Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Team Seven of Heroes Chapter 26


The train ride from Munich was the Oriental Express Service then which started form Paris passing several notable cities like Munich, Vienna, Budapest, Bucarest and then Costantinople. If there were words to describe the service, it was a showcase of luxury and comfort with the hypnotic rumbling of the carriage while the scenes that unfold outside the window was unbelievably beautiful.

Lady Harkness have her seat at the far corner with the gaslight lending her some reading time. She had closed the window covers from the distracting lights outside. It was eventful for her that the Orient Express was a sombre memory to her. She looked to the journal placed at her lap. It was leather bound and the pages worn by the constant flipping on it. Lady Harkness could recalled every word written there. Like her, those words were immortalized in her mind.

“he realizes he is a prisoner, but after a brief period of vocal despair (Dracula is gone during this part of the day), he realizes he must keep his wits about him in order to survive and, eventually, escape. Harkness plans not to let on to Dracula that he, Harkness, knows he is a prisoner. When Dracula returns for the day, Harkness sees him making a bed in a room in the castle, thus proving Dracula is the only other person there.”

Her love then was a prisoner within the physical walls of the Count but she was his prisoner by curse on the bites he had rendered on her neck. Lady Harkness then instinctively reached for the two puncture marks on her neck.

“Was it a curse or a blessing?” Lady Harkness muttered to herself. She had contemplated suicide and other forms of death so that her curse then will end but her wounds healed themselves over time. The slashes and the maimed will join once attached as if it was never removed. When the Count disappeared, she had left the continent for a search for her ailment. With the generosity of the Count, she was entrusted with the means to travel but above it all, the curse had retained her beauty and increased lust for men. She had been with several but the short affairs were to extract more wealth and at times influence. She had not forgotten Jonathan after his death but her soul needed redemption from loneliness. She had travel to the other main continent and even to the far land of the eastern province of the warrior ways. She was offered an end with the removal of her head but her will defeated her then. She travelled back to the more civilised land and went on a spree of adventure to end at the tip of the continent before she boarded the ship back to Europe and then England.
“England?” She cursed at it but it was then she heard of the advancement made by the medical sciences and sought her cure but in vain. It was Mycroft who found her instead and with a promise of adventure once more she was here.

“May I join you?” Van Helsing did not wait for the reply and sat down. “You are an amazing lady. My predecessor spoke …”

“Too much like you. Mr Helsing, I am not keen to talk. I need to rest and enjoyed my reading ….alone.”  Lady Harkness dismissed the younger man and he took the cue to move on. He soon joined the Holmes brothers and Watson. He plunked on the available seat and saw them stared at him.

“I am sure you need four to play Bridge.” Lady Jane heard the slayer trying to justify his seat. She then looked at the man opposite her crouched with the knees drawn up. She wanted to reach for him but she knew his moods. He was thinking of the past events. He may be a civilised but a major part of his mind was still back there with the apes. She stood up and went for the bathroom. She found it at the rear and went in. Once inside, she sat down on the seat there and cradled her face with her hands. It was her personal sanctum then.

Across the continent, the rider went for the lone cabin on the northern steppe but he was not stopping. At the lone cabin, another rider was preparing to ride the next stretch with the fresh mount. It was the older way of sending the messages by the steppe to the far east and was favoured by the Mandarin The first rider did not slowed down and the second rider intercepted him in the path with the same speed before taking the canister from the first rider. Once the canister was passed, the second rider slung it across his chest and then rode on. The first rider then slowed before he dropped off the saddle.

Further to the eastern side of the steppe and then past the desert to the dry sands outside of the city named as Tientsin and into a huge Chinese designed mansion that stretched over two lakes and one huge pavilion that could accommodate over five hundred seating. It was occupied that day with the full audience all facing the one person that they revered to more than the Emperor.

“Brothers, I am pleased that you are all present.” If one was to refuse the invitation, there would be major retribution. No one ignores the Mandarin order unless he held the whole Ming Dynasty army behind him but that was just rumours. No one really command the entire army.

“I am here to tell you that my counterpart in the Western continent have immobilized the government and will soon be taking over. We will do the same here.” The man who spoke sat on the high throne seat sported a thin long grey beard with his slant eyes giving him a sharp edged expression dressed in a yellow cloak over his red mandarin suit with the high collar. He wore the yellowed knee high fleeced boots and held a bejewelled broad sword in the yellow scabbard with the motifs of the dragon. On his hat was the Ming Dynasty headgear with the huge jade on it.

“I am here to celebrate that there will be a new dynasty.” The assembled cheered. “But before we celebrate let me showcase one other event that reflect our loyalty and discipline.”

The guards brought in the two figures in chains. One was an oriental and the other was an European. They were striped to only their pants and were marched in barefooted. The two chained man were brought up to the Mandarin.

“The new dynasty favoured the ones that know how to take order and perform it.” The Mandarin looked to the condemned figures. “You have all failed me. For that the sentence is death.”

“Mandarin, we were close to the findings.” The European called out. “The bones you found gave us some good details on the origin.”

