover with one leg over his body.” I do miss the monkeys jeering at us.”

“They were not but encouraging us then, my love.” Lord Greystoke held his lover ever tightly. “I don’t know why I am here. I have forgotten all that I agreed then.”

“You came because of me. You know I cared for my father. He is missing and he is one of the best in the fields of science. He was named as being kidnapped by these criminals. We need to be here to know if father is truly kidnapped by them. He is my only kin left in this world.”

“Yes, you are right. And for me, sabor death was not his own doing but to ease the pain in him. He was tortured by some creatures and then thrown back into our jungle.” Lord Greystoke had lost sabor before for days before he was returned to the manor. He was kept behind the walls to recover but that night he was taken once more and then discarded into the nearby forest where the keeper shot him. Then he saw the altered sabor and was upset at what was happening.

“We will ride tonight here. I need my …space for I am Tarzan of the Apes.”

“I have arranged my ride to be with you.” Lady Jane then stroked him to hardness before she climbed onto him.

Further down to the street level, Lady Harkness took her brolly and stepped out into the dark night. She was dressed in the dark dress that was buttoned up from her neck down. She put on the dark laced gloves and her shoes were leather bound with her bonnet on the head also in the dark shade.

Once she was out of the doorway, she saw the two officers assigned to her had taken up their coats to follow. She stepped over the street and then into the alley. Once she was in there, she pushed open the brolly over her head. It dropped over her as if there was no one holding it.

Lady Harkness had disappeared.

The two officers had then appeared at the alley saw only the open brolly. They placed the whistles on their lips and tweeted up the others.

It was then in the room assigned to Doctor Watson, the figure of the man was prostrated facing the small figurine that resembled a pagan idol with the scented sandal wood burning next to it and the ring of saffron powder that formed a ring around the idol. The doctor was unclothed except for the basic cloth wrapped around his torso. He had just completed the chanting of the verses that will strengthen his body and enhanced his skills. He then stood up and bowed to the idol. He stepped back with careful steps before he turned to the laid out clothes on the bed.

He then un-wrapped the cloth around his torso and folded it before packing it into the bag. He then put on his suit including shoulder holster with the three slots on each side for the surgical scalpel. He then donned the waist belt with the hidden dagger and the pair shoes with the spring blade. Soon after he had dressed, he then packed away the idol and threw the scented sandal wood away. He took to the doorway to step out and then knocked on Sherlock’s door. He did not wait for the reply and stepped in.

Sherlock was in the armchair there with his shirt unbuttoned and the sleeves rolled up. The man was lying with his frame slumped there and the emptied bottle with the used syringe on the floor. The man was dead to the real world for the next six hours and Watson was there to protect him. He then heard the door opened and reached for the weapon under his jacket but he held back when he saw it was Mycroft.

“Is he out?” Mycroft had changed into a new suit but his taste was still the tailor made cut by the tailors in Bond Street. “He may be my brother but for him to do this onto me was unforgiveable. And you took part in that deceit.”

“Sherlock was given the task before you came in. He was onto them since the past year. It was he who told M on it and she gave him the lead. He had requested that you lead it when he had the evidence in place. When M last saw him, she had agreed to his list with you there. You were in Dover then.”

Mycroft was in Dover to track down the lead on Chinese traders involved in smuggling then. He had discovered that the mastermind was one named the Mandarin.

“I was told he asked for Nayland. We all knew…”

“Nayland was retired and won’t join. Next to Nayland was your name. He gave you command although he was there first. And yet you looked to him as glory snatching. Grow up, Mycroft.” Watson looked to the man dead to the world then. “He was your brother and he loved you. You were the one with the doubts.”

“I knew Sherlock for a shorter time than you but I was his companion and confidante. Sherlock is sick. He is suffering from some illness that only cocaine could ease the pain. He is working his hours to stay alive and be useful before he could not do it anymore. I have to get him the cocaine to get him the rest he needed. He can’t think straight when he is not refreshed.”

“He may die tomorrow but he needed to one thing right. That is to get rid of Moriarty. Both of them before his own demise or have you and me to continue his works. There can only be Holmes …… and Watson.”

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