Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Arthur; the Legend and Myth Chapter 57


Arthur sat by the head of the long table watching the celebration on the liberation of Badon City. There were foods and drinks that surprised him for days ago they were squabbling of it. He looked at the assembled there and none were his knights. They were twenty one of them seated there and never looked as if they missed the feast for a single day. He remembered the intense introduction by them for his saving of them from being slaughtered.

“King Arthur have saved us.” A noble stood up to tell the others. “According to the monks he killed over nine hundreds of them.”

“Nine hundred and sixty.” Another noble voiced out. “Let the records be set for our King. He killed nine hundred and sixty. He was with the help of God.”

It was then the replica of his shield was brought in and a dance began over it. Even a ballad was strung then but no one bothered to really listen. Many were there for the feast and there were some for the audience with Arthur.

“My King.” Arthur heard the address many times that night and the night before. He was agitated by the rank when he was just the King to be then. He turned to look at the one who addressed him. It was the noble known as Earlstone. The man was an elderly man with the thin frame but he was covered by the layers of clothing that resembled muslins from the walls. He had on the extra weight of the bejeweled necklace and the glaring belt with the gems laden on it.

“I heard that the rebuilding of the city will need sponsors.” Earlstone fished for the comments expected. “I can do that. Some of us still have it in us…”

Arthur cut in with his proposal then.

“The city will be rebuild with the loot recovered from the invaders. None will be return to the so named owners and the land overrun will be auctioned off to pay for it.” Arthur looked to the hushed ensemble. “Then the city will be placed under one of my knights who will answer to me.”

With that Arthur stood up and then left the feast to those thieving nobles. They were no different from the ones that were there when the Romans were in control. He stepped out of the hall and then to the outside courtyard. It was not one of the pristine hedges and pruned flower beds. He saw then was the trampled flower beds and the hedges were uprooted for the fire place. There were some of those who had remained there and they looked at the one called the King. The ones at the feast soon filed out and left the place with none stopping to look at their so praised King.

“Sad lot, ain’t they?” Percival stepped up to Arthur. “I recalled once we stop the legionnaires from looting the city that took us weeks to defeat. The men were angry then but the Legate was firm on his command. I had to marched the men to exhaustion out of the city limits and then into the hills. I saw their discontentment but I was part of the Legion. I had to do it.”

Then Percival broke out into a snigger.

“Lamorak was there too but he stood for me. He gave those who were trying to create troubles.” Percival treasured the friend he had. “We were lucky then for we met an old foes. I sympathized with them but for once the Legate turned his back on the atrocities done.”

Arthur listened hard and nodded. He knew being a leader have its issues to settle and not all of them were happy to be made. He was to step out to his sleeping chamber when he remembered an issue on his face.

“Can you tell me where is the Black Knight? Gawain and his brothers won’t talk. So was Lancelot.” Arthur looked at Percival. “I can’t expect to be their leader or….King if they are not to talk to me.”

Percival looked away but Arthur was persistent. Finally he told Arthur.

“I did…I did not tell him to hunt them. They were retreating.” Arthur was getting agitated then again when he was the last to know of the killing. “Why id Lancelot do it? And who was he to tell the …”

“I did and it was Anglo Saxon leaders we killed.” Lancelot was there by Arthur’s side. “Was I wrong to kill them?”

Arthur was to reply in haste but he held back. He knew if he contradicted Lancelot, he may lose a good knight. Lancelot had not been his friend at most times but he trusted the other. He also trusted the others but he found Lancelot was his choice to be covering his back. He knew Percival have been doing that but the former was more of a Legion’s loyalty oath but with Lancelot it was more personal. He knew that Lancelot left him once before but he returned later with the blessing of Lady Igraine. He had told Arthur that he as there because of his respect for Pendragon but Arthur knew the knight was lying. Lancelot was back for another reason but he never knew what was the reason.

Was it the Anglo Saxons? It may be but they were all there because of the invaders. He had to find out what made Lancelot came back.

And the others too. They were this round table knights and yet he then questioned their loyalty.
Maybe they were all there for their own reason.

Or to be King.

There was time to question and time not to.

“No, you did not but you….” Arthur was cut off.

“I did not tell you. I killed some of them before and never told you. At Badon here, I may had killed five of them but they were not the main ones. I killed one named the Red Lion and there was one Scots named Ballacks. They were all leaders but the real ones were killed by Gawain and Gaheris arrows. Galahad missed then but that does not matter. We killed them.”

“Who were they?” Arthur asked.

“They were named Octa and Witta. They were also known as the kins of …Hengist.” Lancelot still found it hard to mutter the name. Hengist was to him always Master Gareth and to Arthur, the Black Knight. “I did not know then. They were actually his son and grandfather. I don’t know which one he bedded to have that father.”

That last remark spurred Lamorak who was nearby. He then started off with his crude joke on women but Arthur was passed listening. He moved away from them and took a walk. He made his way to the outside and saw the street. It was like before with the homeless staking a shelter there. He felt naked in front of them although he had one his plain tunic but Excalibur was still on his waist belt.

“Are you the King?” Arthur looked to see the figure who asked him. It was a lady in the simple tunic. Arthur nodded, and the lady did a cutsy then.

“I am Anne and I ….would like to be your …Queen.” The lady looked at him. “I am young and untouched. I can bear you many heirs.”

Arthur was taken aback by the lady but he was not surprised. In the aftermath of the battles, there will be many of them who will offer to be lovers in return for food and shelter. It was the need to survive or die with starvation. Arthur had seen them taken by the others and left when they were of no use or value. It was the sad part but then they were as mean then if their lover had died. They will just move on and it can be either the next legionnaire or the lonely farmer.

Arthur reached for the coins in his packet but there was none. He shook his head and then walked on. The lady then forgotten her manners and rushed at Arthur to jump on his back. She reached out with her hands to grab his ears and pulled hard. Arthur reacted in return reached out to the hands and pulled her off him. She fell onto his side and he in turn clenched his fists to punch her face. It drew blood from her face and remorse in his move. Arthur stood up before he stepped back. She was lying there with her face bleeding but the fight was not over.

“Eeyah….” The lady screamed and from the dark corners three men sprang into action. They charged at Arthur but he was ready for it. He stepped back and drew his sword. He saw the three men were armed with swords and one with a hammer. The hammer one rushed first but he was stopped by Arthur. Excalibur thrust deep into the chest and cut across made short the charge. He pulled out the sword and then side stepped to avoid the swinging sword. He cut with a side swing and maimed the other of his arms. He was to charge the last one when he saw the later fell with an arrow in the chest. Arthur turned and saw Galahad.

Arthur nodded to the youngest knight.

“Arthur, it’s time for us to go home. I have enough.” Arthur spoke out. “I have to regroup and chased them all out. Rejoin your brothers.”

Galahad his arrow notched on his bow had then followed Arthur. During the walk back to the confines of the villa where the knights were in numbers, Arthur asked Galahad why did he not shoot then at the Anglo Saxon.

“I was to wait. I was not the best of the three and more to it I saw the Black Knight there. He had told me that he think one of the leader was his son which was about my age. I told Lancelot and Gawain.”

“Are you telling me the truth?” Arthur for the first time stood there questioning the youngest knight.

“I did not lie.”

The column of knights that rode back was glum in some there were others who were smiling. The only missing knights were from Black Knight group and so was him. He had returned earlier then and ignored the celebrations The other knights split then when they reached within Camelot and with many going back to their own lands and lords. A handful returned with Arthur to Camelot. He was greeted by the dwellers of Camelot with relief that Arthur was back. 

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