“Your findings will continue without you. We have others who can continue on. You however may still communicate with the new masters of yours when they join you.” The Mandarin replied. It was then a screen of iron grilled bars was rolled in and then it surrounded the two condemned figures. They rushed to the grilled bars but were driven back by the guards who had stood outside the screen. A cage was brought in and it contained a creature named the Tiger or to be more organized South China Tiger. It was a native creature to the provinces of Southern China. It’s the ancestor of all other tigers.

“The fable of Wu Sung that slay the tiger was told by many but today we will witnessed it once more.” The Mandarin signalled the cage to be brought to the screen. A catch was released and the trap door opened to release the hungry tiger to the enclosure with the two figures.

None at the pavilion heard the cries for mercy but they saw the mauling and then the feasting.

“By golly, they do spread a huge feast here.” That was Mycroft visibly delighted at the lunch spread when they arrived on the steamer ship that leaving Istanbul for Calcutta on West Bengal.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Tweet...tweet.... Team Seven make it to the Sequel...26/06

At this hour minus a day, I dunk in the net for Team Seven of Heroes II (56K words with a cliffhanger for Team Seven of Heroes III ) < Eat your warp engine, Star Wars... I might add in Team Seven of Heroes 0 for the spin off..... >  *** Too much Gru there from the Despicable III ****.

It was a long effort trying to get seven clowns ( pardon me, Lady Greystoke ) to perform for the tale but its done in between I completed a short tale of Apes and drew on the Opera of the Phantom. Well, it all begin when the Team Seven make me lost pace (rarity in the past ) and had to delete about 10K words (close to doomsday there) before I watched Guardian of the Galaxy II when I saw the poster 'War of the Apes'. It reminded me of Charles Heston in the first movie. Well, soon after I flew around the Universe I took a dip into the dark world of the old movie (probably my sixth or twelth times but who is counting when even Star Wars could have sub warp chapters in between theirs.)

And then came the tangent in the warp direction to start on the tale and ended at 26K word for a respite before I report to Earth for the Heroes. It came about whenn I was deciding which black hole ( there were several then) to take. It  was to determine the direction of my tale. 

Then I hit an earthquake. I was drowning then. The word Phantom then kept on springing into my mind. It was a menace then and my keyboard typed 'Phantom'. Thank the Stars it did not point to the Menace or I will be writing episodes of Dennis the Menace instead. But it pointed to the one Phantom most of us knew. 

Phantom of the Opera. 

I loved that play. I have it on my library the 25th Anniversary Musical. Wow! I never read the book though but I like Christine there. 

So I did some fast research on the book review/ synopsis/ characters etc. 

And kaboom ( the opening and thunderous introduction music please ) I was into the Phantom. I wanted to write the Phantom with a difference. 

How much different? 

I don;t really know yet. I am at 11K words now and its all about Christine (OKay, I was warped by her beauty and singing ).  I have several endings or directions and may do that later (if I dont change it then like the wardrobe change in the musical. )

Till the Menace turned out to be like Dennis my friend, hail the Heroes in the making. 

And my muttering at 0640hrs now. Who in the right mind gets up to write? Probably me trying to catch the departing Phantom sneaking off to sleep. 

Team Seven of Heroes Chapter 25


Monsignor Dupont sat impatiently in the carriage drawn by the four horses and handled by his trusted aide, the Frenchman he knew as Clouseau. The thick moustache man was dressed in his light beige knee length jacket and drop brim Fedora Stalker hat was an excellent horse handler. The carriage was travelling at high speed for a four horse drawn carriage and was escorted by the four riders on each side.

At dusk, the trail on the Ardennes Forest was a region of extensive forests, rough terrain with rolling hills and ridges. It stretched from across four countries in Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and France. The forest was harvested for its charcoal that enabled the greater industrialization then. The horses pulled hard on the reins to pull the carriage ahead when it climbed the mountains with the trail running along the carved out ridges and ringed by the swift flowing rivers. The area was covered in thick mist and low cloud during the colder periods.

The four riders swift on their rides were no match for the speed of the arrow released the hunters who were doing it since the days when they could stand. The arrow heads weigh about a hundred and twenty five grains with the Orford Cedar woods preferred unlike the orient fascination for bamboo. The shaft composition lent strength to the impact. There were four bowmen on swift horses had rode from the rear and caught up with the carriage. The first four arrows were released by the riders on horseback. Four riders at the rear of the carriage were taken down with the back of the neck shots. The other riders did not realize their companions have fallen and when they did the pursuing riders have caught up with the carriage.

The carriage handler named Clouseau had his instinct up and saw the riders fell. He lashed out the whip at the horses but he knew that the four mares were tiring. He had to resort to alternative move. He picked up the wireless set and radioed the hovering dirigible high above the trees. The dirigible there overseeing the carriage then descended to the tree heights. The dirigible was a smaller unit with the carriage the shape of the horse driven one but it held a set of machine guns on the sides. The dirigible was shaded dark along with the balloon.  At the precise height, the machine guns opened up at the pursuing riders.

The threat removed and the carriage went on.

It was German precision and French ingenuity.

“Everything alright out there?” Monsignor Dupont shouted out when he tapped his cane on the carriage roof.  The reply was by the small bell that was attached by the rope to the handler. It was his way of telling him that he had arrived for he had dark shades over his carriage openings.

