Friday, February 24, 2017

Arthur; The legend and myth Chapter 72

It was during the setting sun then when Lancelot stayed close to the grass but his sight was higher at the trees branches. He was looking for any sentries there or at worse a trap ready to be sprung. Those below the branches were outlaws or mercenaries if one would to consider their warring profession. There were twelve of them seated by the fire camp with one on his feet acting as the sentry. They were dressed in the ragged tunic and leggings with the ankle leather boots. Every man who had marched for days as a foot soldiers knew the gift of a good pair of boots. The ex-mercenaries had not worn their chest plates or the gauntlets or the heavier weapons. They settled for the sword and dagger with three others carrying the rounded wooden shields. All of them were armed lightly for the fleet of their feet was needed in a retreat or to escape the pursuing knights after their looting. And so were the farmers.
“Enric we need to sail back to our land. We have held enough loot to buy us the farms.” The tall one among the twelve outlaws voiced out. “We done well without our master of the knights.”
“Aye, we had done well.” The one named Enric replied. He eyed the small case at his feet laden with the loot that they worked hard the last week. It was his decision to abandon the war and to hide in the forest. Without their master, their obligation was over. Lancelot did them a good turn when he killed that idiotic knight.
“Enric, let us move.” The tall one spoke while his hands held the sword that helped him survived so long. He had it since the first battle soon after his called up by the Lord to serve the knight. They were told that they will be paid with gold.
“You are not my foot soldiers but mercenaries. You die at battle and we bury you there. Your gold will go to your family to buy the land they lived.” The Lord had announced. “Fight not for me but for your land.”
“Aye our farms. We will redeem them back or maybe we can snatch them back.” Enric spoke out. He then stood up. “We will…” It was then he saw a knight in amour rode into their camp fire. He was not huge or tall but of average but with his armour he looked formidable. He carried a long a metal ball with the chain that was attached to the short handle and the narrow shield favoured by the riding knights. The knight dismounted and faced the men at the fireplace.
“The name is Sir Pellinor and I am here to stop your lootings and killing of the innocents. You will be punished by the law or die by my iron ball.”
Ernie charged at the knight without a warning with his sword drawn. The knight blocked the sword thrust and swung his iron ball at Ernie’ face. The iron ball smashed into the other’s face and shattered the lower jaws. The knight pulled back on his iron ball and then swung it at the tall one who was seen then rushing to help Ernie. The iron ball swung hard from the right hit the man in the chest and ruptured the heart. The others backed out and then announced their surrenders.
“Do you then yield?” The knight asked. The remaining outlaws then nodded. It was also then Lancelot emerged from his hiding with the other knights that he had taken with him on the pursuit. The knight named Pellinor then approached Lancelot.
“I am Sir Pellinor and stopped your lootings and killing of the innocents. You will be punished by the law or die by my iron. I seek the knights of King Arthur.” The knight spoke up. “I seek also my long lost nephew, Lamorak who had joined the knights at the round table.”
Meanwhile at the Antoinne Wall, Arthur had called for a halt to the columns of knights. He was not marching blindly to the northern wild lands without his scouts giving him news of where and who is there. He had sent over fifty scouts either alone or in pair and then asked the army to camp there. He also called for a meet among his knights.
Arthur looked at them there seated at his fire place. There was Lamorak seated by himself and Sir Kay on the near side with Tristam the lonely standing at the far side. King Ban and Bors both always together had just rode in a while ago was still stretching their legs. There was the elusive Black Knight who stood next to Arthur, seen when he wanted to be seen but most times he was missing in the columns. Arthur did confront the Black Knight soon after they left on the trail.
“You were missing for some days You was not to join in this war.” Arthur did not ask but stated the conclusion. “I can only conclude that you either went home or met a Queen. More of a previous Queen.”
The Black Knight did not reply then for it was rumoured that he had stepped in to replace Pendragon by Lady Igraine side. He had not quashed the rumour for it was true that he spend time with the lady he once loved. She had used him for his position as the knight of the round table. She knew what was going on there and just before his departure Lady Igraine had asked him on Guinevere.
“I was away in my own land then. And before that I was with Lady Igraine which I am not privileged to advise you.” The Black Knight had replied. “And Lady Igraine had not mentioned you at all. I join in for I am old and much preference to die with a sword in my hand than at my side.”
That matter had become more irrelevant then. Arthur had other matters to pursue then. He looked at the ones he had entrusted then.
“We will be entering the northern lands where the wild Picts and the screaming hordes of the Irish before we faced the fierce Scottish. We will not stop there but move on over the waters to the continent. There we have the … “
“Arthur, are you declaring war on the Normans too? The Danes and perhaps the Gauls?” King Ban asked. “I thought you wanted to kick the invaders here and not war on them in their lands.”
“I did but to hold the borders far from our lands means I have to conquer a part of them.” Arthur replied. “It was what the Romans did when they conquered the lands that were beyond Rome.”
“And they pay for it with its empire I heard splitting into sides.” King Bors cut in. “I am for the invaders off our lands but to take on further than that, it meant more men and knights with more years added to the war. I am not sure all of us are prepared for it.”
“Which is why I have prepared for more knights to join us as fellow of the round table here.” Arthur explained. “The round table is a sign of our unity and trust. Others have named it brotherhood. I am prepared to expand our members here from seven to the full complement of twelve.”
“And this will be our round table.” Arthur indicated to the fire place. “Its’ fire will be our table which we will congregate and sit around it. It will be no different from the wooden table that we were once seated at.”
Lamorak let off a laugh at those words and all stared at him.
“Excuse my laughter but I am all for it. It’s not my fire place where I shared my brotherhood.” Lamorak replied with snide. “I wished Lancelot is here. Or Percival. In the Legion, we used to have the roast over the fire while we speak. I find that missing now.”
“If it’s a roast you want, I will have it arranged.” Arthur called out. “So do tell among those which ride with us, who can we add to the numbers here?”
If numbers to increase was the issue then, Guinevere was still in her surly mood then. She sat with Elaine who had come to visit her on the request of Lady Igraine.
“I am grateful that you came to visit.” Guinevere struggled to find the words to tell Elaine. Their childhood was not close and her banishment was that of the other’s mother. “I hardly have the chance to speak to you.”
“How is the child?” Elained blurted out and then she apologised.
“Don’t be, I am fine with those questions. It’s all most of them asked when they see me.” Guinevere then stood up and displayed her expanded waist line. “Even the maids told me that I was to wear loose tunic as not to strained on my ….growth.”
“Which one?” Elaine spoke out of line but Guinevere laughed.
“Yes, these are larger.” Guinevere reached for her bosom. “If only Arthur …How is Lancelot?”
The changed of question took the surprise on Elaine who then mumbled a reply.
“He is well. He is …”
“Are you with a child too?” Guinevere asked. Elaine shook her head and the Queen smiled.
“Then Lancelot is not well. He is not doing his …” The Queen stopped then when she saw the pain expression on Elaine’s face. “I meant it as a joke. I did not mean to insult him. Or you.”
“None, my Queen. He is just too busy.” Elaine looked away. Lancelot was busy then and his busy tasks had kept him away from her. “He obeys the King to do his tasks.”

And not mine. That was on Elaine’s mind then.

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