Cousteau rode on with two riders trailed back to the rear to provide its protective cordon.

The next attack came from a bend on the trail with the ridge on the right. The arrows came at the riders from the trees and the dirigibles were surprised by the flaming arrows. At the lowered height the bow men reached the carriage sides without much trouble. The flames spread and the dirigible went down.

Cousteau saw the attack and lashed out with the carriage wheels on some stretches missing the hard ridges ground. He rode the horses harder and then he saw the clearing in the front. He slowed the horses and then held the rein hard. The horses came to a halt there and the handler then pulled the rope to ring the bell.

Monsignor Dupont opened the door and stepped out. He was expecting to be taken across the border to France but he was then in a clearing at the Ardennes Forest. He saw the figure stepping out to meet him.

“Professor Moriarty. I am pleased to meet you once more. We have a …”

“I am Frank Moriarty, and I am not a Professor. I am an ordinary man with a more renowned twin.” The figure then shorter than Monsignor stood there with the great overcoat over his tweed suit and a fedora hat. He held a walking stick which then was held at his hips with the hilt held out with the rest of the stick behind.

“My brother the Professor conveys his disappointment on your failed coup. I am here however to convey my condolence on your demise.”  Monsignor heard that and laughed.

“I am Monsignor Dupont, the man who ruled over half the continent here. I shared with my network and …” The blow came fast and hard when the walking stick snapped the left knee joint. The man with the stick held the stick near the hilt had used it in a thrust move to snap the knee. He swung his body to lay the next thrust with the hilt into the left ribs and then with a twist of his hand, the hilt of the cane went up onto the left armpit. The move was completed with another thrust there into the upper left ribs that shattered the bones there to pierce the heart.

Monsignor fell down to his knees clutching his chest and heaving in his breaths. Frank Moriarty stepped back and then he turned his back.

“Monsieur Moriarty, you …need to …help me.” Monsignor Dupont heaved in his breaths but his heart was bleeding inside him. “How can …you do this…. to me?”

“Monsignor Dupont, you are a lesser being. We deplore one like that.” The one named Frank Moriarty replied. “We do regret our action but it was needed.”

It was then a figure in the dark fatigues with the bow and quiver of arrows walked up to Frank Moriarty. The dressing was a plain dark tunic and the loose pants with the clothed boots. The figure had his hairs tied to the rear in a piggy braided style. His bow was smaller than the European design and was a recurve model preferred by the Far East lands.
我的主人说要杀”It was Chinese which spoke of ‘master said to kill him’.

“It’s not needed. He will die soon. And the wolves will devour his flesh.” Frank Moriarty replied. “Just tell your Master that he is dead. And speak English to me. I will return to England today. We have the plan there working.”

The oriental warrior nodded and then disappeared into the dark forest. Frank Moriarty then looked to Clouseau.

“You have done well, Inspector. We can leave now.” Frank smiled. “I hope to see how our network can improve further with you on board. As promise, Monsignor Dupont associates are yours to arrest.”

Unseen by the Inspector, the bowmen in the green camouflage loosen their hold on the arrows at the bow string. They were too late to deal with Monsignor but they knew justice was carried out then. They then disappeared back into the forest.

In another part of the Ardennes Forest, in a castle seen above the mountain, Sherlock watched with fascination at the methods of torture. He was in the dungeon with Mycroft and their German hosts.

“Mycroft, that was very revealing and in a manner fascinating. I know that pain is an inducement to one for telling the truth. The Spanish did it then a few centuries ago but they were not the only ones. The art of torture was seen during ancient Roman times. The word torture was from the Latin word; tortus.” Sherlock raced those words off his tongue until Mycroft stopped him.
“You are right on the Mandarin involvement. He was most active here and we are given the clearance to travel east.” Mycroft handed over the telegram which was given to him minutes ago. “M wants to dig deeper.”

“East? I loved that. How are we travelling there?” 

“By train and then by ship before we travel overland by dirigible.” Mycroft smiled. “You will be surprised that the Far East held some industrial secrets.”

“No camels and horses across the deserts? I will love that.” Sherlock smiled. “I am an adventurer too like that Italian chap. I was never in Sudan but I read of the unrest there.”

Watson heard the man spoke and recalled his old friend, Major General Charles Gordon portrait on the wall of his home. The man was the Governor General of Sudan then during the unrest.

“Watson, I do know the Caliph there. Or was it with some letters to him.” Sherlock commented on. “I wonder if that is treason by colluding with an enemy of the country.” 

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Team Seven of Heroes Chapter 24


Hauptmann Rommels leaned back on the armoured vehicle left side while he smoked the rolled cigarette. He was in discussion with the other officers on the battle plan. In actual fact there was none but the Hauptmann needed to put a show. He was there to boost the morale of the men there but he felt that most of them were demoralized. They joined the Army to protect it and not overruled it. He saw then the convoy of wagons. It sent the shiver up his spine when he saw the insignia on it.

The circle M on the wagon side.

The lead vehicle was a four wheeler with the smoke exhaust puffing at the top. The person alighted and approached the Hauptmann. The later dismissed the other officers and waited for the newly arrived person. The figure was dressed in a pin striped suit and pointed leather dark shoes with the wide brimmed white hat.

The odd part was that the figure was Oriental.

“Monsignor Dupont conveyed his regret of not coming personally but his orders are here.” The Oriental figure handed the paper over. “His orders are explicit.”

Hauptmann Rommels read the order with his aide standing there. The Fedwebel stood uneasy by his side.

“Achtung! Move out.” Hauptmann gave the order. The silence was eerie then for the men trained to take orders were then not doing so. Hauptmann Rommels stepped forth and called the order once more. He saw the reluctance and drew his Luger. He waved it and then he spoke

“Men are basically smart or dumb and lazy or ambitious. The dumb and ambitious ones are dangerous and I get rid of them.” Rommels levelled the Luger and shot the aide in the head. He then stared at his men once more. “The dumb and lazy ones I give mundane duties. The smart and ambitious ones I put on my staff and become commanders.”

“Fedwebel Klinsmann, you are now my aide. Be a smart and ambitious one. Now carry out my order.” Hauptmann Rommels then turned to mount the armoured vehicle. He heard the new aide shout to the others to mount up their vehicles. Five other armoured vehicles gunned up their engines. The Hauptsmann closed the lid to the turret and then sat down on the seat.

“Hauptsmann, you need to improve on your speech. You should say the smart and lazy ones you will make my commanders.” Obergefreiter Aldinger the driver of the vehicle smiled. “I am then excluded from being one of them.”

“Drive, you imbecile.” Hauptmann Rommels had then sank his head onto his hands and uttered a prayer. He felt the armoured vehicle and then straighten up. “Give me a report.”

“We have a problem.” Obergefreiter Aldinger stopped the vehicle. “We cannot move forward, Hauptmann.”

Hauptmann Rommels stared out the narrow slit on the viewer.

It was unbelievable.

There was the Chancellor standing there in front the barricade with his walking stick.

Hauptmann Rommels pushed open the lid and stepped out. His vehicle was the only one that moved. He looked over and saw the Chancellor approaching his vehicle. He then pulled himself out and climbed down the vehicle side He stepped forth and saluted before the Chancellor.

“Herr Chancellor, I am honoured to meet you.” Hauptmann Rommels spoke to the Chancellor. “How did you come back?”

“I have access to a tunnel which led me to the basement of the Chancellery. I am back and will remain here as the Chancellor. I will have your allegiance as my commander for I know you are smart and ambitious.”

The Hauptmann stared at the elderly statesman and then was interrupted by the Oriental figure.

“Hauptmann, you have your order.” Hauptmann Rommels levelled his Luger and shot the Oriental man in the right knee.

“Herr Chancellor, you have my allegiance.” Hauptmann Rommels then turned to his men. “Detain that man.”

From above at the skies, Herr Chancellor Bismarck saw the armoured vehicles moving away and was relief. He had then looked at Sherlock.

“You have my obligation when you needed me.” Chancellor Bismarck smiled. “Henri was well paid and is a fine actor.”
“We have defused the battle here.” Chancellor Bismarck looked at the assembled. “I thank you all. Now tell me what we are to do with Monsignor Dupont.”

“You will not do anything. The Merry Men will do the finishing touches here.” Friar Tuck told the Chancellor. “We do have the experience of usurping tyrants and … bad priest.”

“I am sure you had done it before. After all the Merry Men was good in disguises too. Was it the one for all and all for one?”

“More myths of the Merry Men? I am amused but we do have to contend with the ones that had almost toppled your seat of power.” Sherlock added in his cynical remarks before he stressed on the threat. He lowered the looking glass and then asked. “Did I see an Oriental there?”

“Our new guest I was told. I have the servants served him schnapps to ease his concern on the vocals.” Chancellor Bismarck smiled. “Our drink is more inclusive with a proof above the half mark. We called them Obstler distilled from fresh apple fruit juices.”

“My guests, we land in half an hour.” Chancellor Bismarck continued on. “Will you be attending the state banquet I have arranged? We are serving Beijing Roast Duck but the duck from our region.”

Team Seven of Heroes Chapter 23


The Reich Chancellery or known then as Reichskanzlei was the official residence of the Chancellor for over forty years then. The residence was formerly the home of Prince Antoni Radziwill. The building then was known as Rococo City Palace on Wilhelmstraße No. 77. The building was a U shaped design then with the small courtyard in the middle protected by the grilled bars and the brick pillars with the gas light lantern on it. The structure was two levels with the attic before the roofing. The windows on the walls were tall and narrow with the signs of the high ceilings. The doorways were of double doors in the centre structure and facing the courtyard was three entrances with one on each adjacent structure also facing in. The adjacent structures facing the cobbled road held no windows on the ground level but there were three narrow tall windows on the wall. On the attic levels there were windows opening and the chimneys stood tall on the crest of the roofing. The rear of the structures was a long garden with the planted flower beds and then it was surrounded by the high walls to prevent any onlookers into the rear. On the left side was the kitchen alongside with the servant quarters above it. To the right was the guards barrack and the stables for the horses.

Hauptmeister Goering had the command of the front road with both ends sealed off with the sand bags and guarded by the machine guns there. He had acquired the row of single level buildings there and had housed the extra guards there for their barracks and armoury. He was himself in his uniform and carried the Mauser rifle as though he was on a hunting expedition. He looked at the grilled wall and saw it was fortified with sand bags along it to the edge of the structures. Guards were posted behind the sand bags and on the windows opening were the marksmen. They were covering all the openings to the windows in the attic. He glanced down the road on both ends and was satisfied with the random placement of sandbags to offer covers.

“Are we going to have a battle, Hauptmeister?” The young polizei recruit asked him. The young recruit was dragged along with the other dozens from the Academy to reinforce the guards there at the Chancellery. They made it there before the siege and had barricaded the place. It was a stroke of luck that they missed the Army who had arrived an hour later. The siege took place then but the Army held the superior end with their newly designed armoured vehicle.

The Panzerwagon was the creation of Austro Daimler with the thick curved plates that covered the body (drive space and engine) and had a thick domed rotating turret that housed one or two machine guns. It was driven by a four cylinder thirty five horsepower engine that gave it a robust drive over rough terrains. It was to be a secret production with less than fifty produce for the army but with the new events, the secret was no more than a head line page.

“Hauptmeister, they have five armoured vehicles on each end.” The recruit was uneasy and voiced his concern. “I have not fired on one before.”

“Where is your Oberwachtmeister?” Hauptmeister was getting agitated by the line of questions. He was feeling nervous but the orders were explicit and he was one to follow it.

“Oberwachtmeister Klaus sneaked out just now to surrender to them.” The recruit replied. “I can’t follow him as he told me to stay.”

“Then you are a good ….officer. I will see that your name is mentioned to the Polizeioberkommissar when we meet.” Hauptmeister replied. “I forgotten your name. I am sorry for …”

“It’s Adolf.” The recruit replied and then ran off to join the others at the sentry posts.

At that moment, the Chancellor was preparing to leave the mansion with his new allies when the warning came in.

“Herr Chancellor, we have sightings of hostiles in the treelines. Our sentries are unaccounted for despite repeated calls on the radio.” The Oberwachtmeister reported in. “We may suggest that you hold your evacuation to a later hour. I have instructed the dirigibles to leave immediately.”

It was observed then the huge dirigible leaving the clearing and more guards were summoned to their posts. Chancellor Bismarck himself then had stepped into the library to inform his guests. He then picked up a Luger offered to him by one of the guards.

“I am ever surprised how they knew of this place?” The Chancellor muttered to himself. He turned to the Oberwachtmeister who had followed him in. “We had this place secured for weeks.”

“Yes, Herr Chancellor but the situation had changed. You are no more the one in power. The new to be sworn in Chancellor is on the way to the Reich Chancellery. I do apologies for that, Herr Bismarck.” The Oberwachtmeister saluted the man and then turned to walk when the former stopped him.

“Oberwachtmeister Mathias, tell me in your words why you betrayed me? Not for money or for country? Then what was it?”

The Oberwachtmeister stopped in his track and then turned around. He saluted once more and then explained.

“They got our families as hostages. We have no choice. We were told to wait for the moment to do so.” The Oberwachtmeister bowed to the ex-Chancellor. “We are ….also duty bound to our family.”

The warning came just then with more shooting. The Oberwachtmeister rushed to the tall window and saw the attack.

“Mein Gott! Those are Jagdhunde from Holle.” The Oberwachtmeister saw the huge hounds. They charged out and rushed across the clearing with the guards shooting at it. Each hound was the size of Man in length and half the height but it was the fangs in their jaws that intimidate the guards. A guard who was on duty at the clearing was seen attacked by one of the hounds which tore the head off with one bite on the neck. There were about three dozen of them

That was not all but the dozen of armoured vehicles which came crashing past the treelines and the machine guns rattled off at the guards in the mansion. Bullets assaulted the walls and past the windows to tear up the interior. The Chancellor had taken cover behind a settee set with the others.

“Are those your enemies? If they are, then they are my allies.” The ex-Chancellor called out above the flying bullets.

“No, those are not our enemy but also yours. I believe your hideout have not been discovered but attacked by the same enemy to kill you.” Sherlock gave his assessment of the situation. “I wonder if God will intervene at this moment.”

“God? You are atheist and yet you looked to him at the face of such adversity?” Mycroft snapped at his brother. “You never attended church and if you did, the pastor will sneak off from the back to avoid your tirade of questions on God.”

“I was asking him for more guidance but I did take note he was not well versed with the passages.” Sherlock sighed. “Regretfully, I had to speak …”

“Never mind that and figure who can really help us now.” It was then the bullets stopped but there were shootings and followed by with explosions. Mycroft stood up from his crouched position and looked outside.

“My God, there is God.”

God was in the form of mounted men on horseback and wagons with guns and bow with arrows. The bow riders have flaming arrows on their bow and were aiming at the armoured vehicles. Each arrow was hung a small container of flammable liquid which explode into flames on impact. The flames will spread across the armoured vehicle body. With each armoured vehicle targeted by several bow riders soon have half the armoured vehicles stopped and destroyed. The other half retreated but two more were stopped with the flaming arrows. The wagons pulled by the two horses were stationed with five riders on it. They held rifles and bows which they went for the hounds. They shot at the raging hounds with precise shooting and then rounded up the wounded to end their misery. Each time a creature was killed, the hunters will speak a word of prayers to them.

Soon the battle was over and the newly arrived hunters have a faceoff with the remaining guards led by the shaken Oberwachtmeister.

“Stand down, my worthy merry men. I will speak to them.” Friar Tuck stepped from the wagon and was led towards the Oberwachtmeister by Van Helsing then armed with a cross bow.

“My son, we are not your enemy but your rescuers. Your sentries at the treelines were saved by us but we could not prevent the attack.” While the friar spoke six guards that formed the outer perimeter sentries were led in with some minor wounds on them. “We came to ask you rescind your evil intentions and rejoice with us.”

“I am Oberwachtmeister Klaus. I do appreciate your gesture of peace but my family is held by them.” The Oberwachtmeister explained his situation. “I am ….obliged to act in this vile manner.”

“Fear not, my son. For we have your family in our care now. As we speak, more of our brothers are at work. The power of God cannot be denied with bullets and threats. Even the most hardened will not dare challenge the wrath of God.” Friar Tuck motioned to the riders before him. “I may be sightless but the presence of the merry men here is the testimony of the army which we hold.”

“Merry Men? I said are we…” Mycroft was off the cue once more when Sherlock took to explain.

“Merry Men indeed. Friar, you are truly an amazement that you kept the spirit alive for so many generations. I am indeed proud to have met you here today. Merry Men indeed they are. The myth of Sherwood Forest was never denied nor proven but the bond of the Merry Men had survived with those who sought to protect the forests.”

“The tales are passed by those who heard of it but they do exist and with the forest their abode, they have prevailed. On the identities of some heard before it was the twirl of the tongue by the devoted to add spice to the tales. We are the last of the Merry Men for the forests are diminishing and one day we may have none.” The friar replied. “Just as your tales of adventure, Mt Holmes it may be one day be only a tale but the works of yours may have its followers.”

“Nevertheless, we have a nation to save now.” The friar cut short the tale telling. “We are to travel with the Chancellor.” 

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Team Seven of Heroes Chapter 22


The airfield if one may term it as one except the only flying were the six dirigibles that patrolled the perimeters of the place. They were house sized units carriage with the double huge balloon. The carriage was equipped with multi gun ports and each port held a machine gun. On the field were lined up six tri-wing craft with the reddish shade. The wing spans were over twenty four feet with a carriage length of over eighteen feet.

“That’s a prototype flying craft which the Chancellor told me will one day rule the skies. The dirigibles will be dropping like stones when those take off.” Sherlock stood up from his crouched position and joined the others at the tree lines.

“We can’t all fly those boxes. Maybe the dirigibles but we need to get them down.” Mycroft added his comments. “Why are we here anyway?”

Six hours ago Hauptmeister Goering had packed all six of them into a truck and asked the driver to send them away. The Hauptmeister Bormann and Sebastian Moran were escorted away by another truck. Sherlock did enquire on them but he was given the silent reply. The driver drove them to the nearest town and left them there.

“Hauptmeister Goering instruction was to leave you here. He also said to walk two clicks west and get a ride from there.”

“Why can’t we go to the city or made it to the borders?” Lady Jane asked.

“The cities are under siege and the borders are closed. Hauptmeister directed here for a reason.” Sherlock added in. “There is a reason for us to be here. Chancellor was on this development and he directed us here.”

The six stood there looking for an hour before they saw the needed scene. A huge dirigible appeared on the horizon and it was escorted by two smaller dirigibles which resembled the six there. The huge dirigible was armed with its own gun ports and it carried the insignia of the Empire.

“I think we got our ride home.” Sherlock then began his walk towards the air field.

“Herr Holmes, I am glad you made it.” The man who greeted the six was a short and rounded figure with a semi bald head with a stub for the moustache. He was dressed in the Bavarian suit of short sleeve shirt and knee length pants, complete with boots and white socks and the suspender strap.

“Joseph, with you we can be first name. How’s the Chancellor?” The man known as Joseph smiled and gestured to the six to board the dirigible.

“We are flying north.” Joseph told him. “I hear the Alpines are great at this time of the year.”

“So I was told but I do dislike the cold.” Lady Jane cut in but her companion had snuggle into the corner and looked out of the opening there. Sherlock meanwhile was led by Joseph to a separate chamber where a doctor’s case was seen on the table.

“The Chancellor sent his compliments.” Sherlock smiled. He was relief that his urges will soon be settled. Watson had seen him go in and joined them. He frowned on the doctor’s case but he knew Sherlock needed his fix.

“Why the Alpines?” Watson asked Joseph.

“The Chancellor is there. He is not in the city at all.”

The Alpine temperature does not really dropped by ten degrees for every one thousand metres in altitude, its temperature is colder than one would expect at sea level at the same altitude. With the rainfall, the rising air cools, its’ loses its ability to retain moisture and clouds form. As one moves up a mountain, the first indication is the appearance of coniferous trees. In the higher altitude, the conditions may be too harsh for trees to grow and tundra life plant will appear from the wild flowers to the mosses. There are the signs of lichens which are normally found in the harsh cold areas.

“Reichenbach Falls.” Joseph voiced out.

The Reichenbach Falls are a series of waterfalls on the Reichenbach stream in the Bernese Oberland; in the region of Switerland.. The falls measured a total drop of eight hundred and twenty feet with the highest at the Upper Reichenbach Falls at three hundred feet.

“It’s a wonder of the world.” Lady Janes remarked but Sherlock held the look of concern in his expression. Watson saw the concern and pulled the sleuth to the far side.

“Holmes, are you well? Maybe …” Watson reached for the doctor’s bag but Sherlock shook his head.

“I am clearer than the Dover Cliffs sight on a foggy night. It’s the place here which confounded me. I have dreams of it and I will be honest with you, Moriarty may be near.” Sherlock held out his hand to hold Watson by the left elbow. “Promise me that this adventure will not feature in our tales. It cannot be told, and I won’t explain my action.”

The dirigible then veered off on a tangent course and took its flight along the border of Switzerland and Germany before it descent to the valley before the mountain range. They landed on a cleared plan surrounded by the thick pine trees with the huge L shaped mansion in the clearing. The two escort dirigibles remained above ground while the huge one landed on the ground.

“Welcome to my personal retreat.” Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck greeted the six members at the doorsteps to his mansion. The man was a conservative statesman who was influential in the affairs of the continent and was the strategist of the series of wars that unified the greater German states under one. The figure had the signs of his age displayed with the thick eye brows and moustache that were silvery. He wore a buttoned up dark suit and white bowtie with the wide brimmed hat and walking stick.

“I won’t hesitate to tell you that we are in a greater crisis since the Franco-Prussian War.” The Franco-Prussian War was the catalyst for the unification of the German states. “We are not facing an external enemy but one of …wider influence and hidden within our ranks.”

The meeting was held in the library with the shelves of books unable to lend its pages for the words spoken there. Sherlock had taken the seat facing the tall window that overlooked the Alpine range. His fascination did not elude the observation of the doctor who was equally concerned.

“Monsignor Dupont is not of our origin but a child that was raised by the priests who gave him shelter on our land. He grew up with a keen desire to study religion and political science; a deadly combination which spell chaos and disasters. He was taken into my trust when he displayed his knowledge of theology but it was his camouflage to tread into diplomacy on my name. I regretted the man had become what he is today with much of my fame borrowed to move his. The recent events have seen him dictate the military to mount a coup on my administration but with timely advice, I was able to evade my detention in the city.”

“Chancellor…” Sherlock was stopped by the Chancellor.

“I was in debt to Herr Holmes who highlighted the link between Monsignor and one named Professor Moriarty, or his twin who had never left the place of birth. I had my staff to verify those reports and the truth came too late for me to act on it.” The elderly Chancellor continued on. “However I am to take the needed action. I will need your assistance to return to my city and my office where I can announce to the people of Germany of the threat that we faced.”

“We shall retake back our country.”

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Team Seven of Heroes Chapter 21


Sherlock felt the feeling on his body was getting agitated and he knew he needed a fix. Cocaine was an addictive drug and yet it gave him his mind stimulant. He needed it more when Watson diluted his fix. He knew there were alternatives in the medical list but he had tried most of them from opium to inhaling gaseous chemicals but one worked well like cocaine. He found what he was looking for but the sight there was distressing.

Sherlock was momentarily shocked by the line-up of creatures that were strung on the metal panels hung on the overhead belt. Some of the creatures were disembowel with the innards removed. There were two lions and one panther with five more chimps.  He saw one carcass of a lion with the wings attached from the eagles. 

Sherlock ignored that with his mind and body fixated on the fix needed. He saw the glass cabinets and rummaged the contents. He was tossing the bottles and vial until he found what may supplement his need. He took the available syringe and injected himself with the chemical. It was not all fulfilling but he felt elated then, and with that his mind cleared. He staggered to his feet and then proceeded to look at the lab. He heard the gunshots but ignored them while he looked at the clinical notes.

“Holmes!” Sherlock heard the all familiar voice but he chose to ignore the man. He was busy pondering over the findings and then he felt the hand on his right shoulder.

“It can’t be! You took this?” Watson questioned him.

“Yes, I did. I was too long from it. I needed it.” Sherlock defended his action. “But now the important matters were where’s the staff that wrote these notes.” 

“There are none?” Watson mind turned to the new matter discussed. He looked around and could not see anyone that resembled a staff. He then noticed the closed door to another chamber. He rushed over and checked the latch. It opened and he was greeted by the sight of the dead bodies there. It was a grim reminder of the Swedish Enigma where dead bodies headless and maimed were turning up at every turn.

“Holmes, I found them.” Watson stepped in to look at the dead bodies. He was used to seeing dead bodies not only as a doctor but his years in the Frontier had been one where you were not sure when you may end up as them. He had also taken the life of the few that deserved it.

“At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst. (Aristotle)” Watson sighed. He was joined by Sherlock then.

“I should concur with you but they are no better than the killers we encountered.” Sherlock then sobered displayed the rare insight into his human side. “I however found that despite their hard work, they have not discovered the origin of life or who life was to evolve.”

“Pardon me, Watson. It’s elementary that the lab was used for the study of evolution or in some other terms may be considered as origin.” Sherlock straighten this back which his mode to make a point to his argument. “I found this in the lab.”

The Origin of Species was actually titled as Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle For Life. The author was Charles Darwin; a naturalist and geologist. He theorised that pattern of evolution resulted from a process of natural selection, in which the struggle for existence may also involve selective breeding. It attracted challenges from the theology advocates that life was based on the scripture or from transcendental theology.

“They were redefining the new breeds for the betterment in their mind.” Sherlock sighed when he recount his adventures on the moor in pursuit of what was said then as a beast from Hell.

“I thought the views of the subject were disputed by the theology devotees…” Watson was interrupted.

“Do not be distracted. We need to find who are financing it.” Sherlock intervened. “And setting it loose on our cities…....Aha! I found the answer.”

“The research folder.” Sherlock picked up the folder marked Private & Confidential. “It’s held the insignia of the person in charge.”

The sign of M in the circle was there.

“Anyone care to tell me why the shooting had stopped outside?” Sherlock asked and then he heard more shots. They made their way to the doorway and saw Lady Jane with her shoulders slumped with the rifle dangling at the arms. Lord Greystoke was beside the lion that was shot dead by Lady Jane. He was in tears on the loss of the previously trapped creatures. Lady Harkness was seated on the steps nursing her wounds which were then healing. It was then Mycroft had joined them with the guards storming the main gates and then they reached the courtyard.

“I said old chap.” Mycroft wiped the sweat from his forehead. “I see that you have not changed your clothes. Even the chimps smelled better than you.”

Across the valley and over some far miles Van Helsing got up from the bedding and then walked towards the fireplace. During his walk, he took to rub with his left hand. He then rubbed his hands together to get the blood circulating.
“Have you read it all? It has been over a day and night as if it matters to me without my sight.” The sightless friar voiced up from his seated position on the arm chair. “My butt is aching from the non-activities. I would be usually out there playing with my bow and arrows but without a sighted target, I have stopped practicing.”

“Friar, tell me what was in there that intrigued you?” Van Helsing asked.

“I seek an answer that will satiate my desire for retribution.” Friar Tuck replied. “Now tell me.”

“There is not much to tell you that you may not already know. Your reports were of two issues; Monsignor Dupont and the research for the origin of life. You even have news of an unusual subject.”

“A Nephilim?” Van Helsing held a smug expression. He searched his mind on the subject matter.

“Genesis 6.1; Now it came about when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took wives for themselves whomever they chose.”

“An ancient saying but do you really believe it?” Friar Tuck asked soon after Van Helsing recited word for words the passage. Why are you really here? The Van Helsing myth had travelled far and wide but hardly anyone knew of your origin. Who is the real Van Helsing who hold no fear of the vampires and werewolves?”

Van Helsing stood there momentarily stunned. He was never asked of his past or of his father and father before his own. The name of Van Helsing held fear in those who were into the supernatural but respect by those who believed in it and yet avoid it. Funny, it was then Van Helsing thought of his existent. He knew that he was trained from young to be who he was even though he lost his right arm, he still came back to fight like his namesake. He did once asked his tutor in the monastery that he was raised in.

“Who am I?” A simple question but from the mind of one that was nine years of age, that was a God damning question.

“I don’t really know.” Van Helsing continued on. “I was told that my name is Van Helsing and was to carry out the tradition of stopping the vampires and werewolves. There was one of us and always one out there. While I was growing at the monastery, I heard the tales of the man who was out there. The adventures of the name sake were not reported but I was well advised. I was twenty one when I took on the role. I hunted my first vampire three months later and had been doing it since. I was injured three years later when a werewolf took my right arm. I took six months to recover.”

“But are you a descendant of Van Helsing?” The friar asked. “Or you thought you are?”

“I am a Van Helsing.” The hunter voiced out. “I am ….the hunter.”

“Then tell me of what you read.” Friar Tuck voiced out.

“There seems to be reports of one named Monsignor and then of research done by the breeders.” Van Helsing muttered and then his voice went up. “What link to that with the so named Nephilim?”

“The Nephilim? Yes that is a unique subject. I know Genesis 6, Number 13.33 and Replaim of Duet 2:20. Are they real? Or are they myths?” The friar asked. “Did you read about Monsignor was suspected of one? Contrary to what you may have been told, the Nephilim are not giants. It was a myth and never was proven. Neither was their existence. Unless you believe Rasputin was one too. He was huge and took a lot to kill him.”

“Why…wait how did you know this? I thought you were blind.”

“Sightless I am but I was not blind to the reports. You are not the first that read to me.” The friar stood up. “Shall we look up Monsignor Dupont? Maybe he will give me back my sight? If he is a Nephilim, he may be gifted too. I already felt more secured with a Van Helsing next to me.”

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...